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Alternatives to JCCS

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What Jun should really crack down on are the Bling Chrome "all show no go" crap that doesn't even have a drive shaft [because nothing fits] and have to be pushed into and out of the venue.  Worthless bloated carcases!


It's Koji & Terry that run JCCS. Jun is just one of many sponsored rock stars that show up. But I agree with what your saying.  

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My opinion is that they should enforce the rules about rust and dents,,, but have another section ( way off to the side somewhere)  so guys can still have a comradery of driving their vintage Japanese car.  Also not have to worry about their car being damaged by some dingleberry in a in van or parts taken off in main un-watched parking area..


Sound familiar?

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People complain every year about this show, Just dont go last year and before its about how they judge now its about getting in. It would be nice if they can let every one have there way right but life just aint that way. Why dont we wait to see what and who can go and then complain,they might be more forgiving then we all think, and lets not forget they have sponsers and maybe they are complaining about what is coming in to the show and are threatening  to pull out if they dont clean up the cars coming in to the show, it cant be cheap to run that show, i wonder iif they pay rent and how much to the city of fuck breach i mean long beach.

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All i can say is this, this is no Portland or other state Roadster show, where you have mirror displays under your car, and 500k into it with 100k into the engine alone. This is J tin were talking about, how many are truly restored or preserved with not a spit of rust or dents.  My show car even has marks all over it in places, and had a rust issue in the past in the rockers, i dont beleive in enforcing these kind of rules on j tin, just be happy you have so many wanting to participate in the first place. 

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They shoudl do something like The roadster show does, In a 5 year period you can ony show your car 2-3 times, thats for the same car, not different cars, would make it so every year the cars attending would be different in ways. 

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Yep shasta is going to be open, but only to model years 73..or was it 74 and down.  And its in the city, the city is shutting down the main blocks for it, i guess they missed the revenue the show brought into the town durring the off season.  From what i know the roadsters are putting it on like when they started shasta originally. 

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Well my family can't fit in our one eligable Datsun ,, so the rules of that show seem to suck dick more than the rust and dents one.


Oh i forgot,  they are all a hundred years old and only have one extra seat in their cars anyways.

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Hmm, I knew the roadster guys went, but I didn't know that they allowed non roadsters into the show. Might go this year. 



I had thought that you meant that someone was bringing back the whole shibang with the gymkahana and autocrosses and thunder hill. Like the Hales and the UFO used to set up. 

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They would if the resort had not raised prices to a ridiculous amount, that was why it stopped, the new owner of the place raised rates way to fucking high :(.  I never cared about the auo cross, i loved the show. 

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“You just watch yourself. We’re wanted men. I have the death sentence on 12 systems.” 


“I’ll be careful.”


“You’ll be dead!”





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FIrst off i agree with JCCS for not letting banged up crap in there show,Sorry not trying to piss you or anyone off but its the truth,They are full every year and i for one dont want to walk around and look at junk or at cars that are just not even show worthy period. And your getting mad at JCCS and they have not even opened registration yet,Send them a email asking or send a picture to them asking if your car can go, if your car is not all beat up and your not driving around with the rear end pushed in then you might have a shot. And your talk about driving long and boring,c'mon you leave in Arizona it is boring any were you drive its the fuckin desert,Ask me how i know because I hauled fuel all over that dessert in a big truck. As for these guys on the coast its a much scenic drive and its a lot cooler period and i think we can all agree on that. I really hope to see you there.

Dont get me wrong, I dont want to see badly collision damaged vehicles either. But they are making it sound like if you dont have a paintjob you cant enter. I honestly could afford a paintjob this year.............IF, I did absolutely nothing else to my car this year.


I have a fairly clean car, no rust, no dents, it just doesnt have clear coat anymore, and theres tons of little things that I wont likely even be able to find for sale before JCCS, Where does that put me? I dont get it.


I can see if maybe it was so bad last year that they have to kind of scare some stuff off.


I guess as you said the best I can do is wait and try.



True point about AZ, but LA is only 5-ish hours.

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