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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. http://community.ratsun.net/classifieds/item/40-wtb-various-510-items/ http://community.ratsun.net/classifieds/item/5-fs-gl-taillights/ Both of those give me the same error.
  2. Is there some sort of time limit on how long after it expires I can renew? I still have no way to renew an ad. Still receiving the same errors that there is no ad once I click on it from the Manage Classifieds section. I click on Manage Classifieds, click on Expired Averts, it lists the two Ive created and have since expired, I click on either one and receive this:
  3. Youre in the wrong thread there buddy. No one that actually cares about the New Classifieds is complaining here. Just making suggestions for tweaks to improve the new system. And even a stock picture of the item is better than nothing. With so many variations on parts and people decisions to make ads with one or two simple sentences... pictures can answer a lot of questions. So yes, they are important and should be required.
  4. Thats what I thought too... thought it was convient to have a picture of what youre looking for to make sure people offered the right item.
  5. That feature was removed because it meant that WTB ads required a picture as well.
  6. Sure, they will reproduce the housing and then either of two things will happen: 1. They will call them NOS Nissan pieces and charge you 3X what they should. Then when you get them and notice they are reproductions, they wont return your PMs. 2. They dont even send the parts over from Thailand once you pay for them. They wont return your PMs. I had found a US company that does automotive light molds. I wonder if the 510 market would support a good sized run of repop housings if they were nice quality.
  7. No, just all your other comments come across that way...
  8. Not against spending the money, just want to see if its worth it first. Id rather steer away from paint if possible. Eventually its going to crack and flake and will need to be redone.Id like a more permanent solution if possible. Im already rebuilding the wiring.
  9. Unfortunately Im trying to renew ads that are already posted. I cant even view the ads to copy the info... selling the or asking for the parts isnt important enough to rewrite my large ad from scratch. For future ads Ill just copy them... just doesnt help for the ones Ive already posted :( Im not trying to be bothersome with bringing up the renewal issue, but it keeps getting buried in peoples yammering :sleep:
  10. Fixed. Ive used a similar plug-in before and you can only renew once it expired. Ive never seen one where you could just bump at will. You could do that with the old system though since it was just a comment and all comments send threads to the top. Ive also been on a forum where commenting on a classified thread doesnt bring it to the top. Stop people from bumping their own threads a billion times a day to get exposure.
  11. Im sure there are plenty of L20s in this thread that already exists: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/43783-post-your-engine-bays/
  12. Ive been looking at building a new set of taillight harnesses... this would be a nice upgrade. A bit pricey, so Id like to see some solid long term results before I make a purchase.
  13. Thats a bit extreme. If you really feel that way, you have the opportunity to leave this community unlike the real 1800s slavery and 1940s holocaust situation you think this is. No one is keeping you here. Its been proven that its not changing after 44 pages so how about instead of complaining (which will get you no where) you either help discuss real features or setting that would make it better or learn to use it. Actual issues are getting buried under everyones whining over a situation that wont be changed. I didnt make the change, but Ive realized that no matter what people say, its going to stay. Its the Internet and not the end of the World. Who really cares that much? Thomas is there an update on renewing ads? To circumvent the writing ads from scratch every time I just linked to an old classifieds section post for a WTB thread. Also, I dont know if is an option, but when the update first happened pictures were required to be posted. Was nice to people could immediately see what the item was and didnt need to wait around for the seller to get back to them with pictures. Unfortunately that meant that the WTB ads needed pictures which seems a bit awkward. Anyway to split them up and require FS ads to have pictures, but WTB threads not to? I havent used this specific plug-in on any of the sites Ive been a mod on. I dont know how much control you have.
  14. I dont know why people are still complaining over the new Classifieds... its not going to be changed back no matter how sandy your complaint is. Deal with it.
  15. Yes... unless you dont paint the door jambs.
  16. This was my point. ZX struts arent needed at all depending on why you want them. There are cheaper alternatives with less work.
  17. I'm totally loaded with features...
  18. Because Im lazy, I just now opened up the banner and shirt packages you sent me. Top quality like usual CJ. Thanks!
  19. Celica lights are all the boso rage these days...
  20. You should take off the stock tails and mold in Celica tails into the tailgate.
  21. I like how there are no full shots of the truck and no shot of what looks like a black front passenger fender. I'm on my phone so maybe it's a really dark reflection... Seems odd there wouldn't be a mention or photo of that angle of the truck.
  22. Today is payday... take a trip over to the shop and spend all your hard earned cash :D If you get them in soon, I can have them out today with the rest of the orders already scheduled to post.
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