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Global Warming is bullshit; resume driving normally.

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Thank you! THIS is my huge gripe with the Church of Climate Change. Trillions of dollars are going to be wasted on reducing C02 instead of actually producing solutions that will make a difference. Al Gore should be thrown in prison for criminal fraud.


c02 is a problem... but you denounce al gore, who is your example of someone making a positive difference, what about everyone on the right that thinks we should have a laissez faire attitude toward business, that the EPA is distroying free enterprise by forcing companies to not dump waste into water supplies, are they the ones making a difference? im just curious, because the same people that deny global warming are the politicians that said asking BP for money to clean up the gulf was a shake down. whos side do you want to be on? i consider myself a libritarian but corporations are not people, and they dont deserve the same rights

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c02 is a problem... but you denounce al gore who is your example of someone making a positive difference, what about everyone on the right that thinks we should have a laissez faire attitude toward business, that the EPA is distroying free enterprise by forcing companies to not dump waste into water supplies, are they the ones making a difference? im just curious, because the same people that deny global warming are the politicians that said asking BP for money to clean up the gulf was a shake down. whos side do you want to be on? i consider myself a libritarian but corporations are not people, and they dont deserve the same rights



We just need to let Al Gore focus his attention on ManBearPig and he will forget about greenhouse gasses. The reality is, there are tons of pollution and other issues that aren't a massive problem now but will be in 50+ years. Instead of making people think the sky is falling in, have parents and schools teach their kids responsibility and start using more renewable resources. We can't make everything pollution free in a couple of years, but starting by using renewable resources and not buying things from countries that do not have any environmental regulations and people living in poverty is a good start. If people become responsible and intelligent enough, some of the political, humanitarian, and environmental issues will no longer exist.



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We just need to let Al Gore focus his attention on ManBearPig and he will forget about greenhouse gasses. The reality is, there are tons of pollution and other issues that aren't a massive problem now but will be in 50+ years. Instead of making people think the sky is falling in, have parents and schools teach their kids responsibility and start using more renewable resources. We can't make everything pollution free in a couple of years, but starting by using renewable resources and not buying things from countries that do not have any environmental regulations and people living in poverty is a good start. If people become responsible and intelligent enough, some of the political, humanitarian, and environmental issues will no longer exist.




yea i agree with that, its the problem with american politics that we develope talking points youre either for or against something, i believe c02 is having an effect, i also know that the earth goes in cycles, there is also proof that the sun has hot and "cold" cycles and is currently going through its hotter phase. there are just so many other reasons to demish greenhouse gases besides global warming i just can understand why we it is even an issue, for either side.






going to back out of the room now

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c02 is a problem... but you denounce al gore who is your example of someone making a positive difference, what about everyone on the right that thinks we should have a laissez faire attitude toward business, that the EPA is distroying free enterprise by forcing companies to not dump waste into water supplies, are they the ones making a difference? im just curious, because the same people that deny global warming are the politicians that said asking BP for money to clean up the gulf was a shake down. whos side do you want to be on? i consider myself a libritarian but corporations are not people, and they dont deserve the same rights


I'm all about person, and corporate, responsibility. BP should have been held responsible for every red cent they cost people. I also believe that companies have a responsibility to constantly improve the efficiency of their processes in both product quality and resource utilization. I'm very middle ground on just about everything.


There has yet to be a definitive study that proves C02 is the primary source of global warming, but we're preparing to blow trillions of dollars in reducing it, regardless of the fact the US and UK have reduce their C02 production 70% since the 1960's. China however has ramp up their C02 waste nearly 5000% in that same time; but because they're a "developing nation" they're excused from all environmental reduction requirements. What?


The problem we have is a lack of enforcement. We don't need new laws, we need to enforce the ones we have. We can write laws until the sun dies, but they won't do shit if we don't enforce them. That is where the EPA has failed. They do a great job of harassing the kid who paints his car in his driveway, but when it comes to a large corporation, they fall on their face.

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there are just so many other reasons to demish greenhouse gases besides global warming i just can understand why we it is even an issue, for either side.


If it was presented in a rational light like that, I think a lot more people would willing to accept it and work towards it.

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Do we really want the world to be like California? Let's just accept the fact that we're going to fulfill our destiny of ruining the earth, unless we get a good plague going around that kills half the world population. One can only hope.

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Do we really want the world to be like California? Let's just accept the fact that we're going to fulfill our destiny of ruining the earth, unless we get a good plague going around that kills half the world population. One can only hope.


California. A perfect example of how to do "enviromental protection" wrong. LA still have brown air?


And hey, the black plague birthed the modern world! http://www.cracked.com/article/131_5-great-things-you-didnt-know-came-from-horrific-tragedies/

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Have you noticed how quietly, over the past few years, as more and more data has piled up debunking Global Warming, the Climatologists/Al Gore have changed the language from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change".


1997, NASA states that they have found no definitive warming trend with their satellite-based thermometers; 1998 NASA's budget is cut.



Here's a fun site: http://www.isthereglobalcooling.com/



Global Cooling is so '70s :lol:



c02 is a problem... but you denounce al gore, who is your example of someone making a positive difference,



CO2 is not a problem, historically when CO2 levels were high (see dinosaurs), vegetation and life on earth became more abundant.



Al Gore is a windbag. If we could harness the hot air that has come out of his mouth we would be energy independent in this country.

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2eDeYe' date='07 July 2011 - 04:56 PM' timestamp='1310086578' post='508174']

CO2 is not a problem, historically when CO2 levels were high (see dinosaurs), vegetation and life on earth became more abundant.


i just looked up dinosaurs like you suggested, pretty interesting stuff. it did say near the end though that when global temperatures raised and warmed the ocean just a few degrees it released large pockets of c02 from the bottom of the ocean, which poisoned the atmosphere, killed off most of the life and sent then earth into an iceage. i suppose we could release enough c02 to into the atmosphere to throw us into an ice age, at least then it wouldnt be so hot.


one thing we all agree on is that gore is a big time toolbag

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i just looked up dinosaurs like you suggested, pretty interesting stuff. it did say near the end though that when global temperatures raised and warmed the ocean just a few degrees it released large pockets of c02 from the bottom of the ocean, which poisoned the atmosphere, killed off most of the life and sent then earth into an iceage. i suppose we could release enough c02 to into the atmosphere to throw us into an ice age, at least then it wouldnt be so hot.


one thing we all agree on is that gore is a big time toolbag



You're missing a few bits in your timeline...




This shit drives me crazy.


Totally, right up there with politics and religion :lol:

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i have read in a few places that when co2 levels were high temps went down. read a while back also that in the weeks after 9/11 while all the planes were grounded scientists noticed temps in the days had risen and nights had fallen. further more al gore is a fear breading, money grubbing dick! and remember kids, fear makes MONEY!

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