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Sightings 2, the not a datsun but... Thread

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This thing belongs to a kid that works next door. It has a big ass V8 in it. And he hand built the entire thing. I don't really think it's stret legal, But all the lights work and it has plates.

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I used to work with a chick that was a welder, pretty damn good looking too, said she wanted to be a "squatter punk" cause it was cool and she wouldn't have to work....fucking people


For those that don't know a "squatter punk" is someone who is onto punk music and breaking into and living in someone else's home with out paying for it, usually in groups

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Nope, her an a bunch if dudes, she brought her boyfriend thru the shop one time to "intimidate" us, needless to say it was more entertaining than anything, this little tattooed guy walking thru our shop scouling at everybody looking "tough" :lol: ah the good ol days

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Oh man, the trail 70 brings me back. I come from a dirtbike orientated family, my Mother and her Sister both rode those things. I remember Mom's was kind of a goldish brown color. That little fucker was tough as a coffin nail, because every time no one was around, I would take it and try to kill it. I once rode my Father's trail 90 back to camp with pretty much square wheels from a relatively large jump I took on it. Yeah, he was happy.

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