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ratsun CB?

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So how's about we all get cb radios and designate a ratsun frequency? Think about it, instant datsunmeets in your area, instant help on road trips..etc.


Seems like there are enough of us (atleast in the PNW) that it be usuable. Guerilla datsun meets, sightings.


Imma get a cb soon.

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Had it back in the day, pre cell phone. thats how we all communicated here. We used to play CB tag. Designate an area of town. One guy seeks, the others hide. Everyone keeps up a conversation, the seeker uses his signal meter to home in on the hidden. First one found is tagged and competes with the original seeker. person who tracks down the most players wins!


Tons of fun, takes me back, so thanks Impaler for that!

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I think it'd be cool. Since we are all about simple old school stuff I think it'd be fitting. Better than posting something online just to see if anyone is close anough to grab a burger.


I travel a lot so it'd be cool to pop on in a random town to see if anyone is around.

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my buddy and i race around at night talking on cbs haha. when we race (this was in the bug) he would go ahead to check for popo haha. now we just use them so we dont have to dial, wait, and get tickets for having a phone to your face. convenient when were trying to meet up too.

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MOFO. I HAVE cbs. I wanted to hook us up for canDy........noooooooo says HRH.


Yeah cbs woulda been kewl for CanBy, I gotta spare 1 or 2 layin around. I think I will have one in teh 710 for 2012. You can get a magnetic antannea for the Dattos instead of drilling holes


1-40. 9 is for emergency 19 and 32 are big trucker channels. Ask Jayden71 and see what his thoughts are since he's a big mother trucker


19 is the main trucker channel. 17 for the I-5 corridor. If you wanna get fancy you can do sideband and all that cool stuff. I have a cb here that has 240 channels on it. Its pretty neat. If the conditions are right you can get some skip and I have talked to guys in Vegas from Nebraska on those extra channels!!


I wouold reccomend a single digit number like 2 or somethin for Ratsun freq. Its far enough away from the main ones you won't get any bleed over.

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I think 4 is clean alot round here, just think we should call a freq. And just take it over, so when im rollin thru a random town I can ping members and sneak up with a jdm as fawk sticker, tag your the ricer ollz.


OLLZ! Fauwk ya!! I could do that to most of yous here in teh NW!! I'm all over every week!!

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