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I hate the stereotype that we are oblivious to the real world it's not true.




Gotta love the way we can poke fun at reality and the sore pussy people want to hide from it while screaming "stereotypes are not true". 


Embrace that crap. We all have piles of shit in the yard. 

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So i want to say that the stereo type of American Indians having a bunch of broken down cars up on blocks in front yard is completely and utterly inaccurate .












































We keep them in the back behind the fence the county made us erect.

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 What we know as Canada didn't come into existence until 1982 when the Statute of Westminster was completed and Canada severed it's legal dependence on the British parliament. Shortly after that they bought into the "North America Free Trade Agreement" and unknowingly became the 51st State in the union, economically speaking.



The problem with history is it's written through the subjective lens of the victor. Therefore 90% of it is propaganda that justifies their actions in war, and rationalizes why they deserve their spoils. In short, We Are The Good Guys, We Were Defending Our People and Their Righteous Value, We Will Use Our Victory To Serve The Greater Good.


In something as messy as politics and war, there is no truth. If you've ever seen a fight and heard stories about it later, inevitably there are totally different accounts depending on who's side they were on, where they stood, how they felt about one person or the other, when they came in, etc. That is the nature of individual subjectivity. Multiply that by a factor of 1 Million to the 10th power and you have war. 

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 What we know as Canada didn't come into existence until 1982 when the Statute of Westminster was completed and Canada severed it's legal dependence on the British parliament. Shortly after that they bought into the "North America Free Trade Agreement" and unknowingly became the 51st State in the union, economically speaking.



The problem with history is it's written through the subjective lens of the victor. Therefore 90% of it is propaganda that justifies their actions in war, and rationalizes why they deserve their spoils. In short, We Are The Good Guys, We Were Defending Our People and Their Righteous Value, We Will Use Our Victory To Serve The Greater Good.


In something as messy as politics and war, there is no truth. If you've ever seen a fight and heard stories about it later, inevitably there are totally different accounts depending on who's side they were on, where they stood, how they felt about one person or the other, when they came in, etc. That is the nature of individual subjectivity. Multiply that by a factor of 1 Million to the 10th power and you have war. 

Careful.. I think you're moving a little fast for junior ^_^



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The new move on Craigslist seems to be to advertise a set of tires for X amount of money, then when I call, inform me the price they listed is for each tire. Today was the third time in the last 6 month I have had this happen. My response this time was "good, because I only want to buy one tire". Silence on the other end...then "no, I won't split them up". "Oh, well why are you pricing each tire individually then?" Silence, then a sigh and hung up on me.


So, naturally, I called back and said "Sorry we got discontented, where would you like to meet up so I can buy the tire?" I was hung up on again.

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With a slight modification to your mouse trap you could agree to the price, meat up with them, and then pull out the "I only want one tire". Given your warm and cuddly exterior Smoke, I'm sure they'd swing you a very nice deal. And if they don't, well at least they can't hang up to make you go away.


I was in Istanbul and saw a sign out front of a restaurant that said Moussaka 200 Lera. Order mine to go, the guy brings it out and charges me 500 Lera. When I took umbrage with this, (nice word Smoke, thanks) he says, "Oh that's a different Moussaka", and I reply "Oh OK, I want the 200 Lera kind then". He patted me on the back and gave me the food for free.

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