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I just wanted to apologize for the way I have been acting these last few days. I am hoping to get the 620 running well enough to drive it the 2.5 hours to dallas and go to the VA hospital and get put back on my meds. i have been having a lot of problems lately (depression mostly) and have not been able to sleep in the last few days. I have been somewhat of an ass to some people (sssr20....whatever) when i should have been a lot nicer to them. I have not been acting in the heart of ratsun :( the Army has not paid me in 5 months now and i have pretty much burned through my savings and it's really getting to me. I SHOULD be getting paid sometime this week, but the army will do it in its own time..... Thanks for all your support thus far (you too kiz :D) and i hope to be back to my old self shortly. In other news, I have acquired 2 2500 bags, 2 2600 bags, a 5 gallon tank, and a compressor! all i am missing now is a 4 link and a notch kit! might be bagged in the rear before the 1st of the year!!!

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I just wanted to apologize for the way I have been acting these last few days. I am hoping to get the 620 running well enough to drive it the 2.5 hours to dallas and go to the VA hospital and get put back on my meds. i have been having a lot of problems lately (depression mostly) and have not been able to sleep in the last few days. I have been somewhat of an ass to some people (sssr20....whatever) when i should have been a lot nicer to them. I have not been acting in the heart of ratsun :( the Army has not paid me in 5 months now and i have pretty much burned through my savings and it's really getting to me. I SHOULD be getting paid sometime this week, but the army will do it in its own time..... Thanks for all your support thus far (you too kiz :D) and i hope to be back to my old self shortly. In other news, I have acquired 2 2500 bags, 2 2600 bags, a 5 gallon tank, and a compressor! all i am missing now is a 4 link and a notch kit! might be bagged in the rear before the 1st of the year!!!
well get ur self better we need yah here peace to the outside
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I just wanted to apologize for the way I have been acting these last few days. I am hoping to get the 620 running well enough to drive it the 2.5 hours to dallas and go to the VA hospital and get put back on my meds. i have been having a lot of problems lately (depression mostly) and have not been able to sleep in the last few days. I have been somewhat of an ass to some people (sssr20....whatever) when i should have been a lot nicer to them. I have not been acting in the heart of ratsun :( the Army has not paid me in 5 months now and i have pretty much burned through my savings and it's really getting to me. I SHOULD be getting paid sometime this week, but the army will do it in its own time..... Thanks for all your support thus far (you too kiz :D) and i hope to be back to my old self shortly. In other news, I have acquired 2 2500 bags, 2 2600 bags, a 5 gallon tank, and a compressor! all i am missing now is a 4 link and a notch kit! might be bagged in the rear before the 1st of the year!!!


You've made a giant step toward self healing. Acknowledging a problem, trying to correct it. Way to go dude.

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I just wanted to apologize for the way I have been acting these last few days. I am hoping to get the 620 running well enough to drive it the 2.5 hours to dallas and go to the VA hospital and get put back on my meds. i have been having a lot of problems lately (depression mostly) and have not been able to sleep in the last few days. I have been somewhat of an ass to some people (sssr20....whatever) when i should have been a lot nicer to them. I have not been acting in the heart of ratsun :( the Army has not paid me in 5 months now and i have pretty much burned through my savings and it's really getting to me. I SHOULD be getting paid sometime this week, but the army will do it in its own time..... Thanks for all your support thus far (you too kiz :D) and i hope to be back to my old self shortly. In other news, I have acquired 2 2500 bags, 2 2600 bags, a 5 gallon tank, and a compressor! all i am missing now is a 4 link and a notch kit! might be bagged in the rear before the 1st of the year!!!


no problem i understand i have thick skin

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Ok so youre having a bad time and blah blah blah and The Army hasnt paid you in 5 months???? WTF man that aint right.

You mentioned the VA and also mentioned training too so...

If youre still active (I was AF and dont know much about Army guard and reserve but alot of the stuff still applies) go to your first sergeant and start working the chain upwards. If they dont help you go to legal and see what they can do, hell even if they say they are going to help you go to legal anyways just to get a full understanding of your rights and what avenues as far as pay and whatever else are open to you. If you keep getting the runaround (5 fucking months???) start writing senators and again work the chain up to George W. Maybe you should take a brief hiatus from dattos and check up on the UCMJ, Its not just there for someone to find loopholes to dick you over, youve still got rights.


If youre no longer active go to the DAV, the one in Abilene pointed me in the right direction and its in your neck of the woods, I think its actually your regional center for Tyler too.


If you end up going to Abilene to check them out drive around the McMurry college area and see if the teal 521 is still there, I think the for sale sign was put in the window everytime there was a problem with it. Also check the yards in that area, if youve got a mexican buddy bring him with and let him do the talking, youll avoid the fuck whitey markup (I wish I was making this up), theres some good stuff in there too.


Either way, good luck and keep your head up.


On a side note make sure to keep all your damn medical records and make copies!!! Also keep prescription bottles, orders, plane tickets for military purposes, any medical info from off base providers especially x-rays if applicable the big stuff has a habit of not following you from place to place like its supposed too (you can "borrow" them from the doctor, just say that you want to look at them and never give them back) Also keep those stupid little awards that you dont know what you got them for, just keep it all (even the bad shit, its good for a chuckle later on).

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hey man thats what is good about places like this, we all met because of our common interest yet we end up being there for each other in unrelated problems. take your time and get better, and if ya feel like it im down in austin and we could get together and shoot the shit talk about datsuns or what ever. anyway be strong and best wishes to ya man.

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