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And the judges were out there for way more than 5 mins, They spent a good hour out there walking around, one of them bill even had to take a rest due to getting to hot out there walking around. They went back and forth several times, and even came back tos ee if any other cars registered in the time they were out there. Loren, Aaron , Aarons dad (sorry man forgot, i think it was larry?) and bill all did a great job.  Thanks again guys. 

 I remember seeing them about 3 times going around. The last time was shortly before the final raffle draw then awards.  Probably to check if their picks were still at the show.


Thanks to all the judges.  I just wished I could of heard all the award winners and what cars(descriptions) that won. instead of 1st place ...78 620.  No offense to your dad, but he mostly spoke towards the ten people in front of him while the masses were behind him.  But it was a good showing and will attend in the future ones



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I bet i have spent 24 hours just in stop and go traffic these last couple weeks... Hell i took from 3:10 till after 7 O-crotch to get from the University of Washington to home yesterday and that is with carpool lanes. .  Hell it took 2 1/2 to gt to Tacoma last Sunday..  What the hell?? 



hmmm pffttt.. what eves...



i agree with farmer.... and mike.... and i was only commenting on the judging they did in front of me near my chair... lol..... i didn't even know loren was a judge but we spoke briefly ... the judges i saw were younger and in datslocos shirts... maybe it was just some fans carrying clip boards... i dont know ... like i said i dont care about awards...i just know they didnt look past the hood..on 4 straight rigs.(then i went back to my 4th trip to the bath rooms)   and if your giving out a best interior award i think u should at least fake it before u give it to your club bro ... lol (thats gonna get flamed..).. all my trophys happen at gas stations when people wanna talk about the datto they had... 



can i suggest we either move closer tot he rest rooms or the shade ... those vw guys every year and the dudes onthe stretched out hipster ruckus's did cruise the lot a few times... and yes farmers right ... he kept talking to the people on the car side ..... when everyone was behind him on the trees side... next year i will bring the karoke machine of my daughters for awards...but be for warned she will be belting out taylor swift hits till the awards ceremony  


anyone coming to the nissan parts show this weekend i may have a extra preregister spot .. e

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Can whoever makes the Blue lake awards just give Jrock a fucking "best"  interior you're an  A number one trophy for Christs sakes?? 



And move the show to a shadier part of the park and ,, and maybe some medical advice about incontinence





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it wasn't me bitching ... i need no awards .. my trucks  a beater ... thanks though naner... at least rick rat showed up ... with less excuses then u even .. which is a shocker... we all know its a locos thing ... lol ..this is the first awards thing i entered... i prefer no accolades .. comes with questions of how u did it .. and i dont work on shit 

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Between Tdaaj and Skalpem i have discovered a never ending supply of new excuses why i couldn't make the show.






and driving that far in polyester suit that the ZX requires to run correctly is kind of a pain.

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My personal opinion on best interior is; I don't really care as long as it's functional.  take a look at my goon,& you can tell this is how I am.  I currently have a bucket holding the seat back in the upright position.  I need new seats, but that's low on the priority list.   As for some of the other catagories, 521 & 510 especially, but also 1200, the competition was just so close that it was nearly impossible for me to choose a "best " one.  I think that in 521 & 510 there could be a stock,a modified,& a full custom class.  The 3 521's where jrock was parked I would have had them draw straws ,they were  that close.  not to mention the 2 521's that showed up to late to enter.   One thing the 521 crowd had going for it was that while there were some really great looking trucks,& it was really too close for me personally to call, at least they all looked different.  I like Z's ,but there were at least 3 red ones that looked almost EXACTLY THE SAME, right down to the stickers.  of the 3,i would have picked the one with the slot mags,  just because that at least made it a little different, the interior was in really nice, original condition too.  she left before judging finished.   I can predict the need for a 210 class, & it should be separate from B210's.  these cars are really starting to catch on lately.  many of my favorite vehicles didn't enter, so weren't judged,  one of my favorite cars at the show was a purple late model 510 wagon.  it was rattle canned, yet done really well.  something about the look it had really worked.  I wish my cel phone battery had lasted long enough to take a picture of it.

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