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Totally glad to see that he spent a metric fuckload of time making his gusset have a pretty little logo carefully cut into it, but couldn't be bothered to not have his welds not look like failure bait and dead babies.  Also, holy shit, finally something hanging off of the back that is more stupid than the truck nuts.

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Whats weird is the time was taken on the bottom mounts and square stock to grind the welds down and they look decent. Then for the rest they look like shit. Maybe someone was using the project to teach... 

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Totally glad to see that he spent a metric fuckload of time making his gusset have a pretty little logo carefully cut into it, but couldn't be bothered to not have his welds not look like failure bait and dead babies.  Also, holy shit, finally something hanging off of the back that is more stupid than the truck nuts.

 I powdercoat whit like this all the time and other fabricators come in and are like " why would u coat this ...?"  Im like well its nit my job to make stuff shiny not comment or scare off people judging there lack of skill fabricating..... heck it always looks worse once its shiny and most times the fabricator is like ...argh my welding looks like shit .. .then they go fix it bring it back and they pay me again to coat it ....lol... that monster van is fail times ten to begin with

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