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Ratsun should have their own pic uploader

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Why doesnt Ratsun implement their own picture uploader? I've been using Photobucket for years--even through the various changes, and have always thought this. I have even copied and pasted pictures in various forums here. Sometimes works, sometime not. With all the photo hosting sites, if you delete a picture or the link gets jacked, you lose the picture on here. Craigslist is a simple page and they have an uploader......cant be that hard. (although I'm not an expert by any means)

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Because it takes a lot of bandwidth to host pictures. Think of how many pictures people post daily. All that would need space and space costs money.


For a free site that has no ads and never asks for a dime, it's a little much.

Wasnt there a fund raiser or donation on here........

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@TristinGrind--what ever happened about those 411's?


Didnt work out :(


Wasnt there a fund raiser or donation on here........


Yeah you can totally donate to Ratsun. Im just saying that they never ask for money. There are no ads, no banners, they dont push asking to donate, there are not yearly donation drives... if you want to, cool. If you dont want to, whatever. 


Photo storage takes up tons of space. Shit aint cheap. 

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Ok, I see the point.Ask and you shall receive! :)  I didnt know CL charged...never used it for other than selling/buying.

Did you also not know ebay owns a 1/4 of it? You can bet they are getting paid... 

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