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6 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


If profitable why not hire some security? Patrol the parking lots. Can the servers open carry? batons? Eventually crime will go somewhere else. No busyness walks away from profits so something else is going on here that is even more profitable.

California is an all around shit hole now. The taxes, the crime, the homelessness, the drugs, and now add to that a huge spike of illegals. Many families and businesses have no choice but to leave. 


What they need is an increase in police and to start prosecuting all crimes again. They also need to find a way to reverse the drug problem by helping drug addicts kick the habit instead of accommodating to themto make it easier to get high. Instead of trying to strong-arm Mexico into letting the US come in and deal with the cartel like they're trying to do. It's like deciding to shut down all fast food restaurants cause we have an obesity epidemic and fatasses won't stop eating🤦‍♂️.


Why should businesses and law abiding citizens have to adapt and change their lives/ businesses to make the sack of shit criminal's lives easier?


You can forget about California ever loosening up on their gun laws. They've fought tooth and nail for decades to get to this point. Why would they give that up? Especially if most of the population is begging for even stricter gun laws. 

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23 minutes ago, datzenmike said:



Still you have to question the motive for 'stealing' classified defense documents or w/e they were. Nuclear launch codes? I imagine they get changed more often that Trump's diaper. What possible use are they to an honest citizen? Well nothing, but to a crook, now a convicted felon, it's extremely disturbing as they are extremely valuable for leverage, sale or blackmail. Make no mistake he's a narcissist and craves power shown by him not attending the Biden inauguration. Breaking a 150 year tradition. Sour grapes Donny?


Every President removed documents, for all sorts of reasons.  Trump did NOTHING wrong, it was LEGAL.  Brandon DID do something wrong, walked away, it was ILLEGAL.  Yer TDS is kicking in again!! 🙄😂🤪

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19 minutes ago, MachineMan said:

How many here have seen the movie "They Live" By John Carpenter?



Years after the movie was in the theaters Roddy Piper sat down for an interview.

He talked about how the movie was way ahead of it time.


Not long after,..... he was found dead.



He had Hodgkin's Lymphoma for the last 8 years and was in poor health. It was a career move.

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3 minutes ago, yenpit said:


Every President removed documents, for all sorts of reasons.  Trump did NOTHING wrong, it was LEGAL.  Brandon DID do something wrong, walked away, it was ILLEGAL.  Yer TDS is kicking in again!! 🙄😂🤪


Personal stuff they were involved in, for writing memoirs or donating to Smithsonian. Classified stuff? it may be technically legal but it sure ain't right.

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5 hours ago, john510 said:

Vacancy rates down here are high because they refuse to stop building on every piece of land undeveloped. You should see the vacant buildings in Santee. And they want to develop more. I'm sure you remember the Santee Drive In ? It's been sold for development for more industrial buildings in an area with plenty of vacant industrial buildings. Crime isn't why they can't get these places rented. There are too many of them.

I feel your pain. I miss the days when SD had its soul in tact and still had grit under its nails. Over optimistic developers play that risky game. These crazy speculators might lose their shirt and get a write off, so any open space is fair game to them. I used to ride dirt bikes in Santee for Christ sake. There used to be a building moratorium for the canyons of Mission Hills but it was lifted in the 80s. The open space where we played in the canyon behind the house where I grew up is now a bunch of fenced off luxury homes. With little fanfare the Midway, Frontier, and Point Loma Drive Ins were turned into strip malls and San Diego continued to sell its soul to the highest bidder. F'n tragedy. 



Edited by paradime
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53 minutes ago, datzenmike said:



Still you have to question the motive for 'stealing' classified defense documents or w/e they were. Nuclear launch codes? I imagine they get changed more often that Trump's diaper. What possible use are they to an honest citizen? Well nothing, but to a crook, now a convicted felon, it's extremely disturbing as they are extremely valuable for leverage, sale or blackmail. Make no mistake he's a narcissist and craves power shown by him not attending the Biden inauguration. Breaking a 150 year tradition. Sour grapes Donny?

You're just making excuses like everyone else. It's simple, I steal a toyota corolla so that I can use it to drive to work and take the kids to school. You steal a Honda Accord to sell it to a chop shop. It's that same flippin crime and we will both be prosecuted equally. Regardless if you swear that you're memory is bad and that you don't recall doing the crime.


This is just insane to me how obvious it is that the gov is laying the smacketh-down on one guy and letting the other guy off scot-free. And people are trying to justify it. You and I would never get away with this shit as average citizens and we accept it. But somehow this crooked sack of shit is given a free pass while he is at the same time pushing to get his political opponnent locked up for the same crime with the backing of the FBI, and all of a sudden its ok. All those who are ok with this bs clearly have a serious case of TDS. 

Edited by IZRL
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 They're both criminally wrong for taking the Toyota but if one isn't caught, or not caught yet, then the one that was caught has an excuse? Why me? what about him that did the same and got away with it. I should be allowed to go free too!

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:


If profitable why not hire some security? Patrol the parking lots. Can the servers open carry? batons? Eventually crime will go somewhere else. No busyness walks away from profits so something else is going on here that is even more profitable.


No, California makes it clear to everyone but turnips that it is unacceptable to protect property from Criminals and are nearly the same for protecting people. The State of California won't say its illegal but you'll know it by making your life miserable and broke for doing so.

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42 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

They're both criminally wrong for taking the Toyota but if one isn't caught, or not caught yet, then the one that was caught has an excuse? Why me? what about him that did the same and got away with it. I should be allowed to go free too!


That's not the point. The justice system has never gone after a President for anything they've done and we've all been able to live with it. The point is that I and all those who disagree with this, if I understand it correctly. Is that if we're all of a sudden going to change that, an going to investigate and prosecute one president. Than things should be equal and we should investigate every living former and current presidents and prosecute them all. This is clearly just being done to try and get rid of the opposition. And by the way, Biden's been caught, theirs plenty of evidence, he just hasn't been prosecuted. 


Thankfully it completely blew up in their faces and was the final nail in their coffin IMO.

Edited by IZRL
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49 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

 They're both criminally wrong for taking the Toyota but if one isn't caught, or not caught yet, then the one that was caught has an excuse? Why me? what about him that did the same and got away with it. I should be allowed to go free too!


Trump's "issues" cropped up first & is being dragged over hot coals.


Brandon's "issues" cropped up second & he walked away.


Your example only applies if Brandon was caught first, let go scot-free to walk away, THEN Trump was caught, prosecuted & he turns & says "Why me? What about him, that guy did the same and got away with it. I should be allowed to go free too!".  Brandon was caught second, BROKE THE LAW by possessing classified documents while NOT acting President & walked away.  How do you NOT see this??  Oh, sorry, blinded by TDS!! 😏🤣


Yes, the GOP & Trump are now looking back at Brandon & saying "Hey, wait a minute.................why does HE get to walk??".  SO AM I!!  But they ARE correct in pointing that out!!  OUR justice system, here in the USA, is biased, is two tiered & it does "protect" the left & the current "administration".......................ugh, like talking to a wall!!!! 😆


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23 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Well I'm not opposed to dragging them both into court. Make it so.

Therein lies the dilemma. Going down this rabbit hole of investigating and prosecating every president from now on has the potential to destroy this country. Which is another reason why people are concerned and pissed off about this.


Best case scenario is that Trump gets off scot-free and his felony gets expunged. Then he should take the high road and not go after Biden. We need to just go back to how it used to be. I think most of us would be just fine with that or at least I would. 

Edited by IZRL
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19 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Well I'm not opposed to dragging them both into court. Make it so.


..............the POINT is, that Trump is NOT guilty in this case.  They are prosecuting him, as election interference & getting away with it!!  Brandon IS guilty in this case & he has walked free.  You are usually on point with the law etc (compliment)...................the ONLY reason you are not allowing yourself to see reality here, is cuz of your seething hatred of Trump, thus you are labelled with TDS!!!!!!!  It is actually an odd situation................🤔🙄😲

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1 minute ago, IZRL said:

Therein lies the dilemma. Going down this rabbit hole of investigating and prosecating every president from now on has the potential to destroy this country. Which is another reason why people are concerned and pissed off about this.


Best case scenario is that Trump gets off scot-free and his felony gets expunged. Then he should take the high road and not go after Biden. We need to just go back to what it used to be. I think most of us would be just fine with that or at least I would. 


My concern is that Brandon & his "left" will not likely just go away.....................they are way more likely to create ANOTHER insurrection & blame it on...................TRUMP!!!! 🤪  When Trump wins this election, he will still have a big unfair fight on his plate, when he really just needs to start to long process of FIXING the damage that the left has done.  THAT is what scares me..................

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17 minutes ago, yenpit said:

My concern is that Brandon & his "left" will not likely just go away.....................they are way more likely to create ANOTHER insurrection & blame it on...................TRUMP!!!! 🤪  When Trump wins this election, he will still have a big unfair fight on his plate, when he really just needs to start to long process of FIXING the damage that the left has done.  THAT is what scares me..................

What scares me is that we're going to need like 4 more administrations who have similar ideas to Trump. To repair everything the Biden admin managed to destroy in the short 4 years they were in office. 


Trump might succeed in slowing the madness down. But it's gonna take more than 4 years for this country to recover. 

Edited by IZRL
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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:


He had Hodgkin's Lymphoma for the last 8 years and was in poor health. It was a career move.


How many here have seen the movie "They Live" By John Carpenter?


The question was, "How many here have seen the movie?"


Have you seen the movie?




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3 hours ago, IZRL said:

California is an all around shit hole now. The taxes, the crime, the homelessness, the drugs, and now add to that a huge spike of illegals. Many families and businesses have no choice but to leave. 


What they need is an increase in police and to start prosecuting all crimes again. They also need to find a way to reverse the drug problem by helping drug addicts kick the habit instead of accommodating to themto make it easier to get high. Instead of trying to strong-arm Mexico into letting the US come in and deal with the cartel like they're trying to do. It's like deciding to shut down all fast food restaurants cause we have an obesity epidemic and fatasses won't stop eating🤦‍♂️.


Why should businesses and law abiding citizens have to adapt and change their lives/ businesses to make the sack of shit criminal's lives easier?


You can forget about California ever loosening up on their gun laws. They've fought tooth and nail for decades to get to this point. Why would they give that up? Especially if most of the population is begging for even stricter gun laws. 


Politicians and straight up socialist district attorneys are ham stringing law enforcement here.

Lots of talk to use social workers instead of police in many instances.


The inmates are running the asylum.





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District Attorney George Gascon is reeking havoc here.

Former San Francisco DA.

Hard to believe, but he was too much even for the folks up there.

They voted him out,.... and he came here.


We tried recalling him, didn't work.

His own assistant DA's have tried suing him,.... didn't work.


We seem to be stuck with him.


Lots of uninformed voters here, that is how things like this happen




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7 hours ago, Jesse C. said:


That council member after all that's happened still has her head up her ass. She wants resources to help fight the crime ? And help from the region ? Here's a stupid idea, try prosecuting, convicting and sending these criminals to jail. They already have the necessary resources to do that. But they won't.

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5 hours ago, datzenmike said:


If profitable why not hire some security? Patrol the parking lots. Can the servers open carry? batons? Eventually crime will go somewhere else. No busyness walks away from profits so something else is going on here that is even more profitable.

I unignore one post and now know why I used the feature to begin with. This could be the dumbest thing you've ever typed. Just my opinion. A fast food worker open carrying or a baton ? "something else is going on here"  LOL. Yes In & Out is lying to the general public and not really concerned at all about employee and customer safety. Carry on without me.

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5 hours ago, IZRL said:

California is an all around shit hole now. The taxes, the crime, the homelessness, the drugs, and now add to that a huge spike of illegals. Many families and businesses have no choice but to leave. 


What they need is an increase in police and to start prosecuting all crimes again. They also need to find a way to reverse the drug problem by helping drug addicts kick the habit instead of accommodating to themto make it easier to get high. Instead of trying to strong-arm Mexico into letting the US come in and deal with the cartel like they're trying to do. It's like deciding to shut down all fast food restaurants cause we have an obesity epidemic and fatasses won't stop eating🤦‍♂️.


Why should businesses and law abiding citizens have to adapt and change their lives/ businesses to make the sack of shit criminal's lives easier?


You can forget about California ever loosening up on their gun laws. They've fought tooth and nail for decades to get to this point. Why would they give that up? Especially if most of the population is begging for even stricter gun laws. 

You have to remember something regarding the liberal mind and it's logic with crime related issues. You can't fix stupid. They also can't be taught that continually making the same mistakes over and over again won't get you anywhere.

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4 hours ago, paradime said:

I feel your pain. I miss the days when SD had its soul in tact and still had grit under its nails. Over optimistic developers play that risky game. These crazy speculators might lose their shirt and get a write off, so any open space is fair game to them. I used to ride dirt bikes in Santee for Christ sake. There used to be a building moratorium for the canyons of Mission Hills but it was lifted in the 80s. The open space where we played in the canyon behind the house where I grew up is now a bunch of fenced off luxury homes. With little fanfare the Midway, Frontier, and Point Loma Drive Ins were turned into strip malls and San Diego continued to sell its soul to the highest bidder. F'n tragedy. 



Riding dirt bikes in Santee, what a blast that was. The Santee sandpits (now Walmart) looked like the desert in wintertime. Do you remember "white cut" at the end of El Nopal ? We used to ride motorcycles on the streets to the 7-11 on Mast and Cuyamaca for gas and nobody cared. Santee was the booneys back then.

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19 minutes ago, MachineMan said:


Politicians and straight up socialist district attorneys are ham stringing law enforcement here.

Lots of talk to use social workers instead of police in many instances.


The inmates are running the asylum.






I'm a retired psychologist and my wife has been a clinical social worker for 20 years. The talk is about having mental health professionals respond to incidents involving mental illness. Dealing with someone having a paranoid psychotic episode isn't what cops do. To protect the public, it's a cop's job to shoot someone who poses a direct threat. No one in government gives a shit about our safety, not even the politicians in the Peoples Republic of CA. It's an economic conflict of interest to protect humanity.


Mental illness has never been this high, and the healthcare system has never been this underfunded. Even with a masters degree in the field, the average starting salary is $46K a year. So instead of getting the help they need, the loonies are left for the public to deal with. Homeless and drug addicted is where most wind up. Their best hope to get help and see a psychiatric Dr. is in prison, where it's 10X more expensive. The whole system is F'n insane.

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47 minutes ago, john510 said:

I unignore one post and now know why I used the feature to begin with. This could be the dumbest thing you've ever typed. Just my opinion. A fast food worker open carrying or a baton ? "something else is going on here"  LOL. Yes In & Out is lying to the general public and not really concerned at all about employee and customer safety. Carry on without me.


Well the first part about guns and batons was tongue in cheek but the last makes sense. No one walks away from profit unless towards more profit.

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