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Ratsun: Health/Fitness

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DANG.. Props to that guy and U guys too if u can do all those in that one sitting.. My abs hurt just from watching.. haha..


:lol: thanks man ! ,,, it's not to bad after a bit ,,, like all things takes a bit to get use to ! ,,, although I tend to have to stop at times ,,, easy peezy ! :D


I find it A LOT BETTER ,,, than doing 100+ military style 90-degree bent legs ,,, and hands behind head ,,, crunches ,,, this exercise is easier on the neck/back ,,, for me at least on the last stretch :lol:




:lol: ,,, :ninja:

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DTP, you've got some crazy strength goals! How close are you? I do strength training too. I can squat & deadlift 275lbs, bench 215. My goals are a little lower than yours because I'm old and have a bad back. Don't be afraid of doing squats, if you do them right your knees will be good. Just make sure you have good form.


I used the technique in this book: Starting Strength They have a good website and forum too if you need to ask questions. You can even post videos of your squats and a pro will tell you what you're doing wrong.


I went from squatting 135 to 225 in about 3 months using this book. 225 to 275 has taken a little longer because I'm trying to improve cardio and do other stuff, so I'm not focusing on strength right now.


Cardio: I box twice a week for my cardio.


Diet: eat lots of beef.


Goals: don't die

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1) In my experience its pretty difficult to find something that will break every single one of your plateaus. What plateaus are you at exactly? I hit a plateau with my squat and stayed there for probably like 8 or 9 months really. I had been doing 6-12 reps and 4 sets a exercise, for usually 5 exercises. so a total of 20-25 sets each quad workout. I used a belt ALWAYS. So what I did was stripped the weight down, ditched the belt and really really focused on my form and going all the way until my thighs were paralell to the floor or even lower. Then slowly started to work from there with the weight and Im now gaining past where I was stuck before. I also took up FST7 training. Which is at the end of each muscles workout you do an exercise that really isolates the muscle where you dont have to go real heavy (so not free weight presses), in this case it was simple leg extensions. You do that exercise for 7 sets of 10 or 12 reps with the same weight throughout and really get a stretch at the bottom and a squeeze at the top with only 20 to 30 seconds of rest between sets. Set the weight at something that will challenge you. Something else to consider as well which Im actually doing right now is crossfit. Its a refreshing break from the repetitive disciplined lifting and will get you stronger pretty much everywhere and make you really fit and lean. I never used to be able to do pull ups or very much push ups and I never ever ran. Now I can run a mile in less than 10 minutes and actually do pull ups and push ups. Its a completly different way to workout and greatly beneficial.


2) The crossfit coach talked me into doing the paleo diet for a month to try it out and I Really like it. You basically eat only what was available to a stone age caveman. Lots and lots of meat and eggs, veggies, fruit, nuts, seeds. Absolutely nothing that comes in any sort of package or has shelf life. I admit its sort of hard to get the carbs in that Im used to but I feel very light and lean and strong and fit. Otherwise I just eat really natural and healyht and eat 4 whole meals with lots of protein and carbs with little "snacks" between each meal aiming to grow and gain.


3)High potency multi vitamins and fish oils are a MUST before anything. Fish oils are good for your circulatory system which delivers all nutrients to your muscles and its good for your heart. You cant really get enough without supplementing it. I buy the super huge ass bottle of fish oils from costco for like 12 bucks. My next favorite supplement is glutamine. Its the most abundant amino acid in your muscles. Supplementing with this makes you recover faster and the soreness goes away. I also take creatine, nitric oxide pre workout drinnks, protein powder and sometimes carbohydrate powder or BCAA's. All of these supplements have worked for me and are worth the money. Otherwise I wouldnt even mention them.


4)I take Dymatize Elite Whey Protein Isolate, Just because its only like 45 bucks for over 70 servings of quality whey protein. Which is the best value Ive yet to see from a protein powder. I take two servings each shake to which makes for 48 grams of protein. Stay away from the vanilla flavor though! tastes fucking terrible. Also there are bags of cytosport 100% whey at costco for like 40 bucks which is 80 servings, however I am a little weary of cytosport's quality. I think Its pretty much all from concentrate so I dont buy it.


5) I worked out all through high school but didnt really get into it until after the summer after I graduated which was last year. I wasnt able to workout in the summer because I was busting my ass fishing in alaska. Ive been lifting wince then and havnt missed a single workout since then. I recently switch to crossfit like 2 weeks ago as well as the paleo diet. I only plan on doing this for another 2 weeks and going back to lifting, hoping to have mad gains in strength and endurance with this.


6)Yes. With small adjustments here and there I have progressivly gained by lifting 6-12 reps and 4 sets a exercise, for usually 5 exercises. so a total of 20-25 sets each muscle. I usally do 2 warm up sets of 12 for the big ones like chest and quads and the do 8,8,6,10. Going up in weight each set until the 6 rep set and I do that to failure. Then i take off about 20-50 pounds and do a set of 10 to push beyond failure and get a real good pump. So yes it has worked lol


7)If there is something I feel like changing I usually do it there on the spot. Which would be rep range, or the order of my exercices or my form or something like that.

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DTP, you've got some crazy strength goals! How close are you? I do strength training too. I can squat & deadlift 275lbs, bench 215. My goals are a little lower than yours because I'm old and have a bad back. Don't be afraid of doing squats, if you do them right your knees will be good. Just make sure you have good form.


I used the technique in this book: Starting Strength They have a good website and forum too if you need to ask questions. You can even post videos of your squats and a pro will tell you what you're doing wrong.


I went from squatting 135 to 225 in about 3 months using this book. 225 to 275 has taken a little longer because I'm trying to improve cardio and do other stuff, so I'm not focusing on strength right now.


Cardio: I box twice a week for my cardio.


Diet: eat lots of beef.


Goals: don't die


:lol: yes sir I do ! :) ,,, Any goals are good ones man :cool: ,,,


How close am I ? ,,, Flat Bench I am actually fairly close to where I WANT to be ,,, I am not sure I can pick up the last 10lbs :unsure: ( plateau ) ,,, as far as the rest of my goals ! most of them are very within reach I would say 10-15% is a fair guess !!! ,,, a few of them are distant ,,, but I am trying my best to build slower and best form now ! :lol: ( I was building to fast when I started again , lifting everyday , bumping up weights fast , form mostly good ,,, blah blah blah ,,, now I am more "careful" and "aware" )


I am afraid of doing squats ,,, probably because I was young when I was last serious about doing them ,,, and I am sure you are 100% correct that my form probably is the reason I am stressing my knees/ankles out to !!! GOOD POINT !!! I will have to investigate this ,,, thanks !!! :D


Wow !!! You have very good gains for squats ! congrats ! :cool:


Boxing !!! Most excellent !!! I always wanted to try that ,,, never did though !!! I will have to ,,, :)


I love your Goal at the end :lol: ;)


Good Stuff and thankyou for your input ! :D

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Plateau has been broken with Weight Training ,,, dropped weight 10% and worked on better/slower form and negative contractions ( controlling the weight not just letting it drop ) ,,, more reps ,,, slower/better forms and my joints are like 75% better !!! ,,, focused on some supplements ,,,, more exercises to induce into my routine as ratsun suggested ! ,,, more endurance ,,, for sure as well on Cardio Training !!! :)


Thanks everyone that contributed to this thread so far ! you guys rawk !!! :cool: ,,, will post what I changed for sure once I am not so tired :lol: ,,,


Keep it up :D

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i weighed 190 in the 9th grade was 5"7, noaw i'm 170 5"10 (go figure) lost 35 lbs in 2 months. i changed my habits DRAMATICALLY one night, ran one mile every day that summer. i put on 15 lbs of muscle and fat again lol, i've been using a 15lbs dumbbell and a pullup bar for 3 month ollz. most of working out/ losing weight is dedication. i stopped for like a month which led to me putting on moar fat but i'm back. i can do 6 pullups and countless bicep curls. i need 20 lbs weight! my mile time isn't good high 8's low 9's ollz my goals by the time i'm 18 are:


at least 20 pullups

3 mile run 20 min

90 sit ups in 2 min

and a 300 yard sprint time of of 3 min


This is about the minimum for the Corps

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i weighed 190 in the 9th grade was 5"7, noaw i'm 170 5"10 (go figure) lost 35 lbs in 2 months. i changed my habits DRAMATICALLY one night, ran one mile every day that summer. i put on 15 lbs of muscle and fat again lol, i've been using a 15lbs dumbbell and a pullup bar for 3 month ollz. most of working out/ losing weight is dedication. i stopped for like a month which led to me putting on moar fat but i'm back. i can do 6 pullups and countless bicep curls. i need 20 lbs weight! my mile time isn't good high 8's low 9's ollz my goals by the time i'm 18 are:


at least 20 pullups

3 mile run 20 min

90 sit ups in 2 min

and a 300 yard sprint time of of 3 min


This is about the minimum for the Corps


Very Nice man !!!


One mile everyday is awesome !


I would agree ,,, dedication ,,, is #1 priority indeed :D


I doubt stopping for 1 month is gonna put on too much fat really ;) ,,, :)


You might look into doing "upside down" (standing on your hands) pushups ( youtube ) ,,, they can be difficult to start with ,,, but easy after a bit :)


Very Nice Man !!! Good Luck to you and your goals ,,, and if you stick with them ,, you will pass your goals BEFORE reaching 18 ,, :)

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As of Today ,,, Reached a few of my goals AT LEAST ,,, at this point ,,, very happy ,,, :D


Low and Slow + Correct Form seems to do the trick ,,, increasing the weight for me to fast doesn't work ,,, but I make sure to lift Heavy ,,, as I can ,,, without pushing the limits too much ,,, just enough to stay within 5-8 reps ,,, :cool:



Goals Reset ,,, not sure how far I want to go until I develope/work on the rest of the muscles/areas :unsure:

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Well i'm 5'6 and weight 119. my old diet was. wake up, eat, sleep ,eat, work on datto, eat, sleep, eat play video games. Then flex 8-pack twofinger_salute.gif


No i do 200 situps a day (takes about 4 mins max)

200 pushups. ( about 20 mins)

and now my abs are rock hard and i gained 3 pounds. Gf loves it haha thumbup.gif

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Very Nice man !!!


One mile everyday is awesome !


I would agree ,,, dedication ,,, is #1 priority indeed :D


I doubt stopping for 1 month is gonna put on too much fat really ;) ,,, :)


You might look into doing "upside down" (standing on your hands) pushups ( youtube ) ,,, they can be difficult to start with ,,, but easy after a bit :)


Very Nice Man !!! Good Luck to you and your goals ,,, and if you stick with them ,, you will pass your goals BEFORE reaching 18 ,, :)


ohhhh man you should see how much i eat... ollz i'm ALWAYS hungry

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  • 1 month later...

Hey DTP since i stopped my one month crossfit camp I've been training to continue to cut while still increasing strength. Its really working too! What I do is I'll start with a war up and stretch for the muscle Im hitting then do my heavy presses like flat + incline bench for chest or squat + leg press for quads, then Ill follow that up doing 10 minutes of whatever cardio I feel like between each set.

So heres my quad workout:

Leg extensuions (warm up/pre-exhaust) = 3 x 10

squats = 4 x 6-8

leg press = 4 x 8-10

10 mins of intense cardio

lunges = 4 x 10-12

10 mins of intense cardio

leg extensions (work sets) = 4x12

10 mins of intense cardio


This works way better than just doing your lifting, then your cardio

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I've been struggling with weight issues for years. I once dropped 80lbs in about 6 months. I need to get back on the diet but I work so much and usually I'm in such a hurry to eat because I want to get back to what ever it is I was doing, and just not paying attention to what I eat.


I walked about a mile or 2 daily.


I ate only whole foods like chicken, beef or pork and REAL fruits and veggies like beans, carrots, lettuce etc,. i stopped eating anything fried or processed and very little sweets.


I took a shot or 2 of vineger before each meal...yes its abit rough going down but it seems abit easier when its cold.


Drinking lots of water and or liquids that contained very little additives and lots of water :)


When I was younger I had stocky shoulders but these days the flab takes over

when I'm not lookin :P

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  • 2 years later...

Some Motivation ! (for me at least lol)


Alright... new diet is a super vitamin drink with amino acids blended with milk + nana in the morning for breakfast.

Lunch is some fruit , vegetables , protein (usually like lunch meat or chicken , turkey , etc ) , and correct complex carbs .... etc I think ?... I hope lol. Dinner is usually more protein where I can help it , vegetables , spices , and some carbs yet limited in moderation.


I had the H1N1 flu virus crap a few weeks ago and that threw a wrench in my plans for being down at least 1-week on this ;)


Cardio in the morning (eliptical level 16 setting = highest ... for  20-25 minutes + 5 min's wam + 5 min cool down = 2 - 2.2 miles !? on the machine lol ).


75-100 (depending) situps 5-6 times per week.

200+ (depending) modified situps for love handles (easier , but hard to target)


Free weights 30-45 minutes ... (don't want to exceed 45 minutes for myself )in the evening ALTERNATED exercises below after a few weeks.



^^^^ Basically trying to hit all the muscle groups in the body at least 2-3- times a week even if it's one set !!



It's a pain maintaining muscle , and doing Cardio for myself (slow metabolism).

I finally found and accepted a happy medium-ish.

I had been doing much higher weighted sets for free weights ... until more cardio came in the picture .. then it dropped ... crap !!!  lol.

No worries though , and am happy with this.


Hard to say how much I've lost or gained period.

Don't really care about that ^^^ .... since I know I've lost some fat/gained some lean mass back from when i stopped exercising lol.

One thing is for sure is diet is everything , and this one seems effective.

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  • 3 months later...

--------------------Weight lifting------------------------------


Been doing 250lbs for 8-10 reps x 3 sets flat bench for months now. (the ocassional waver as well.. if you lift you know what I'm sayin).

Sometimes pop it up to 265-270lbs for reps. (or slowly in smaller increments)

I just barely cut the cardio down last week , so that can increase if I wish to (for building a bit).


Incline bench press is 270lbs for reps , but ducked it down to 225lbs to let a seperated shoulder joint heal from a sleep-walking accident lulz.

Will pop it back up in about 1-2 weeks ( just depends on feel.. of ligaments ).

Either way I don't care as 250lbs for reps is "good enough" really.


Seated arm curls is a bit of a surprise. Hit 85lbs x 5-6 reps x 3 sets ... 2-3 weeks ago ?? I can't remember.


Pullups are about 50-60 per session 3-sets or more ? Not that many (or as many as I use to lol) , but I rotate exercises.


still doing 100 situps each exercise day.


------------Cardio ---------------


Walking/Slow-Jog .. on the highest resistance of eliptical for 30-minutes total = 2.2 miles ? don't want to go much further and start cortisone production.







cool thing is... I haven't really been planning on actually building (not saying I am ... don't really care that much at this point) ... just been eating well , healthy (where I can ... well ... mostly lol) .... and doing exercises in good form....

Also for the record I'm a goofy/sarcastic bastard... :)



If you haven't started I will honestly say the hardest part is getting started........

Best thing to do after that is get at least 8-hours of sleep (yeah right ... right ???) ......

In time it all gets easier , and turns from a chore ... to a partial chore/looking forward to getting this done.

AND.... !!! ........ when you do proper form ........... in anything you do ,,,,, walk , jog , run , weight lift , pilates , karate , etc ...... it all pays off in MANY ways.



Good Luck !




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Sounds like a good work out more muscle training and less cardio..people think cardio is the way to loose weight and there wrong,muscle training is the best hands down period.


A guy like me should do cardio I can lift very heavy things but I have no cardio which of course gives more stamina and heart rate.

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One word of personal advice from someone who has been lifting for more than a couple decades....When it comes to bench, don't do a huge amount of weight just because you can. With 250 (ish) you will probably be fine, but I am going to need shoulder surgery soon and it was due from me always obsessed with increasing my max. 

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One word of personal advice from someone who has been lifting for more than a couple decades....When it comes to bench, don't do a huge amount of weight just because you can. With 250 (ish) you will probably be fine, but I am going to need shoulder surgery soon and it was due from me always obsessed with increasing my max. 


My 95 pound wife suceeded in tearing her shoulder tendon and was lucky enough to catch it in time to avoid shrinkage of the tendon, so didn't need a Dacron or cadaver inplant.  The surgeon prescribed a reasonable sequence of excercises and PT to permit recovery.  My wife got bored and doubled up on the excercises [not recommended] and recovered in record time.  Do the exercises and get the PT on schedule but maybe stretch the progression a small bit.  You have a good chance of full recovery, so don't push it beyond the level of pain!  Sincerely, get well soon!

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