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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Haha yes, I do know what they sound like. Complete and utter garbage. I can tell you what their signature looks like too... Ha Collins Class. I think I have a Collins Class coin somewhere as well as a set of their Dolphins. Good set of blokes (and shielas... is that even a real term?) on that boat. Its uber small onboard though. Torpedo room was ginormous compared to ours even though our boat was like 3 times as large. We did some cat and mouse with a Collins and they did fairly well. One of the better boats, but they still didnt catch us ;) Here is us pulling into Australia in 2010:
  2. Ah so youre the one that picked this one up. I cant remember, after the "accident" did it come with a brandished title? I remember him trying to fight insurance over it. Welcome, have a look around the site and I urge you to use the search function. If after a decent search, you cant come up with anything we are more than happy to help. I cant wait to see what you do with it.
  3. I pulled my cowl off again today. I was thinking it was a clogged drain that was causing some flooding into the fresh-air vents, but during my dash restore Ive noticed a couple holes in the well under the cowl. I think it might be a mixture of things so Im going to be patching up those holes with some silicone or something. Off to Home Depot.
  4. Exactly what I was thinking. No one cares about your TV. I have one just as big as well... whoop dee doo.
  5. Youre telling me you dont even know the basics of holidays? What is this.. amateur hour?
  6. Maybe I missed it, but what flares are these? I had saved a picture of a certain BMW because I loved how the fender lips looked... these look really similar to those. I like how they are metal and OEM looking while still being wider than stock. Great work.
  7. Thanks, Ill ask the DOL when I go in later today. Im hoping its not too bad. Im sure building something can get expensive, but we shall see... its not even a sure thing. Just something I could see myself using legitimately (and not just for a drift trike :poke: )
  8. Im sure you can make a few small things, but I doubt anyone would buy fiberglass bumperettes. I think one of the main selling points of them is theyre chromed. Everything else, I have no idea since Im not a truck guy. I will say that doing glass work isnt easy so I wouldnt make any promises to what youre making. I would have done a bunch of tests first and come out with a small product before saying you were going to do anything. Id hate for you to get discouraged seeing its harder than anticipated and then everyone is let down. Happens all the time with items around here.
  9. No problem :) I just figured you were new to holidays. BRE, where are the pictures of you saying goodbye!?
  10. 2 things... 1. Easter is always on Sunday and 2. Ēostre is a person, not a holiday
  11. Not to volunteer him, but Q-Tip is right down the road from you... I cant imagine that a quick swap would be hard.
  12. Theyve never had any succsessful launches worth worrying about. For those that cant read Korean, that map in the back says something akin to "Missile launch plans." Missiles dont fly straight like they are drawn on that map... they cant even get the plans right, what makes you think an actual firing will go the way they planned. As someone in the military with my normal area of operation around the South China Sea... I have no fear from N. Korea.
  13. Yeah, Im not too sure why a second thread was created for this. Why didnt you just continue all the questions/info in the first thread you made AZ?
  14. Are you going to post those for us to see?
  15. Can we turn this thread into boobs yet? Bropal is refunding you the money and Im over hearing this guy stutter the same crap. I think we just need to carry on and commence with the boobs like every other thread thats run its course here.
  16. I think anyone on this forum that knows me in person can vouch Im nowhere near anti-gay. Maybe you should grow up and run your business like a man.
  17. Id say people calling you a fag is pretty popular this year. I guess youre bring it back.
  18. Oh, now you want to honor deals? Interesting that youre all about being standup on your end of a deal when it means you dont lose all the money.
  19. Other than wheels, some zebra fabric, and some sticker bomb action... what is $6800 buying me? For that kind of money I think people deserve a mod list. At least you have decent pictures, thats a start.
  20. There is zero reason to bring up that he was in the military unless you specifically meant it as an insult. If he said he was a plumber would you have called him a hot tempered plumber? No. Dont fucking tell me to chill out when youre trying to insult the military. I perceived it as an insult that I serve so you can make sub-par parts. And then you just insult people like me for it. I dont need to jump on the hate bandwagon for your company as there is enough people already upset over your parts and service. We arent the only ones complaining here... in such a small comunity it can really do damage. Id just stop posting. You just need to understand that your parts and your service suck:
  21. It would be very prominent like you were cutting out the entire air supply. Also very similar to heavy dieseling.
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