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Surveillance for the sake of security is bullshit. I'm with the Dr. on this one, you can go hide behind the veil of "safety" but I would rather deal with whatever it is.


This country was founded by a bunch of pot smoking slave owners that's didn't want to pay taxes and hated government.



A government should fear its people, and I think ours does.

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Surveillance for the sake of security is bullshit. I'm with the Dr. on this one, you can go hide behind the veil of "safety" but I would rather deal with whatever it is.


This country was founded by a bunch of pot smoking slave owners that's didn't want to pay taxes and hated government.



A government should fear its people, and I think ours does.


As why they have turn the major portion of surveillance on the people. People are a little grouchy so why not quell any uproar with calculated distraction from constant monitoring. 


"The war on terror" is a cash cow for special interests as is "The War on Drugs.", "Climate Change.", and any other doctored cause to promote power and wealth among the schemers 


Security........Its a myth but lets keep giving away our freedom for it. 

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Surveillance for the sake of security is bullshit. I'm with the Dr. on this one, you can go hide behind the veil of "safety" but I would rather deal with whatever it is.


This country was founded by a bunch of pot smoking slave owners that's didn't want to pay taxes and hated government.



A government should fear its people, and I think ours does.


I've spent more time in the military, supporting and defending the constitution, than you've been alive.  I feel your pain, I know the way congress and the white house "run" the country, is completely dysfunctional.


That said, there is a threat out there, it's not an excuse for unbridaled surveillance of every American - but ignoring the threat is not an answer either. 


I disagree completely, that our government should fear us.  I think as Americans we should strive to be informed and involved.  Protest as is our right, to let our feelings be known.  But simply bitching about it and collecting guns does not make the country any better off. 


My two cents. 

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The point most people seem to miss is that the government should be "us" as in carpenters, plumbers, mechanic, dentists and so on. Regular people with JOBS aside from how much they can steal or con from tax payers. This was what it was supposed to be. It should not be seen as us and them, but, that ship has sailed long ago.

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The point most people seem to miss is that the government should be "us" as in carpenters, plumbers, mechanic, dentists and so on. Regular people with JOBS aside from how much they can steal or con from tax payers. This was what it was supposed to be. It should not be seen as us and them, but, that ship has sailed long ago.


Completely agree! 

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I fail to see how it is different. If you allow them to take your privacy in the name of security you are heading down a slippery slope. I dont know about you bit I am just not afraid of this boogey man terrorist they keep trying to scare us into complacency with. I would rather deal with a terrorist than an out of control government.

Oh nevermind

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The point most people seem to miss is that the government should be "us" as in carpenters, plumbers, mechanic, dentists and so on. Regular people with JOBS aside from how much they can steal or con from tax payers. This was what it was supposed to be. It should not be seen as us and them, but, that ship has sailed long ago.



My sons dentist can't be trusted for a second, i think that Mercedes G wagon driving SOB sells carved ivory figurines in a shop downtown.

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Stupid question...OF COURSE!


At my dentist, I would jump on the dental assistant in the blink of an eye. She has been rubbing her jugs across me while I sit in that chair for so long that something is bound to give.

If you're lucky its her shirt

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