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Seriously, I wanted to take a min to post this. I want to say I'm sorry if I ever seem like a dick or a whiney bitch on here sometimes because that's not who I am. A lot of stuff gets lost in translation online and I seem to have that problem a lot. And with the heavy medication I'm on it makes things worse. I know a good chunk of u, and those that do know me know I'm a guy who will do anything I can to help out. Hell I even let people use my garage to work on there cars and use my tools. So I just want to say sorry to the people that don't know me or this info with my medication. Half the time I wake up go online and read what I wrote and think.....son of a bitch. So I'm sorry if I ever offend anyone its not my intention, but seriously......its the fucking internet lol and everyone acts like lil bitch on here at times. Later guys.

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4You must not be more than this sensitive to post on Ratsun









P.S. I don't know what happened to cause this post, but it is the internet, so everyone says stupid stuff they don't mean...the trick is learning to not worry about the small stuff...unless it is butt lice.

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^ its the car seat thread. I made a comment and apparently it was a (personal attack) when its not what i meant it to be. As my wife knows, when i take my pills i get very angry really fast and dont think things through, roughly i became a 18 year old again :-D Or me as a 18 year old, stupid, immature, and a dick to everyone. I normally watch myself but last night it just pissed me off way to fast with my pills. But i am sorry, i try not to go on the computer at night after 7:30. Plus it only seems to be the new members that have a problem anymore. Alot of you see me at the blue lake show with my dad, and see how much work him, and me put into doing things and trying to make the show better for everyone. I try to be nice to everyone, but i tell ya nowadays you just cant be to everyone because people get hairs up their ass way to damn easily even when you are nice.

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P.S. I don't know what happened to cause this post, but it is the internet, so everyone says stupid stuff they don't mean...the trick is learning to not worry about the small stuff...unless it is butt lice.


Sure stuff gets said that probably shouldn't have been so everyone should try to keep it to a minimum. Have you noticed that those who keep that up are no longer on Ratsun? It's just too much bother to put up with the flaming bull shit-storms as other members allow themselves to get dragged in.


Dan thank-you for this post.

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^ Lol no thats avoid doing things from my android phone. It never types shit right.


And people do need to try to keep thigns to pm, like if ohio had pm'ed me first and been polite. I would of told him Im sorry, i did not mean for that to come out that way, which i didnt.

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Sure stuff gets said that probably shouldn't have been so everyone should try to keep it to a minimum. Have you noticed that those who keep that up are no longer on Ratsun? It's just too much bother to put up with the flaming bull shit-storms as other members allow themselves to get dragged in.


Dan thank-you for this post.



Looks like you misinterpreted that. I was attempting to make Dan feel a bit better...not excusing behavior, because it is not mine to excuse. I assume if he crossed the line, he would have been banned already. I figure if someone stirs up trouble, they will get popped with a ban hammer. Often time forum flame fires happen because people will take offense to one small statement, and both parties will keep escalating until someone really gets their feelings hurt. The majority of people do it, sometimes it is only when medicated(prescription or by other means), or sometimes it is because of life circumstances. The goal is to be able to ignore the little things before they turn into a big problem...again, that does not include parasite infestations, only forum posts.

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Many, many things get lost in translation from what a person means to say, and what actually comes out in type. Tone,inflection and even body language are not something a guy can use here to articulate a sarcastic, serious or a-hole response lol! One thing that is great about Ratsun is we can make these mistakes and not be raked over the coals for them if they happen, and we have a great Mod team that weeds out the imbecils that can't function here without constant reprimanding. Good job on the apology Dan, a little bit of that goes a long ways!


Keep on Datsun!

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Many, many things get lost in translation from what a person means to say, and what actually comes out in type. Tone,inflection and even body language are not something a guy can use here to articulate a sarcastic, serious or a-hole response lol! One thing that is great about Ratsun is we can make these mistakes and not be raked over the coals for them if they happen, and we have a great Mod team that weeds out the imbecils that can't function here without constant reprimanding. Good job on the apology Dan, a little bit of that goes a long ways!


Keep on Datsun!


thanks father for blessing us with your advice.

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Looks like you misinterpreted that.


...and mine was pointed at no-one in particular and everyone in general. Just a statement of intent to all. The offending post and the thread it was in was just closed and put to bed for the night. No harm, no foul.

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anyone that gets seriously butthurt from what they read the internets should probably just unplug their computer. I don't think there is anyone here I'd seriously say is an asshole or so forth. :lol:



http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19980505/ns/technology_and_science-internet/t/nerd-taunt-drove-navy-man-arson/ <-- take a lesson guys just let it go. <_<

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The way I handle the interwebz is this:


If I strongly believe in something, I will say it and not give a shit if it makes some people mad or butt hurt. I'm not here to be a mediator and make sure everyone's little egos don't get bruised, i have my convictions and I stick to them.


On the other side though, if I see something I say as being directly disrespectful or if I think it will cause a shit storm, I keep it to myself. It's not worth it to my own ego to berate or belittle someone at the expense of looking like a jack ass (unless someone REALLY deserves it).


You can't please everyone, people takes things out of context, and you will always be wrong to someone. It takes guts to publicly apologize and to realize your own mistakes, and that value in a human strongly outweighs what actions made the apology necessary. Kudos to you Dan.












Oh and fuck the police.

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Hey look, it's a future BMW engineer! :D (F me, I can't tell if that was a farce or not.)


Oh, and Dan, yes you did come off like a super dick in the other thread, but starting an apology thread was very good of you! :) Winning!

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