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Issues with our pregnancy

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You know what pisses me off. When im trying to keep my wife destressed, and then family stress comes up. Long story short, her brother is in detox, her dad went through his phone, found out his mother was helping supply him, as well as his cousin who lives with him and is renting his grandmothers house (right next door) and is also his dealer, and his aunt is supplying his cousin (her own son) all through his text messages. Went into the house nextdoor and found drugs all over the place, he was wondering why cars were going to the house constantly. So great day. My wife finds out her aunt is a drug dealer with her cousin, and even ehr own mom was helping supply her brother. What a great fuckign day. I dont get wtf is wrong with her family. Im not going to mention names but its going to be a messed up couple of months. Im just worried for her dad right now. Drugs are so stupid.


The more i think of it this is a really scary situaton for her father. Specially with the evidence next door, and to learn your own sister is doing this and making her own kid deal.......WTF is going on with the world people?I seriously am loosing all my faith in the world, it makes me worried raising my son, and my still to come 2nd child. Trying to keep my wife from stress and heres some super ultimate stress. Her family has pretty much just shattered to peices.

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Stay positive. Sorry for your struggles. My mother was driving a Fiat 128(tiny car) when she was pregnant with me and was hit head on by an ltd wagon(big car) that turned into her. She broke her wrist and was super freaked about me and If I would make it. I did, and other than me being me there is noting wrong with me from the accident. The hard thing now is the wait and see game. Keeping you and yours in my thoughts and prayers. Like every thing else hard in life this too will pass.

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Sorry to hear about all this. Stay strong and positive. Take each day as it comes. Chipping away daily at something largely stressful helps me. I know exactly how you feel about your family. Take care of YOUR family, hers can go on the backburner. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife. If you wanna talk or vent you can pm me

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Its like i told her. Shes got her dad,her grandmother, and her sister that are still close to her. And shes got my family as well. I just cant beleive her family. About to move us into a cabin in the woods and keep us away from phones.

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You know what pisses me off. When im trying to keep my wife destressed, and then family stress comes up. Long story short, her brother is in detox, her dad went through his phone, found out his mother was helping supply him, as well as his cousin who lives with him and is renting his grandmothers house (right next door) and is also his dealer, and his aunt is supplying his cousin (her own son) all through his text messages. Went into the house nextdoor and found drugs all over the place, he was wondering why cars were going to the house constantly. So great day. My wife finds out her aunt is a drug dealer with her cousin, and even ehr own mom was helping supply her brother. What a great fuckign day. I dont get wtf is wrong with her family. Im not going to mention names but its going to be a messed up couple of months. Im just worried for her dad right now. Drugs are so stupid.


The more i think of it this is a really scary situaton for her father. Specially with the evidence next door, and to learn your own sister is doing this and making her own kid deal.......WTF is going on with the world people?I seriously am loosing all my faith in the world, it makes me worried raising my son, and my still to come 2nd child. Trying to keep my wife from stress and heres some super ultimate stress. Her family has pretty much just shattered to peices.



Slap your mother in law, kick cousin in the nuts, aunt in the box, call police and have themn taken away, then burn the house down and move away........ whoooo that feels good to say. (not serious about burning the house down) Bad situation to bring kids up in.

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Well to be a dealer and have ur kid do it, wtf is the deal with that. How would you feel if your kid died? Its just a scary situation. Her dad has his sons phone, and found hundreds of texts that can put MANY people away or at least have them being watched. Hes going to try to make a deal to keep his son from getting into trouble because right now hes in detox for the next 30 days and he signed all his rights to making any deciosns for the next year away. Hes now under his fathers control for the next year because he wanted the help, which is a good thing. H e knows he has a problem, admitted it and wants the help. And because of him his father has found out what his sister is up to. But what really pisses me off is that aunt messaged me last week saying how she wanted my brother in law to get better, and was trying to help him....by trying to help him i guess she means giving him heroine? I feel bad for my wife, her family is so messed up, but at least she has her dad, her gradnma, and her sister. And hopefully after he cleans up her brother again. But her mom is gone, i will not let that woman even see her newest grandchild, not even a picture. To know for the last 2 years and not say anything about her son being addicted to heroine is fing disgusting. Idk why this drama always seems to search me out for having to deal with people on drugs....it always seems like it finds me and pulls me in to have to help people, and this time im not i have my OWN family to worry about.


Im just worried about my father in law, hes got this phone and a house full of evidence. His house is connected to the main house, its a weird L shaped duplex, his master bedroom shares a wall with the main house. I told him you need to sleep in a different room with your wife, so if someone doesnt shoot through that wall, set the house on fire, or tries coming through with a fire ax at least your in the room not connected. And to sleep with his gun out for a few months. I dont want to see anything happen to him because of what he knows and the evidence he has, so im really worried about him with this info. Glad they dont know where me and my wife live lol.

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The lying bitch that hit my wife, she said someone hit and ran her. FIRST, this is bumper to bumper morning traffic on the i5 bridge, HOW if someone lightly hits and runs you, and gets into the middle to left lane to run, are you not going to get their info, when it takes you another 4 minuites to get off the fucking bridge..? How do you not at least get a plate number, color, make of car? Thats how i know this bitch is lying. But just because she said she was hit and run, farmers her insurance has sad sorry, we are NOT responsible, so go fuck yourself.


I called my insurance, they are taking care of us, going to try and help us out as much as possible, but my guy said proving this bitch as lying is going to be hard now. Even with my wife now having medical issues and the risk to our pregnancy, they will take care of me with our insurance, and luckly i have a 200 deuctibal on uninsured protection. But this pisses me off, people not taking responsibility for THEIR fucking mistakes, for not paying attention and to have the posibility of ending another life. I really want to go scare the bitch since i have her address and work information just to get a rise out of things...but i wont i have to much other shit to deal with at this point.


Ive had to take responsibility for anything and everything ive ever done, i dont take the easy way out..so seriously..


So i guess the lesson i learned today is this. If i ever rear end anyone, say i got hit and ran, and just go back into a wall. Wooh that gets you out of it i guess....fuckign liars.



I need to cool down, im just so tired of people not taking responsiblity for their actions. You fuck up, take it and deal with it. If anything happens to my baby, or my wife, she better pray to god im in sane enough of a mind to not go to her address. /end rant.

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She has damage on her rear bumper. But it looks old to me, shes also got damage all over her car. SHe obviously gets in accidents all the times and gets out of them. Im going to get a lawyer and sue the bitch, my wife is at risk because of this bitch, she needs to be responsible for what she has done.

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She has damage on her rear bumper. But it looks old to me, shes also got damage all over her car. SHe obviously gets in accidents all the times and gets out of them. Im going to get a lawyer and sue the bitch, my wife is at risk because of this bitch, she needs to be responsible for what she has done.



Yeah, should be easy to tell if it was new or old. Also, did she run from you? Or did I read that wrong somewhere?

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Wife saw her in the rear view mirror not paying attention looking towards the rail road tressel while on the i5 bridge then smack into her. It was stop and go traffic, took them like 3 minuites - 4 minuites to get off the bridge. So how hard would it be when you get hit and ran from the rear, to get the person that hits you licesne plate? At least make and color and model of vehicle? She shoudl of got something, not like he could get in the other 2 lanes and fly off, it was bumper to bumper stop and go i5 bridge morning traffic. Shes a lying bitch, and of course her insurance has her side as usual. But they dont want to take all the FACTS in to consideration. I think im going to hire a lawyer and go after the bitch. She harmed my wife, and the possible future of our unborn child by hurting her uterus like this..If my child was to not make it i will be fucking pissed.

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Wife saw her in the rear view mirror not paying attention looking towards the rail road tressel while on the i5 bridge then smack into her. It was stop and go traffic, took them like 3 minuites - 4 minuites to get off the bridge. So how hard would it be when you get hit and ran from the rear, to get the person that hits you licesne plate? At least make and color and model of vehicle? She shoudl of got something, not like he could get in the other 2 lanes and fly off, it was bumper to bumper stop and go i5 bridge morning traffic. Shes a lying bitch, and of course her insurance has her side as usual. But they dont want to take all the FACTS in to consideration. I think im going to hire a lawyer and go after the bitch. She harmed my wife, and the possible future of our unborn child by hurting her uterus like this..If my child was to not make it i will be fucking pissed.


You've got a case. I would talk to a lawyer. Usually the first hour is free.. So explain your situation they will tell you if you have a case or not. Sounds to me like you need to do it.

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I need to find a good one. But then i wonder if i do sue what is it going to accomplish. She drives a 90's pos neon, lives in a shitty area of vancouver ina pos apartment, so whats she have in her bank account....500 bucks? Probley why her ass lied because she cant afford to pay up-. I really thought at first she woudlnt have insurance so i got her address and everything off her license to. Just such bull.

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I need to find a good one. But then i wonder if i do sue what is it going to accomplish. She drives a 90's pos neon, lives in a shitty area of vancouver ina pos apartment, so whats she have in her bank account....500 bucks? Probley why her ass lied because she cant afford to pay up-. I really thought at first she woudlnt have insurance so i got her address and everything off her license to. Just such bull.



If you sue you are going after her insurance, not just her meager possessions. There are plenty of attorneys that will advise on the cheap or free. You should really get on your state and/or county BAR association website, there are usually very user friendly links to point you in the right direction. My wife worked for OSB for years and just pointing friends to the website saved many from much aggravation. There are actually some good folks out there looking to help people in your position, not just the ambulance chasers on the commercials.. good luck and best wishes to your family.

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If you sue you are going after her insurance, not just her meager possessions. There are plenty of attorneys that will advise on the cheap or free. You should really get on your state and/or county BAR association website, there are usually very user friendly links to point you in the right direction. My wife worked for OSB for years and just pointing friends to the website saved many from much aggravation. There are actually some good folks out there looking to help people in your position, not just the ambulance chasers on the commercials.. good luck and best wishes to your family.




You aren't going after her.. you are going after her insurance.

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So some good news. Allstate called me, (my insurance) and we talked. My claims agent for personal injury told me dont worry your wife will be taken care of and to wait till the pregnancy is over and then they will get my wife a settlement for the pain she has been and will be going through untill the end of our pregnancy. She said she has 3 kids of her own and could not imagine my wife going through the pain and being as scared as she is. I love my insurance, ive never had a issue with them specially on issues not my fault. I never get in accidents, they happen to me, i dont cause them so they love me.


Nice to know my insurance is goign to go after the bitch like crazy. She said the facts dont add up. I told her about bumper to bumper traffic and she said the lady should of made a police report, and she has no proof she was hit and ran she should of been able to get some info about that other car after the hit and run. Thankg god for good insurance. They are going to cut me a check tomorow for the damage to our car, i only have a 200 dollar deductibal for uninsured luckily. And they will pay any extra medical bills, and then settle us out at the end of the pregnancy for the pain my wife is going through right now. Id rather her not go through any pain, but at least something comes out of it to help. Money will go into child fund.


I hope this lady is ready for my insurance to go after her bitch ass.

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So some good news. Allstate called me, (my insurance) and we talked. My claims agent for personal injury told me dont worry your wife will be taken care of and to wait till the pregnancy is over and then they will get my wife a settlement for the pain she has been and will be going through untill the end of our pregnancy. She said she has 3 kids of her own and could not imagine my wife going through the pain and being as scared as she is. I love my insurance, ive never had a issue with them specially on issues not my fault. I never get in accidents, they happen to me, i dont cause them so they love me.


Nice to know my insurance is goign to go after the bitch like crazy. She said the facts dont add up. I told her about bumper to bumper traffic and she said the lady should of made a police report, and she has no proof she was hit and ran she should of been able to get some info about that other car after the hit and run. Thankg god for good insurance. They are going to cut me a check tomorow for the damage to our car, i only have a 200 dollar deductibal for uninsured luckily. And they will pay any extra medical bills, and then settle us out at the end of the pregnancy for the pain my wife is going through right now. Id rather her not go through any pain, but at least something comes out of it to help. Money will go into child fund.


I hope this lady is ready for my insurance to go after her bitch ass.





Be aware that placing your fate entirely in the hands of your insurance company is a crapshoot at best. Get everything in writing, and seek independent council.

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Oh i will in writing. But they are taking care of us, while going after her insurance. They said chances are 90% in our favor, that she is at fault. I feel like making some creepy drawn letters that say TELL THE TRUTH and leaving them on her apartment door and car to mind fuck with her.


Another thing my insurance said is their going to say they have a "witness" that says otherwise, and try to scare her into the truth on the phone. I hope it works.

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