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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. When you see ads for parts, they mean stock cars. If you have 280zx struts, you have .75in less track width (per side) for deeper dish wheels. 4dr and 2dr rear suspension is the same. The issue you run into is you cant roll and pull as muh on a 4dr as you can on a 2dr. Otherwise anything that fits a 2dr will fit a 4dr. Wagon rear ends are different and require different spec wheels though.
  2. No problem. I have 15 x 7J +12 in the front and would like to see another 5-10mm of positive offset to keep the tire away from my 280zx struts. +12 will be fine.
  3. Yeah really. Im sorry you feel fitting larger track width rims and and tires is for teenyboppers. Hes already knee deep in a 2.3L 4g63T swap. Maybe you shouldnt talk any crap until you know all the facts ^_^ Speaking of which, Tim if you need any help just text me and Ill roll down and wrench with you at Daves. Maybe we can button it up for JCCS and roll down.
  4. I understand that. That's why I have a cowl listed under the items I'm asking for. And that's why I said I don't mind cutting to install them. I know they aren't plug and play.
  5. Yeah I know about collector plates, but wasn't sure on prices for YOM plates as they aren't listed. Thanks for the info. I've just got a basic white and green plate with the '69 sticker. Good enough for me. And I already don't run a front plate haha
  6. Yeah I sent you pictures of that GTO months back and you said you refused to flare the car or run stretched tired. Something like you never want to be a part of the hellaflush ricer crowd. I said you didn't have to stretch tires all crazy like to run flares. Glad you're coming around. The widened track width with those flares will be sick.
  7. Ive got a '69 registration stickered plate Ive been thinking of running. My tabs are up at the end of the month so I may go for it. What was the cost of registering those plates?
  8. Nice setup with all the pictures. Whats the significance of 2050? Edit: Never mind, I actually read the posts instead of just looking at the pictures. Disregard.
  9. I thought last time I brought up flares on the coupe you basically yelled at me :(
  10. [reserved for comment]
  11. Please not that far!- just flush with the fender at least... no need for flares (and keep the gold).
  12. Tristin

    Hey guys... im new

    Just stick it in the 240z you have listed... way more room and will handle better.
  13. Tristin

    Hey guys... im new

    So you think the 240sx has the same weight distribution as a 521? That truck is going to handle horribly. Thats way too much weight sitting in the front of the truck with almost no weight in the rear. What makes you want to do this swap so bad?
  14. Tristin

    Hey guys... im new

    I still say its too big with the height being the biggest issue dimensionally. Also, you want to replace a 200lb engine with an 800lb engine?
  15. Yeah, we chatting a little over FB when he was finishing up the swap. I sent him some links/pics on how not to cut up the front apron and grille to make it all work, but you can see how he didnt follow any advice. Oh well.
  16. Had some great dealings with: NismoSilvia, Angela, ratbones, and 69Datsun510. All paid promptly. I would hesitate to do business with again. ' For a second (and about to be 3rd time) Ive now dealt the CrackerJack and hes great. Fair prices, great quality items, and fast shipping. Im sure Ill keep going back and back without hesitation.
  17. Its a KAT in a 521... I believe the chains are from when they had to tow it home from a recent meet.
  18. Tristin

    Hey guys... im new

    Of course... here you go: too small X too small X too small I hope that helps.
  19. No problem. I have some stuff I have to mock up in the car anyway, so it shouldnt be an issue.
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