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Looks like Bremerton is getting quite the update on their "Bremerton Raceway." Theres no planned opening as of yet that I can see. One of the big supporters is a local Nissan Dealer, so maybe there will be some 510 love at the track. 









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Cool, but surprising they would build another road course before the Ridge even got done. When they were pitching the Ridge to the powers that be, they rallied all the drag racers to support them, telling them they were building a top notch dragstrip.  8 years later and no planned date of completion, (or even breaking ground on it) the drag racing community feels pretty used over the whole deal.

Too bad, the track they sold us on sounded pretty sweet. Wonder if these guys will pull the same bullshit. Hope not.




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Hopefully since there already is a Bremerton dragstrip that is an NHRA division 6 track, they will see the instant revenue.  


I would love to try road racing, but I think I would suck at it.

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I would love to try road racing, but I think I would suck at it.


Same here. I keep meaning to go out and try it, but I have no experience. Im sure Ill get around to it. Maybe once this becomes a thing Ill try it since its so close. Do some Ratsun Racing. 

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Isnt the Ridge in there backdoor? can that area support two new and expensive tracks? I hope so, SIR is a tired facility and needs to greatly expand the spectators ability to roam around more parts of the track. ex. Portland. Looks awesome though, hope they do it.


I was wondering the same thing. Is there enough road racers to keep both places busy? Is the current Bremerton raceway used for road racing or auto X? I thought it was just a borrowed air strip used for drag racing. 


SIR ( pacific raceway) has been dangling the renovation carrot for years. I would love to see it, but the neighboring homes and business's ( that weren't there when the track was built) are giving them grief.




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That will be great since it`s right across the hiway from the 165,000 seat NASCAR track they built a few years ago..




what you talking about Willis. :confused:  Is this fer real ? Never knew NASCAR put a track in Washington------ yet.

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About 5 or 6 years ago some pipe dreamers  said they were going to build a NASCAR track in almost the same locaton but East.. But the county and pretty much everybody that could issue a permit pretty much laughed at them .. Mostly because these guy come in and have all these big plans but have no way to move even close to the amount of traffic these tracks need,, think 1 lane bottleneck or going 50 miles out of your way on a windy country road. The noise ,, the noise yes i said twice ,, in what is now a very quiet place.  And the fact they will probably want the Kitsap county residents to pay 40% of cost ( before road improvements) ala  big sports teams .. I call shenanigans.


And like mentioned before ,, the promised Great white hope track in Shelton still isn`t done.

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Why aren`t they using it then??



Thought i would add ,, if it didn`t cost me anything i would let them build a superspeedway in my backyard ... I would be at the scaffolding rental place throwing the money i got from the cars i'm charging to park in my yard on their counter.. :rofl: :rofl:  leaning tower of scaffolding yo

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They are using the The Ridge in Shelton. There are events almost every weekend. The pits, parking, and spectator areas are not done tho so lots of gravel parking and honey buckets for now.

Bremerton needs a revamp, I hear the racing surface is pretty bad these days. I also would hope with two local tracks maybe cost to race will come down? Doubt that would happen but I can hope.

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The Ridge had an opportunity a few years back. The track surface at Pacific was so bad, the pro's couldn't make a clean pass without spinning the tires. they had been warned about it in the past. The following spring the NHRA sent a rep out to see if there were any changes, and announced they would not be coming. This is a HUGE amount of money that was pulling chocks on them ( I heard about 1/3 of their annual income in 1 weekend), and the Ridges window to say Hey looky what we have here. But they never built the dragstrip.


Pacific ended up closing the track in May and we all waited for them to tear it up, lay it back down, and get the thumbs up from the NHRA.   


Bremerton is a well established track, but very primitive. Some good racers run there. They are not going to just stop racing. That is instant revenue for whoever offers them a new home. And we love to race at night, so we don't impede on the road racers. I guess were just a bunch of poor hillbilly's though, because there never seems be a bracket racer on any board of directors for any tracks.


Pacific is getting a lot better. As far as entrée fees, Weds and Fri night TnT's are only $40.00 to race, $6.00 to crew.

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Like mentioned.... I do believe this track will happen, soon... dont honestly know. Not sure they have the funds to complete a project like that hence the reason they are looking for sponsors. The main problem in that area is going to be the traffic. I make this drive every day... the road is just not setup for the traffic this would bring. I do agree that this would be an awesome addition... just think its going to be quite some time before we see any, if any, progress made.

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