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(INSOMNIACS) balls deep.

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Have you seen Koenigsegg's other videos? Like the camless motor one? They are a company that is truly trying to innovate, they are the poster supercar company.

they created the corkscrew hinge when everyone else in the business said it was impossible. Swedish engineering is the best engineering.
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So I got up, loaded the kids in the truck, and set off to go sailing this morning...


Garage sailing that is.










Dude is moving to Oregon and unloaded this gold mine for $600. Drawers are full of goodies. Shoulda seen his Stingray that he also sold. Sorry no pic. First year with the spine.


Damn. For the first time ever, I feel adequately tooled to do the things I've been doing. I'm happy. Good Sunday.

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I want to throw all my tools in the Pacific and move to Hawaii.  Only thing I would keep are my Swiss wood chisels.

Who the fuck thought of the Phillips head skew driver? Its almost as stupid as the American standard measuring system.

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Which actually was my first guess, but it's usually the woman that unloads your tools while you are sitting in some urine stained trailer, eating old bologna and crying.

That or a man who reached his point of fuck this, fuck you, I'm selling my shit and moving to Hawaii

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I want to throw all my tools in the Pacific and move to Hawaii.  Only thing I would keep are my Swiss wood chisels.

Who the fuck thought of the Phillips head skew driver? Its almost as stupid as the American standard measuring system.


Philips........... stupid American idea.



Robertson..... Canadian screwdriver of choice

Philips........... Used by Canadians when ever muttering under breath

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Phillips head is designed to sell more screws, American standard measuring system was initially designed for boneheads, but now just gives craftspeople something to split hairs over. Whenever I see a plan with 15/32 I just think great I have to second guess this idiots life.

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