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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I was joking :) I should have added a smiley or something to that part of my statement.
  2. Unprovoked attacks now? Man, you must really like my attention. I'm flattered you have a crush on me, but I'm not interested. Feel free to keep searching for young boys with their pants down, apparently that's what you're into.
  3. Seriously? Why am I the only one who has to say anything? It's also a repost. This thread is worthless.
  4. Engine bay and interior pictures?- especially since you list custom dash as a feature... Im sure buyers will want to see that. GLWS.
  5. I dont know if others feel that Im qualified, but Ill offer my time up (with whatever needs to be done).
  6. Oh yes, thats right. That will be nice. Well, whatever happens, Im sure it will be a good time. Cant wait!
  7. We wanted biscuits and gravy which were disappoint... Im sure Ill try to roll in earlier this time. We shall see what the train does. Is there something special planned for 30yrs?
  8. Im sure I will go again this year. I had fun last time... although the long line sucked.
  9. Thats been posted here many times. Its a good rule of thumb that any Datsun video of decent quality and over a week old... is probably already here (and reposted at least once).
  10. If only these fit under 14s. Ive got this moolah burning a hole in my pocket... GLWS buddy.
  11. Due to the DOLs shorter Saturday hours I didnt go in for tabs, but I renewed online. Ill pick them up Monday and will ask about the trailer then. Also figured out the source for the leaky dash. After some cleaning along the firewall and the well under the cowl, I found these two holes: I dont know what they were for or if a PO did them, but I patched them up with some epoxy I bought to fix some home plumbing (lucky coincidence): The epoxy combined with a clear cowl drain should ensure that I have no more wet passenger floorboards. Also, my engine build and R1 carb install is taking longer than expected so I snapped up a Weber for cheap and just purchased a rebuild kit. Hope to have that on the car sometime this week.
  12. Id love to part them, youre just too far away to realistically get them up here. Such a shame... I hope these go to a good home.
  13. That we do. That was a good run. We had a swim call at the same time and they let us dive off the DDSs (the metal cylinders on top of the deck). Fun times.
  14. Is the price $200 or $20? You have it listed for both...
  15. Agree on both accounts. I wouldn't even consider it except the lips are already fucked. If Im going to go through the hassle of a complete repaint, the body should be in perfect condition.
  16. Thats right... I remember that now. Well they look great. I have a unfixable dent/crease in both my rear lips so I think whenever paint happens I might do this. Phenomenal.
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