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Acquiring an abandoned vehicle

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Anyone here have any info on acquiring an abandoned vehicle?  There is a 74 620 that has been sitting for about 10-15 years and noone knows who owns it.  Hell no one even knows who owns the parcel of property.  My next step is to hit up the DMV with the VIN and see what I can do there and I'm going to go to the County and see if they have records of who currently owns the property.  Any other suggestions??  


I even spoke with a neighbor and he told me to just go take it LOL, but I don't wanna get tagged with GTA!!

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First of all. You got to make damn sure it has no owner. I made a mistake of buying a car with out even checking! I could of lost the car.


SO! You get the vin, you go to the highway patrol or the dmv to check out that vin. OR! You can go online to check if it is still in the system by using the DMV website. Then! You figure out who's land is it on and ask the owner of that land to give you a bill of sale. Then you take that datsun and you register it to the dmv. If it has back fees, you pay them. If it out of the system, you just pay the registration fee. 


A chp and or peace officer will be checking up on that vin to see if its been tampered or stolen... So if its cut or tampered, i would not fuck with it. 


IF YOU HAVE AAA that would make shit easier... They can do everything for you... You don't even need the dmv at all until they have to check out the vin. 

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Honestly it only cost me 47$ to do it. Just might get lucky and pay the non-op and put it in your name. 


I did go to a outside source where they do dmv work for a "fee". But they wanted 700$!!!!! I man-up and went to the dmv to face it head on. 

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My next step is to hit up the DMV with the VIN and see what I can do there and I'm going to go to the County and see if they have records of who currently owns the property.  Any other suggestions??  


I even spoke with a neighbor and he told me to just go take it LOL, but I don't wanna get tagged with GTA!!

go to the county assessor's office and they can tell you who's paying the taxes on said property. This is free public info. 


if it's not the landowners 620 then go to the DMV, they might charge you a small fee's and will ask you for your I.D. info because of the privacy act. 


don't listen to the neighbor, he's a retard. GL

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Find out who owns the property. If you just take the vehicle home It will be considered theft. There's a HUGE difference between getting an abandoned vehicle from someone who owns the property, and just taking a vehicle without talking to the owner of a property.


If a vehicle is left on a public roadway for eons, that's a different story. Heck, that's what tow companies do all the time.

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Ok cool thanks for the info, just wanted to make sure I was doing the correct procedures.  I've tried a few times to run the VIN but due to the fact that it is pre 81 and doesn't have a standardized VIN I have to go to the DMV.  Luckily here theres no such thing as back taxes woo hoo.  And besides that it will never be registered,  I'm only after a handful of parts from it.  Tailgate, package tray, heater core box and a few odds and ends that are still in pretty good shape.  That and the frame for my s13 project!!!

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well here in California i ran into kinda the same situation but it was VW bug 

i knew a guy that was into flipping properties  and sometimes when he got some run down

properties they would have old cars and crap 

he knew i was into VW's back in the day and he called me and said there was a VW

on this new property

went and looked and it was a 1963 slider(rag)

well log story short dmv requested the vin ,they ran it hadnt been reg in years

they had to search hard just to find any record

they said that they would put a 14 day hold on it

to see if the owner came forward ,than after 14 days if no owner came forward

 that the land owner had the rite to auction it off

what was described to me is that after 14 days the property 

owner went outside by the car stated that he was having a auction for the car

and if no one came forward he could take possession of the car

well on the 14  day we went outside to do the little auction shindig

and who pulls up in a truck and trailer

4 big ol dudes to recover there car

well i guess the dmv sent the letter to the last known registered

owners address and told them about the car forfeit auction thing and how many days they had etc etc etc

well someone at that address still knew who's car it was  and that was it

they loaded it up and it was gone  


my best advise just like stated above start with the property owner 

thx farmer

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I'm working on finding out who the property owner is.   The story goes that the original owner and/or tenant of the property was murdered about 10 or so years ago and that a sister was given the property.   She however lives in Florida and noone here has contact information for her.  So the plan is to hit the county assessor's office and find out who pays the property taxes and hit the DMV too.  I'm in no rush either since I've still got tons of work to do to the S13 chassis

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Sounds like a crap ton of work just for a few parts. I wouldn't deal with the hassle, just find the parts you need elsewhere.


Arizona is the same way, they'll send out a letter to the last registered owner. If they decide they want it, it's there's to take. That's the reason buying cars with no titles is a bad idea. Even if the car has changed hands 10 times over the past decade, if that last registered owner decides 'Hey, why not, I'll take it back", it's there's to legally take.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update on this truck.  I was able to go to the county assessors office and got the owners name.  She lives in Florida!  Well I got ahold of her and all I gotta do is clean the yard where the truck is at and the truck is mine!  She is sending all the necessary paperwork to the DMV here so I can get the title for it!

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We need a pic of the lot and truck to see what you're getting yourself into. How do each of you know you will do the work and she will send the paperwork to the dmv? How will you know about the paperwork?


But it's nice you looked into it and got the ball rolling.

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We need a pic of the lot and truck to see what you're getting yourself into. How do each of you know you will do the work and she will send the paperwork to the dmv? How will you know about the paperwork?


But it's nice you looked into it and got the ball rolling.

The lady called me back and told me who to contact at the DMV.  She said she's never even seen the property or the truck.  She has no idea what condition the property is in either.  It was left to her after her sister passed.  She's never even been in this state!  She just asked that I take pictures of the property before and after.  And the lot is an easy 2-3 hour clean up.  A rake and some gasoline is all its gonna take.  MYDAILYROUTINE is gonna help me out.

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