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storing a car

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No this isnt going to a post about how to store a car. I was thinking it would be a cool question to ask the drivers who drive their cars all year if they do really enjoy them all year. As you ca see by my sig that I live near \Toronto On and have to put my Mustang away for the winter. In the spring there is a feeling you look forward to when its time to get it out. All most the same feeling as spring time and motorcyle time again. |Also when winter comes I get to work on the Mustang . ||Last year I did a tube cross member and A arms, coil over conversion , and lots of other items. So if your from warm climates lets hear your side


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I have had a series of 'winter cars' back east. One was a '65 Pawnticket. (that's a Garthism for Pontiac) That's the problem with having a nice ride you have to have a winter car. To reduce rusting there was also used motor oil spraying.... lord only knows how many tens of thousands of gallons of waste oil dripped into the environment in Upper Canada. Do shady garages still do that out there?


Here where I am now, there is so much rain, salts not such a problem even though I'm further north than you are an only a few hundred feet from the ocean. I have two low mileage Datsuns and could drive them all year but not much fun in the dark and wet. I have 80,000Km '90 Plymouth Sundance winter car.

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I live in southern California, LA/OC area..


And I drive all my cars all year long. I work on them slowly, but surely..

I have this problem; buying cars that I like, but don't really need.. Which really slows things down....

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I drive mine all year round, except when it's absolutely FREEZING outside... My heater isn't worth a crap :crying: and my windows frost up on the inside making it really hard to see where I'm going :sneaky: Living in Missouri, a good heater is important, some time I'm gonna fix it... unfortunately it's not very high on my priority list, I keep playing with the engine and suspension instead :rofl:

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i bounce between cars. lately though i have been rocking my first datsun, 73 620, and my BMW. as soon as i get teh heater fixed and some work on moms Taurus, i am going to be driving my new\old daily 89 Jetta.


I have 80,000Km '90 Plymouth Sundance winter car.


great cars. my kid has moms old 87 Sundance. 2.2l 5spd.

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Drive the celica year round.  Both the 76 and the 85 have good AC/heaters.  They take a bit to warm up in the winter, but it is not bad.  AC has issues keeping up at 110 degrees, but it does alright.  I have a company car for the salty, icy crap.

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I store my 810 till spring. My d21 went south with a blown head gasket this week, so that leaves me with my '89 Stanza. It's pushing 250,000 miles.  Hope it holds together till spring.  The front wheel drive makes it a good stable ride on ice and snow.

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