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Thanks Ratsun pet owners

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Hi folks.


It's been roughly 24 hours since I've had to bid farewell to my beloved dog KD (a 12 year old Rottweiller, and in my opinion the worlds skinniest, goofy, yet absolutely adorable dog).


It's hard for me to describe (despite the fact I have friends and family to talk to here) how much it's helped me to be able to post my comment(s) in this fora about my loss.


The fact that even one person, yet more of you on the other side of the world to me posted some very kind and supporting words, has helped my grieving immensely.


God bless you, you rock!!!





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It's never easy losing a pet, but when you have to make the choice yourself with ailing babies, it's that much harder. And, time will help you to heal, but I can say having been through a very similar situation just a year ago, it's still difficult many days. But, there's so much more about our Pug that we lost that makes me laugh than there is about his shitty last few weeks that make me cry. Overall, you just need to remember that you were blessed to have them be a part of your life for as long as they were with you.


Sorry for you loss. Just know that she's free of her pain and that she'll always be one step behind you.... just over your shoulder :console:

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Sorry to hear about your loss, man! I had to let my 4-legged "kid" go 5 years ago (she was 13 yrs old), and I still think about her all the time.......well the beautiful head shot pencil drawing that hangs in my office helps with that! I always pass this along to people I know who have lost a pet, maybe it will help.




Sappy, I know! Still makes me tear up............ :hmm:

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I still tear up thinking about my Cobi dog. She's been gone since 2008. I love Molly, but Cobi was truly my dog. I spent massive amounts of time with her as we got her when I was 14. Every day after high school I'd go home and we would play. She got used to rally driving in my truck. It was awesome, she'd sit on the seat (about 45 pounds, pretty small) and she'd lean into the corners as I'd tear around them. I'd swear she was a reincarnated race car driver. ;)


Time heals all, but yeah, it's hard. Wishing you the best.

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my kitty just passed away a few weeks ago, so i feel for ya man. i still miss our old Shepard Billy though. he was my big buddy. i could fall asleep on him and he'd just lay there. always loved to play and chill when it was time. it takes time but it'll be alright in the end. you will miss him for a long time but you'll find another to fill the hole in your heart. :crying:

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