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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. On my way to Lacey today, and some toolbag was pacing me try to get me to race. He rev'd like crazy and blew smoke everywhere... Turns out it was Pumpkn Dave haha
  2. Im not interested in any 320s, but with 100 trucks for sale maybe theres something else fun in there. Who knows... Wayne, if you want to give me a budget for a parts truck I can bid on this one.
  3. Now that I know about this, I am! Sounds fun.
  4. That would be one hell of a cruise to hit both of these places...
  5. Over half the cars in this thread are retarded and scrape over everything. Exhaust pipes everywhere, fiberglass everything, this whole scene is stupid... But that's what makes it fun. You can see that this guy is stepping up his game. He started with wide wheels and a lot of camber. Then cut the rear fenders and got larger wheels (used duct tape for the fenders). Now the fenders are mounted properly and he's going after the front wheels. It looks weird now because of the cut front fenders, but I'm positive he's building flares to fit those wheels. It's aggressive as fuck and I like it. The only think I don't like is the 4 finger space on the rear rims where the tire isn't on it's bead. His whole reason for this is the the extreme of extreme. It's perfect.
  6. Tristin

    Post 510's

    I'm friends with them in Facebook... I'll shoot them a message and ask. That should answer our questions.
  7. I was waiting for you to show up John... It's a great video. Brilliant car.
  8. This thing needs a MKI lip and a duck tail. Do you think you'll put this one up for sale at some point? I'm from the DSM scene originally so it would be nice to have some Mitsu J-Tin.
  9. Let me look at the ads again when I get home. No need for a show truck at the moment... Just a POS beater truck to haul parts that won't fit in the Dime. I don't know if I can make it happen for Canby though, would be a sweet deal though. I'll look at the pictures and try to pull some strings up here. PM what you're looking for in exchange for you services.
  10. This is super tempting... I love that second one too. Mental gears are turning.
  11. That one I'd sweet too! How are you getting home?
  12. Well it's obviously something you touched, so that narrows it down a bit. Since you messed with plug wires, I would make sure your coil wiring is correct. You could have wired it wrong or accidentally knocked a wire loose. Check for spark at the spark plugs. Give the ignition a couple turns with a plug in the wire and touching a strut tower bolt. If no spark, check for spark at the coil-dizzy wire. That should half split the system to help isolate it. Also check your firing order. Easy to mess up. 1 3 4 2 CCW. If you have spark at all plugs then you might have fuel issues. Once again, might have knocked something loose around the carb. Check for unplugged hoses/wires around the carb. Make sure the fuel filter has fuel in it as we'll as the sight glass on the carb.
  13. I think he means caNdy.
  14. I have a 32/36 I might try this with... good tip!
  15. One of the few older metal bands that I actually like... sucks to see him go. Hopefully theyll decide to carry on sometime in the future.
  16. Its a bit of a drive, but if planned out I have no issues making the drive. Id have to find a place to crash there so since I probably wont want to do 9hrs of driving in one day.
  17. Everything that bolts to a hub is universal. Hubs are the only thing that are car and steering wheel specific. Even with a short QR, adding a lock will make it pretty thick. If youre looking for a theft deterrent, just removing your wheel is good. Then for like $5 in parts you can install a hidden kill switch for even more safety. Theres never a need for a wheel lock...
  18. Eh maybe a little. Its still a pretty rare car for the year... hopefully its actually in decent condition.
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