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It's a mental disorder. If it was a parental mistake it was that they didn't get him help for it. A hooker is fine if all you want is sex. If you want love and connection to others but are unable to grasp or understand it because of a defect how do you fix that? I bet women found him creepy to deal with and reject him. Males wouldn't bond with him either.

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This may sound odd, but maybe Paul janka coulda helped this kid get laid and maybe teach him how not to be a total creep. I remember people like this in college some of them embraced high levels of orientalism, that is they went for the Asian lady's.

this kid suffers from primadonna disease, actually just seems like your average spoiled 22 year old dork that has no concept of reality. Why does this always happen in the u.s? To much television?

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You don't go out and try to kill the whole world because you can't get laid or are a 22 year old dork. Read my post above. It happens elsewhere I'm sure but it's maybe not as easy to get guns or not interesting enough for US TV.

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This dude was rejected by women who prefered "obnoxious" men, he felt sad and angry. In return he went out and blasted the world. Story closed, just a young kid to wrapped up in his own head and how he sees himself. Mental disorder? Not really, extreme personality ? Yes.

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Everyone normal person starts out more or less the same and through trial an error learns how to interact with others. You want a relasionship with someone, you play the game of give and take willingly and learn and improve even if you start off as being dorky. If you should fail, you grow into an old dork but probably with some friends at least. Those with aspergergers are hampered in this by a mental problem as the are unable to make sense of any relationship and can't learn to improve. It's a frustrating game they cannot play at all. 

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A hooker is fine if all you want is sex. If you want love and connection to others .

watch his videos before they're taken down to see hear what he wanted...

and then what he wanted to do.


he thought he was gods gift and the women should swarm him like a rockstar.

becuase he was there for them to look at in his expensive watch and clothes




he could afford a curb job on Haley street.

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300 dollars gets you sex all week in BLACK ROCK CITY everyone and everything is accepted




i know.....

Dude. Hitting a girl on a bike and having sex with her and ditching the body in the desert is metal! But putting photographic evidence on the internet is just wrong.

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If this guy has been diagnosed with asperger's there is no subjective comparison's we can make to ourselves. Sex may seem the simple answer, but for someone who does not have the first clue about connecting his inner and outer world, auto eroticism is likely his only viable sexual outlet if at all. 


Recently the DSM V (the latest version of the psychiatric diagnostic statistical manual} was published, and now Asperger's Syndum is no longer seen as an independent disorder. Today it falls under the classification of Autistic Spectrum Disorder, because Aspergers is recognized as part of a singular neurological disorder with a wide spectrum of how it expresses itself. Autism wasn't even identified until the early 20th century, and there are volumes yet to be discovered with respect to it's pathology. Although it has never been seen as a potential marker for violent behavior, research is being done on the effect of co-occurring diagnoses such as antisocial, or narcissistic personality disorders. This dual diagnosis may have some effect on this kind of behavior in autistic people.


 It's interesting you guy's characterize him as having a "God Complex", when in psychological terms this may be an antisocial personality disorder that was amplified by the social difficulties this autistic kid must have faced. The construct of a normal individual's personality (and social self identity) comes from a complex psychodynamic interplay between a child's environment, their cognitive/emotional development, and their emerging self-awareness as being independent and separate from their attachment figure, a.k.a. Mom. If there is a significant emotional disturbance at this critical stage, a child may develop an overly strong defense of their id (inner self) that does not allow for the id vs ego conflict to resolve. This break in healthy emotional development may produce a personality disorder and a higher risk for "pathological" behavior.


For someone with autism, who is adverse to external stimulation, and has difficulty connecting with the outside world on any level, I would imagine there is greater potential for some violation of their emerging id resulting in a significant emotional disturbance. We gain insight into ourselves by what our environment reflects back to us. What would be reflected back to a socially awkward autistic person? How would they perceive themselves through that distorted lens?  It's naive to think we can apply our perceptive abilities and social norms to someone like this. The fact that he drives a BMW may speak to his parent's desire for him to be successful in assimilating into "normal" society. Obviously, people in his life wore heavy blinders to avoid seeing and addressing this kids problems.

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Good one Paradime,


"narcissistic personality disorder" :thumbup: 

"significant emotional disturbance at this critical stage, a child may develop an overly strong defense of their id (inner self) that does not allow for the id vs ego conflict to resolve"



He did not grow up in a normal household, he's parents were big time Hollywood producers, way over exposed to sex and privilege in that Hollywood sorta way. This can screw up young minds, obviously he did not except his current status.


anyway back to the tits

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So Sunday afternoon I was in Moses lake eating lunch when a quad flew by drifted into some whoops flipped and dislocated a guys shoulder....

And on Thursday night a guy about 23 years old crashed his quad and died....

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