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Siqx's 4x4 brat project

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Anyone here ever own one? Im picking one up from my girlfriends brother for $150. Gonna make it into a little bush beater. hasnt run in a long time but those motors are simple enough i can get it running for cheap im sure. everything is all there. Gonna lift the sob and have some fun. good for hunting,camping, and just some good ol fuckin around. It aint pretty but i dont care. Atleast i wont feel bad when i dent it. Found a write up on how to fab up a 6" body lift. gonna prolly do that. would look something like this :D




I will post up some pics of it when i go out there again to pick it up. its hard to find time cause our schedules dont mesh very well. but it will be mine.

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Ive thought about picking one up as a beater for the winter, but they are way over priced in this area. After seeing that picture, I would way lift it and demolish anything I could find. Im from Venice Beach, California and I would be so redneck for that. If you end up not wanting it for $150 I will drive down and buy it.

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funny you should say that. thats the only problem with it is that the headgasket is blown and it just all around needs some work. everything is there tho. along with the rear seats! Im gonna go take a closer look at it tomorrow prolly to see exactly what im getting into. The 620 is still my primary project. Im just gonna take a pause on it prolly to get this running again. I hate not having a DD and sharing my girlfriends pontiac so it will be nice to have something to drive again. I will take a couple pics when i go out there to take a look.

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So sometime this week he is supposed to tow it over. Got some more info on it it is a 81 so its the 1st gen model. Which im not as thrilled about but its okay. Says it ran 6 months ago and hasn't since. It does have a blown headgasket, 4wd works and everything and everything is there. Only things its missing is a windshield, passenger window, and front passenger marker lenses. The glass is gonna be the hard part as nobody makes them new anymore so I gotta try and find used. Which wont be easy either. Im thinking worst case scenario I may just use lexan or something.


Anybody know the DOT regulations on lexan? I know it can be used im just not sure on thickness requirements or anything.

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Why are you not as stoked on it being an '81? I never had a Brat, but had an '81 GL wagon as my first car throughout high school. Hands down, most fun car I've owned to date. The 4hi & lo was the fucking SHIT! I drove shitty, snowy, icy mountain roads past others getting stuck, and even mobbed it at the sand dunes that I grew up near. I would imagine with a lift and some meaty tires it would be even more fun. I'd pick that thing up in a heartbeat for $150... and even quicker for $125!

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only problem is the pre 82's run a torsion bar setup that makes it more complicated to get any lift out of it. atleast the kind of lift im looking for. I want atleast 4-6 inches so i can fit some 28's under there. Torsian bars max out after 2"or 3" max. so it is just a little more in depth then the post 82 models. I will get it lifted either way. I just have to get crafty with it now lol. Im still excited about the car. was just hoping i would get lucky with the year. 82+ is cake to get the big lift i want.

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only problem is the pre 82's run a torsion bar setup that makes it more complicated to get any lift out of it. atleast the kind of lift im looking for. I want atleast 4-6 inches so i can fit some 28's under there. Torsian bars max out after 2"or 3" max. so it is just a little more in depth then the post 82 models. I will get it lifted either way. I just have to get crafty with it now lol. Im still excited about the car. was just hoping i would get lucky with the year. 82+ is cake to get the big lift i want.


Should be able to mod the torsion keys and reindex them for more lift, friends do it on torsion trucks all the time.. You can even buy ones for dakotas and durangos, do some more research, may be able to buy something for it...

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Wow....That brings back some fucked up memories. :rofl: a friend of mine had one of them back in the 80's. We went out drinking one Thursday night closed down the club (Hammered) And thought it would be a good idea to cruz down to TJ.


Papas&Beer for a few more. Then on down to Esterio beach To visit my uncle that had a place on the beach. So after a couple days of drinkin and some other fun stuff we figured we better start home. Back in TJ we hit a dump truck head on. Wound up in the hospital in TJ after a few stitches then off to jail. There wasn't much left of the poor Brat after that. They let us go for lack of money.

They told us come back in the morning with some more money and we will give you back your car. I think that thing is still down there. :rofl:

Anyway cool car man......

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I had a brat briefly,,was waaayyy too rusty to do anything with except part it out. Ran great though,, and the 4wd worked perfect. It donated itself to another guys project,, and lives on in pieces parts.






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first gen body style looks like this



really nice body lines and seriously easy to work on when i did the clutch and head gaskets on my wagon i had the motor out and on the ground in 20 minutes

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