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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. No thats a very good example actually. I get a ton of flack here because people think I believe "Im better than everyone" and a lot of my posts come off dick-ish. Im completely far from either of those...For whatever reason the way I post, it comes off as that. I just post straight to the point. If youre fucking up, Ill say something. Some people dont like it. Then people get upset and I wont back down (I wont in person either), so arguments happen. I agree 110% that you cant take everything the way its written online because theres no emotional additive to know what the speaker (typer) is really saying (read: how its said). I proof read what I type, but usually only go over the conversation when I notice its gone completely awry. You was trying to talk about something I said when I didnt so I went back to make sure were the idiot (not to actually call you an idiot) and it wasnt me. I was the idiot a couple weeks ago when I was talking shit when I was tired and misread a post someone said. I had to go back and reread it. Turns out I was upset for no reason :blush:
  2. This project did fall flat... we had talked a little over a year ago on the Realm about 4G swaps. Glad to see youre coming back into the game. Welcome back :)
  3. Oh hell no you didnt! How dare you use two different size fonts... thats typography treason!
  4. Yes I did... and nothing of what you were saying is coincident of what I mentioned. I never talked about any of that. My only disagreement was what I already mentioned: you cannot be black and white over the enjoyment of the music only when youre under the influence. I never once talked about how the scene was born or how it came about.
  5. My grandparents used to go to Mexico for prescription medication. They would take orders from the community they lived in (mostly geriatric) and would cross the boarder a couple times a year and pick up meds.
  6. I dont understand how you got that out of what I said. I never said that at all... I said... I... me... had never done drugs while there. Im sure almost everyone else was. I only said that you cant be that finite in an statement saying that the only was to listen to EDM is to be on drugs. Thats the statement that was made and I dont agree with. Myself and Sick have proven it... that you dont have to be a drugs to like it. I dont get what your argument is at all.
  7. I was very much in the minority of non-drug users :angel:
  8. Not in the classifieds section... still plenty in the normal forums. There seems to be more "Why cant I post" threads than spammer threads.
  9. This really makes me want to paint Minty. Shes needs a fresh new color to spruce her up...
  10. Lol, Im not knocking drugs. Just the statement that thats the only way to enjoy dance music.
  11. I cant fully agree with that statement. You shouldnt make the assumption that the only way to enjoy EDM is to be on drugs... I have never once taken drugs (hell Ive never smoked a cigarette in min my life) and Im a huge EDM fan. Do I agree that a huge underlying fact of the scene is that drugs are huge? Yes. But it seems like every music scene is like that. Look how many rock and roll artists over the years ODd. Look how many Rap songs are about drugs and the such. I think drugs just help the mood and alter your mind into another state while listening to the music. I dont see how thats the only way to enjoy it though. Ive been to hundreds of house parties, easily 50-75 huge raves, and countless nights in LA/Seattle dance clubs and have never felt the need to take drugs. And there hasnt been a time where Ive heard a song and been like, "You know, this song sucks. I bet it would be good on drugs though."
  12. You need to flip those faces...
  13. I was referencing Sicks comments about rap in general and nothing about EDM. You and I were typing at the same time and you posted before me.
  14. Thats another genre that gets a lot of flack: rap. Im a fan, but only when the artist has something to say. I dont need to hear a hundred songs about how much more money you have than me. You can only take so many verses about black woman with fat asses. True rap takes some skill and when your main instrument is the power of your words mixed with rhyme and spot on meter, its great. With other music you can hide behind vocal effects and different instruments. Rap is a little harder to do that with. Its really easy to pick out hack jobs in rap which is what makes a lot of underground stuff appealing to me. Guys are usually doing it for the message and not another serving of purple sizzurup.
  15. Just like anything, there are good and bad (or better) artists... justs make me laugh when everyone blatantly calls a full genre of music shit and talentless. I get that a lot growing up to the heavier "growling" vocalled metal.
  16. To each their own... I dont like trance because its too boring for me. I like a lot of EDM, but trance doesnt do it for me. If youre washer can do it, maybe you should record it and market it. Then you would be a millionaire. Takes more talent then you care to give it credit for ^_^ Its not the end-all-be-all of music, but its funny that everyone hates on it because "its the cool thing" these days.
  17. You can use it all day long; shit works great. Just dont get it on anything aluminum. It will get a thin white layer of corrosion and its near impossible to get off without some real effort.
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