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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Here is a mostly done piece... I may work on it more, time permitting:
  2. I thought the design a little weird... do you have a picture of it in person or wearing it? Either way, its always nice to have more Datsun shirts! The more the merrier!
  3. Saw the order come across. Thanks for the business! B)
  4. Working on something right now... I always say I will enter and nothing happens. This time for sure. I already like where my project is going.
  5. My disc/drum setup brakes great... I would for sure upgrade to a 7/8th MC though. Ive got quite the soft pedal. I just havent gotten around to the swap yet. Functions great though.
  6. I have a collection of California Raisins figurines that my grandmother gave me when I was little... not sure why. Anyway, this is the specific one Im after: Ive seen colored versions and if I could find a green one, I would be beyond happy. I know Ive seen them around, but looks like they are NLA. Car is coming along nice. Hopefully I can see it at a meet sometime.
  7. Maybe an actual b210 guy could tell you specifics, but heres some general troubleshooting. 1. Not sure if your hazards and normal blinkers are on the same fuse circuit. If not, I would check the fuses (check any to be safe). 2. If you say that your hazards work fine, but blinkers do not then its something specific to the wiring on the blinkers. I would look at grounds around your turn signal lever. 3. You mentioned that they worked fine over the last couple weeks and now they do not. What did you did over the last two weeks that could have affected the lights? Retrace your steps and see if you knocked a wire loose or left something disconnected.
  8. I was just curious if there were any perks besides separation...
  9. I think Redeye mentioned there was going to be a vendor section and I dont see why you (or someone interested) couldnt start a group-buy in the General Section where you could have a full discussion. Working with similar software Im not too sure a group-buy thread like that would be possible. The closest thing would be an ad that is set to never expire and people are directed to add their name to the list by checking in on the questions page. Now that I type this off the top of my head, that sounds like it would work perfect. Ask a mod to list your item forever (only available for group-buys and vendors if/when that happens) and in the description of the item, direct people to say they want in by posting a "question." A thought. Mods: Im not sure what stage youre at with trying for a vendor section, but maybe you can share some details about what youre thinking? Cost to become a vendor? Site -wide advertising? Non-expiring ads? Own company sub-section?
  10. Maybe you should actually look in the classifieds and see I have ads up right now. I've also been working with Thomas to ensure people can renew ads as my prior ads expired and due to coding restrictions could not be renewed. Either your reading comprehension is very poor or you like to talk shit without doing your research. I said selling parts come second. I'm here for the community, not to make a quick buck. Let me know if I have use even smaller words so you understand this time...
  11. I love the California Raisins sunshade. Ive been looking for a retro shade myself... Ive got one in mind, but its been hard to source.
  12. Oh thats right, youre doing those Epsilon meshes. Now I remember. Should look great!
  13. This is easily the best community Ive been involved in. Im not here to buy/sell parts, so as long as its still possible I dont care what the do to the Classifieds section. Im here for the people and the information. Parts come secondary. Even if there wasnt a FS section I would still be here. Thats why Im not an active Realm member... that place blows for camaraderie so Im here. Lurk the classifieds over there and post here. .
  14. Are you clicking on the Classified link at the top banner on the left?
  15. Looks like a decent start... you mentioned you had lots planned. What are they? Glad you transitioned from lurker to member. Welcome to the site :)
  16. Looks good! Whats your wheel selection for this thing?- youll need something large to fill in that deep well.
  17. Tristin

    Line X

    A friend used to take his wheeler in and got it sprayed like a paint job. The shop offeres a lifetime warranty on the spray so every time he chips it rock crawling, he just goes back in for a free spray after he knocks all the dents back out.
  18. Tristin

    Line X

    Way too much effort in that. Ill stick to black or go without. Its not that important.
  19. ALWAYS! Paypal is no physical work and although it may result in nothing, theres always the chance that you will get your money back. If there is an issue and you used PayPal... file a complaint and ask for your money back. Be as detailed as possible. I hate filing claims against people, but eventually enough is enough. File and good luck with getting your money back.
  20. Hope that site works out for you... seems like there are quite a few Datsun sites out there. Hope its not a bloated market and you lose what you put into it. Note: Since this is text and theres no emotion, I want you to know that was a sincere statement and not a sarcastic one. This threads a little overboard with hostility so hopefully you dont take my above thoughts as negative.
  21. Tristin

    Line X

    Well thats lame... I dont need enough to do 5 trucks haha, but I understand the reasoning.
  22. Tristin

    Line X

    Does your shop offer color liners?
  23. Stickers are now available :) Offered in red, white and blue: 'Murica.
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