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Wife wants a divorce... But I get to keep my Datsun!

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Someone at Canby was going to send me a sticker saying "YOUR MOTHER LIKES THIS"..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... still waiting

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Haha loving the mom jokes starting! And my wife came home tnight and hung out with me. Seems allot more positive and willing to think more before she takes it too far. I think she had her taste of freedom and maybe she's had enough. Sleeping on the couch but at least in the same house. big improvement since this tme last week she wouldn't talk to me at all. Not saying she's gonna stay but it Looks like there's hope after all. I also did start putting my foot down and telling her she couldn't have everything she wanted. I hate to do that but she seems to like me to take charge.

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I also did start putting my foot down and telling her she couldn't have everything she wanted. I hate to do that but she seems to like me to take charge.


you sound like a nice guy....



.... but some times you need to harden the fuck up.



kinda sounds like you need to wear the pants for a bit.... no offense. but it is possible to be to nice...

and some chicks will take full advantage of that.

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Haha loving the mom jokes starting! And my wife came home tnight and hung out with me. Seems allot more positive and willing to think more before she takes it too far. I think she had her taste of freedom and maybe she's had enough. Sleeping on the couch but at least in the same house. big improvement since this tme last week she wouldn't talk to me at all. Not saying she's gonna stay but it Looks like there's hope after all. I also did start putting my foot down and telling her she couldn't have everything she wanted. I hate to do that but she seems to like me to take charge.


....and maybe she simply had no where else to go. She left you. If she's allowed back, I think it only right it be on your terms. As I said before trust is at an all time low. Don't cave in because you think you're lonely... get a dog and a subscription to JuGGs magazine.

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let her catch u in your jo ing station.... then say well bitch if u would do your job......i wouldnt have a pic of a chick in a cami stuck to my left hand....nice she let u sleep on the couch...now tonight ...say ok your night to sleelp on the couch im in the bed...realistically it means nothing but could mean something ...just dont make the mistake of caving....stand your ground....be firm but not a jerk...and maybe if shes being nice ask her ... hey did u get a chance to get to the courthouse and get those papers...stand back and watch her face melt....bitches always say shit they dont mean, thinking no one will hold them to i t....of course u dont mean it but its the letting her know she wins...and by win i mean u hitting skins...but like mike said use a jimmy u guys arent in a place where u need to complicate things ...glaze her like a donut then go take a shower....like a bawse ....trust me if she wanted gone whe swould be gone and u would get a text pic reverse cowboying the apt maintenance man...with a ratsun salute thrown in

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a women that loses a child is tough to live with, more then a man can understand. It's a special bond that a mother wants when having children. If you 2 love each other very much, both of you will work this problem out together. Who said it's a smooth road of life, no one. Follow your heart and it will work out for both of you. Sorry if I don't get into details but figure you 2 are smart enough to work it out. May I suggest, take her out to dinner, no not Mc Donalds or In & out burger or Sheri's but a nice restaurant. She's worth it, isn't she. Good luck and have a happy life together.

time for a video,



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let her catch u in your jo ing station.... then say well bitch if u would do your job......i wouldnt have a pic of a chick in a cami stuck to my left hand....nice she let u sleep on the couch...now tonight ...say ok your night to sleelp on the couch im in the bed...realistically it means nothing but could mean something ..tumblr_m3on6qPmzB1rn6ys0.gif.just dont make the mistake of caving....stand your ground....be firm but not a jerk...and maybe if shes being nice ask her ... hey did u get a chance to get to the courthouse and get those papers...stand back and watch her face melt....bitches always say shit they dont mean, thinking no one will hold them to i t....of course u dont mean it but its the letting her know she wins...and by win i mean u hitting skins...but like mike said use a jimmy u guys arent in a place where u need to complicate things ...glaze her like a donut then go take a shower....like a bawse ....trust me if she wanted gone whe swould be gone and u would get a text pic reverse cowboying the apt maintenance man...with a ratsun salute thrown in

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you should have mentioned losing the baby before hand.


Women are crazy after giving birth or losing a baby. Her body is producing more hormones than you can imagine and she doesnt know how to cope with it. Add the loss of a baby and this is why women kill themselves after losses like this. My wife and i lost a baby when we were first married. She was ok but after we had our first son but she was a nut bag, we almost divorced but worked it out and now were going on 14 years.


I had one of the best Dr's in the world as far as trying to get pregnant is concerned tell us that the best way to get prego is to try right after a loss. Bammm, that shit worked like a charm. She was the chief of pediatrics at lucile packard at Stanford University.

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