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Time to sell the beauty whats a fair asking price?


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So after 2 years of having my dads 73 datsun lay around we finally got it running. (we took it apart to replace the timing chain and could never get it quite right again until about a month ago when i figured it out.) My dad know needs to sell the truck to get something more family oriented with 4 doors and that such. He is not happy about it but it has to be done. Now to the actual question. We don't know too much about value of it but we had it on craigslist for 3200 and a guy called saying it was put on for way to cheap and he had sold his for 3000 and it was not nearly as clean. Timing belt and tensioners just changed, around 1000 miles on a new webber carb and alot of other stuff was just replaced. Im not sure how to directly put photos in but i am going to try if that doesn't work heres a link to a drive folder. https://drive.google.com/a/guhsd.net/folderview?id=0BxcO07tyLqCHc2FldWFRUTJGckU&usp=sharing_eid&ts=56e8917c


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How long did you have it for sale on Craigslist for the $3200. ??


My opinionated thoughts ,, since you are asking for them.......

If the guy thought it was to cheap you should have had HIM buy it for $3200.  and he could have then resold it for the huge amount HE said it's worth. .. And you have to ask yourself if he loved 620s so much that it was worth it's weight in gold,,,,,,,,,, why was he selling his at all??


I say that since i have a couple cars in my backyard that probably aren't worth the tow bill to send to junkyard and i have on many occasions pissed people off by telling them they aren't for sale... fact

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If it was so cheap people thought you were practically giving it away,, you would have had a huge amount of calls . I have sold a few vintage cars on Craigslist and if you price it high you have to wade through 1000s of flakes..  if you price it about right people show up with cash,, even if they don't buy it,,,,,,,,,,, if you price it to low you get people calling to see it that same day or offering more than you're asking price just to see it first.

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no if we could keep the truck we would he needs something newer with 4 doors to be an uber driver (he has no job) personally i love this truck and we had 2 people in 30 minutes of posting it one was somewhat scetchy and the other wanted to trade. 

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Why would someone call to not buy it, but tell you that? it's totally irrelevant.


Doesn't matter one bit what it 'worth'. The value of a thing is what it will bring. it's what it will sell for. It's worth $5K to the right buyer. The right buyer being someone who wants it (or any old Jap Tin) agrees it is worth $5K, and has the money. A seller's perfect storm of circumstances.


Here's the facts... it could be worth more but your "dad know needs to sell the truck to get something more family oriented with 4 doors and that such" so if you have several weeks you're going to have to sell for what ever offer comes along. If you have 6 months or more you can afford to wait for the right set of circumstances to happen and get more. If you're in the desert and thirsty enough, a pound of gold will buy a glass of water. 


Put it back on c/l and wait. As you run out of time lower the price until it sells.



no if we could keep the truck we would he needs something newer with 4 doors to be an uber driver (he has no job) personally i love this truck and we had 2 people in 30 minutes of posting it one was somewhat scetchy and the other wanted to trade. 


Wait for the best price and then offer the old man the same and just keep it.

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I sold my 93 BMW 325is on Craigslist...posted it for $1000 and after a barage of shit people....yes shit people from not having money to shoes trade offers I finally got a real interest, he told me his plan to gut it for autoX....then he told me he was in Medford 3 hours from me....I said "bring $700 cash and drive it home" he was at my door step 3 hrs later.


I'll never ever sell anything on Craigslist.

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You can get a good amount. Just have weed through the garbage. Datsuns are the in thing right now so everyone and there mother with rusted out datsuns is trying to get top dollar. Post up a ton of pictures and details and you'll get a buyer easy. Just be prepared for all the flakes and people asking to trade.

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