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also found out he was on the show "the contender"



i know where your comin from Charlie, iv lived a violent life too, i would beat the shit out of a guy over the smallest insult, fight with gangs w/e, but i gave that up years ago. it just wasnt worth it.







lol maybe i should just call Edison Miranda


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thats the dude! the one that got his shit pushed in on national televison! wow dude ill fight him straight up


thats him. bet his young sons real fucking proud of him now.


i even know the gym this fucking guy trains at

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so do you have the guys name? you live in oregon right?


i have some connections, i can make a couple calls and have every single detail about this guys life down to the first time his ass fell out of the crib...


call me a creepy/crazy f**k.. but i like having the power to fuck someone's life over if they diserve it. Get me the info.. ill make some things happen, if i cant then ill just drive down and we can go to the bar, have a drink or two.. and accidently end up getting into a fight with eachother... i mean.. if we accidently try to fight eachother and some "random/AKA pussy fa*g*t douche woman beater" gets in the middle and we both keep swinging at eachother but somehow this guy ends up bloody and left for dead in a ditch somewhere in the middle of nothing-ville shit happens right?


i have face mask's too so were golden... lets make it happen.. i've already almost killed 4 guys for hitting a girl... lets make it 5.. i dont put up with this shit. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Edited by sly-yota
bad language
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lol...sorry still kinda tipsy.. but ya.. just read it... im making some calls tomorrow, tried just now and its too late..


tried calling some of my russian friends, they are making some calls and if they release him he might not ever be seen again... i mean.. he might just go on a perm. vacation...:cool:


fawking pile of shitWILL get his.. there wont be any slap on the wrist shit anymore...


prayers go out to her and her friend... i hope they are doing ok... have you gotten the chance to see her yet? :(


just remind her she has a whole BIG ASS family of crazy datsun lovers that are on her side and are wishing her a speedy and full recovery (and want this guy to pay also) :D


i can see the creeped out "i dont understand, but ok?" look on her face now :lol:

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i still dont know the full extent of the MRI results and all that. if he had hit her just an inch farther back it would have hit her spinal cord and paralyzed or killed her, so its not good but it could be alot worse

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God damn i hate tough guys when i was a bouncer i had to deal with douche bags like this all the time. If anyone even swung on a girl in my bar they were "escorted" out back and most of the time the situation was handeled with EXTREME prejudice. Guys like that especially boxers and other trained fighters should know better. In prison his little tuff guy act will be handeled more then appropriately, he will make someone a nice wife. But if for some reason he gets off on some B.S. technicality or something, it gives me a good excuse to go to portland and have some fun. Not to mention i am sure a few friends of mine would like to go down there for a weekend and hang out..;)


I hope your cousin and her friend do not has life altering/ threating injurys down the road.

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God damn i hate tough guys when i was a bouncer i had to deal with douche bags like this all the time. If anyone even swung on a girl in my bar they were "escorted" out back and most of the time the situation was handeled with EXTREME prejudice. Guys like that especially boxers and other trained fighters should know better. In prison his little tuff guy act will be handeled more then appropriately, he will make someone a nice wife. But if for some reason he gets off on some B.S. technicality or something, it gives me a good excuse to go to portland and have some fun. Not to mention i am sure a few friends of mine would like to go down there for a weekend and hang out..;)


I hope your cousin and her friend do not has life altering/ threating injurys down the road.


if you'd like to roll with lmk....i've been pm'ing skib and believe me... i have it covered and im a sneaky SOB.. i also know to much about the laws, nothing i'll do will put anyone within 100' of him and he will pay and know how she feels in the hospital... :mad:

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Sly-yota mate!! You might want to cool it on a public forum, i don't think this is a good place to reveal your inner voice, this guy is obviously seeing his life in decline, he is watching his freedom being sucked away and there is nothing he can do about. Boxers are all the same, my old man was a boxer & a prick, best thing my mom ever did was to leave his sorry ass. instead of getting even or an eye for an eye, try getting a big group of friends down to the courthouse and cheer and yell when he is sentenced to jail, really let him know what a loser is and is going to stay one for a very long time, maybe something about all the backdoor action he will endure, fresh little bitch,hows your gag reflex boy!! you know things that will really play on his mind. Date rape by Sublime seems like the song for is fool. physical violence is what he knows it is what he is, try messing with his head i bet you will get to him way more than the other option. From what has been said on this thread i don't think option 2 is viable, be smart, don't anyone throw their life away like this fool ,it's just a waste.

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lol...sorry still kinda tipsy..


Yeah he's legally impaired and the threats don't carry any weight. Just blowin' of steam and sayin'n what we are all thinking. Russian mob :lol::lol::lol:


That mug shot.... he looks a little fucked up. Did he fall down or something?

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Stry getting a big group of friends down to the courthouse and cheer and yell when he is sentenced to jail, really let him know what a loser is and is going to stay one for a very long time, maybe something about all the backdoor action he will endure, fresh little bitch,hows your gag reflex boy!! you know things that will really play on his mind. Date rape by Sublime seems like the song for is fool. physical violence is what he knows it is what he is, try messing with his head i bet you will get to him way more than the other option.


oh i plan on just that :D im also going to make sure his boxing career is over

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bro do not do anything in any way to retaleate, that would be the worst thing u could do, i too used too live the street life/ thug life, didn't hurt any women, but a lot of things i'm not proud of, be a better man, let it go and let our messed up legal system deal with him, at least there is a felony charge, and resisting arrest helps, i've learned over the years that anger and haste do not mix..i will lift your cousin up to the LORD and i know that she will be ok, time will heal all wounds, but u doing something will not change the fact that he is a $#@^&%$#@*, and will only get u in deep sh!t, turn it over to GOD, and i know he will take care of all things..:), i know what u r goin thru, and anger won't solve the problem..my prayers go out for u and yours, tom:)

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