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1967 510 in NJ

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Edit- NOT a 67. Owner was mistaken. Too bad! Still nice potential-looking dime for the east coast. And he posted some pics which confirm the later date. '72.


Whenever I see slot mags on a dime that has been out of circulation makes me think it belonged to an ol skool datsun nut. Makes me smile.



1967 510 in NJ









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Looks like he changed his description as it's now a 1972.




I wondered. When I wrote I asked if he was sure it was a 67. Must've double checked.

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4 dr 510s are COOLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BUY IT!!!!!!!. your not going to find a rust free car back east unless you pay alot of money or the person doesnt know what he has.


every thing look good in the photo but rust is a big issue


BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!! good color also. slam it down with some Rota RBS!!!!!!



You mean me Hainz? Man I totally would but I already have my LZ22 4-door. I do love this color. Livestrong, if I were you I'd think real hard about this one. But Ohio is a bit of a trek from the coast.


I've asked for some history and more photos on the car. If I hear back I will keep y'all in the loop.

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i spoke with this fella, very nice seems like a solid car

but really want a 2 door... if this was a 2 door i/d be all over it

alas, theres gotta be sumthin out there

i/ll jus keep lookin : )


4 door 510s are the shiz man..in any other type car maybe not , but 4 door 510s just got a little sum-um sum-um.


.and you could stand as far back as you wanted , my car wouldn`t look that nice

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