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oregon sherrif says mo way to vp biden

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i bought a wrist rocket today....


72240z......i think the problem is your on the defensive and didn't really read my post before the anger boiled over and u hit reply ... i care neither way, i say there's more pressing issues that need to be addressed......anyone taking this stance is like putting a band aid on your hand when u leave for work in case u get a cut there....its all hindsight and speculation as usual when it comes to these type of issues....problem with govt and how they operate ... there always reactionary instead of proactive .... there opinion has always been " oh you got a problem ...lemme swoop in after the fact make a few knee jerk reactions then leave you in a learch worse off then when we arrived...."  clearly that is exemplified in most current situations...


besides had u actually asked instead of pounced my comment wasnt even reference to the current ban....we all know with out enforcement or aknowledgement its not even as good as the paper its written on...

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Ya well the right and the NRA have been crying about Obama wanting to take their guns since day one. I believe for that reason honestly. That and their own fundraising which is ALWAYS in overdrive. It got really rolling in that boarder shooting situation where it came to light that the gov like lost? a whole bunch of guns and one ended up in the hands of some mexican kid who was killed by a border officer. I believe it was said then that the gov distributed these guns with the express intent of raising shooting rates for a move to strip gun laws/rights. The same thing is happening after the shooting in ct only this time the left is playing right into it. Which serves them right, the fucking weasels....

Ut oh jrock, it doesnt have a pistol grip does it!!???  

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with the leveraging piece that rides on your wrist that improves accuracy...duh i sprung for it



no one ever deals witthhe real issues they just wanna use tragedys as a spring board for there ventures.... sad really ...

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I agree with most of what you said. That was a rather large edit you added there lol. 
It wasnt a boiled over response or anything of the like. I dont wave my fist at the computer while I type. 

Ya it is sad. It's one oft he reason I believe tensions around the country are so high over it. Its pretty transparent whats going on and people dont like it. 

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So if the opposite of pro is con what's the oppisite of progress congress? Did anyone hear all that info anout how the shooter in the theatre and this recent one where tied in the fact they were both on the same mental meds and their parents where involved with a giant europe banking scandal? I know that to be a hero you need a villan bp does it all the time creates disasters and then gets rich off the cleanup of the mess they made its pretty obvious.also if you watch this latest obama youtube video where hes talking about the executive orders and gun bans needing to be so instantly passed. Youll notice he has a bunch of little kids on stage with him where have we seen this type of propoganda before in history? Yep you guessed it hitler used the same techniques its a hell of a lot harder to talk down to someone while theres alittle girl sitting next to them. No good.

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You guys know that assault weapons are a luxury item and in these hard times sales are probably down so what better way to boost sales than release as much " us " against "them" propaganda as possible to up sales...  BTW there was already an assault rifle ban in the past and if you guys knew anything about goverment you would know even if they pass a law it will expire ..






Or your spell check




2014 mid-terms puts at least six gun-friendly Dem senators up for re-election and most have very good NRA ratings and since voting for the '94 ban cost a lot of the senators and congressmen their jobs in that mid-term election it's a tough call. no clue. can I say that I hate politics on ratsun? right after I posted in a political thread?

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thank you naner for bringing the first real info to this thread..




side note holy shit right click on underlined words  brings up a bevy of correctly spelled words to choose from ...nioce


Too bad it wasn't used when typing in the title on this post.

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