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google does legos and other time waisters

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Got a link from a buddy at work that completely screwed my productivity for the day...so I thought I would share




As long as I am at it I got this one from another friend at work earlier this morning.




And for good measure why not throw in one of my old favorites



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I don't like links that make you take special steps to close the window, if I hit the "X", I want it to go away now, not make me answer a fucking question, lowlife companies that waste my time questioning my decisions. 

If you don't understand this, well I am sorry, but I am not a sheep to be brainwashed, you know, push the button get a peanut, I would rather just pry the front of the machine open and take all the peanuts without being taught to press the freaking button.

If I have any issues with my computer now, I am blaming that link, I don't have that happen very often, but when it has happened, I have issues half the time.

Now I will close down everything and clean out the damned cookies, then restart, fuck. :(

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I don't like links that make you take special steps to close the window, if I hit the "X", I want it to go away now, not make me answer a fucking question, lowlife companies that waste my time questioning my decisions.
If you don't understand this, well I am sorry, but I am not a sheep to be brainwashed, you know, push the button get a peanut, I would rather just pry the front of the machine open and take all the peanuts without being taught to press the freaking button.
If I have any issues with my computer now, I am blaming that link, I don't have that happen very often, but when it has happened, I have issues half the time.
Now I will close down everything and clean out the damned cookies, then restart, fuck. :(


It was asking you if you wanted to save before closing the window... lol... that's all.





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That's pretty deep man.  While personally I wouldn't be too worried about google doing anything that overtly shady (considering a little more than 40% of us have already installed their web browser) if you are worried about clicking on those dialog boxes there are a couple of easy things you can do.


if you happen to be one of the 40% using Chrome just type "chrome://crash" into the address bar.  This will kill the page.


Alternatively you can create yourself a bookmark with "javascript:var x=document.createElement('script');x.type='text/javascript';x.innerHTML='onbeforeunload=function(){};';document.body.appendChild(x);" in place of the url.  This will disable the dialog box, so if you come across a page that has a confirmation just click on your new bookmark and it will temporarily disable it allowing you to leave the page without having to confirm.  I have tested this in chrome, ie and firefox, although it seems to only work in a roundabout fashion in FF.


P.S. Sorry for any distress caused by my sharing of links.

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My question is, to save what? all I did was click on the link, I did nothing else except try to close the window, and it asks me if I want to save something, hell no, I just want to leave without giving them any more info!!!

I am very careful about where I go on the computer, I don't know how to fix it if I get a virus, so I don't go to places that I will get a virus, and the benefit I get from this is that I don't have to pay someone to come to my house to fix it, I have went years without getting a computer virus, and all I have for protection is whatever came on the computer when I bought it.

I had the geek squad in here once(never again will I call them), all they said was I needed virus protection(for a price of course), and otherwise they could not help me, so I called another guy that one of my customers suggested, and he did everything that the geek squad(GS) guys said could not be done, why I needed someone to fix it was because I had tried to set up my computer with another internet service provider(ISP),and I fucked it up, so when the GS showed up, instead of setting it up correctly for my new ISP, they wanted to sell me virus protection, i looked at the guy, told him I was the virus because I didn't know what I was doing, and then I told him to get out.

Did you know that there is a member here that when you click on his thread, a cookie is loaded up that is not part of Ratsun, did you know this?

It was asking you if you wanted to save before closing the window... lol... that's all.





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Mmmm cookies.


What ISP do you have?? You can get Norton internet security suite free if you have Comcast. Recommended to have something like that, you are correct to be paranoid but it's not all bad out there.


The first link he posted opens up to a Lego simulator, it's not smart enough to know you didn't change anything and defaults to asking if you want to save your progress.



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Centurylink, I need to change to something else now, I am paying over $60.00 a month to come here and NWD, oh and ebay(the cookie king) and craigslist, I should be able to get something cheaper, but I am scared to try and do it myself again, so I have done nothing about it.

The computer came with windows defender, it might be called something else, that's what the update header says, I just don't click on links very often, unless I know where it is going, I don't hardly ever get any spam in my email, I just don't go to places that sell my email address, I don't ever give my email address to any businesses either, lots of them want it like the pick and pulls, but there is nothing I can do about the online businesses, you go there, they have your email.

Mmmm cookies.

What ISP do you have?? You can get Norton internet security suite free if you have Comcast. Recommended to have something like that, you are correct to be paranoid but it's not all bad out there.

The first link he posted opens up to a Lego simulator, it's not smart enough to know you didn't change anything and defaults to asking if you want to save your progress.


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All i get is this..


Sorry for the tech trouble. “Build with Chrome” is an experiment that was designed with the browser Google Chrome in mind. As a result, it may not work perfectly in your current browser. For the best viewing experience, you can download Google Chrome and launch this site again, or go ahead and try it anyway.


then when i click that off ( i was running chrome BTW )  it goes to a screen with stuff on it but when i click on any of it it takes me back to that screen again...  How do you keep a Polack busy was a funnier joke, to tell you the truth

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I am good, that's why I wasn't very happy about that link, I want to stay good.

It's always something easy that drives me nuts, like one time I had that windows key get stuck on, so every time I clicked the mouse, that window would pop up, izzo figured that one out, I cycled the key several times and all was good.

If you need computer help, let me know, I am ready and willing. I've read other posts where you've been frustrated with computers and it frustrates me to read that lol. Vancouver isn't too far from Hillsburrito.


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