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Is it road rage when I intentionally block drivers from passing me and even force them to go way slower than the speedlimit when they tailgate the shit out of me?


..... yes.


I won't be intimidated by a tailgater. I go the limit and a couple of Kms over. (barely) I drive that speed all the time so I'm not deliberately slowing down for him. He's free to pass me if he wants. Otherwise fuck him. Most of my driving is in town in a company van....I don't get paid to speed and I represent the company's good image while driving.


Most drivers clime up my ass then drop back and match speed. If they are late they can leave earlier tomorrow. On one two mile stretch between two towns where you are not allowed to pass the difference is 20 seconds. Enjoy the scenery.

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Clackamas county sheriffs have hired a number of shady characters in the past.



my old local PD (thank god I dont live there anyomre) hired one guy that was fired for brutality (beat the shit out of 3 people) one guy that was fired for harassment and another that was fired for excessive force.


the one officer they ever "fired" decided to resign :rolleyes: instead of getting fired for sexual harassment.



first person that wants to give me shit for my distrust of the police because Im young...

...or I must have done something to warrant their attention ect. can eat a dick.

I distrust police because they have earned it, and they continue too.


Iv met some good honest cops. but sadly they are a minority in the American police force.

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Do you hire citizens and call them cops or do they have to 'go to cop school' ?


Here there are aptitude and psychological screening tests to weed out the unfit. Years of training.



they hire who ever.


The Basic Police Academy is 16-weeks in length (400 hours)


The Advanced Academy will be an additional 12-13 weeks.

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This kinda reminds me of something that happened yesterday.. I'm on my way back from auto zone driving along a 4 lane road with 35 speed limit. This road has *NO* cross walks. I see a what I'd assume is a mother and what looked to be a fairly young kid crossing the road already in the second lane for the oncoming traffic.. Instead of just wizzing on by I slow down and stop to allow them to cross.. Some guy comes least doing 55 about rear ends the car I was driving starts laying on the horn because he can't get by because someone else along with me kinda decided to let the mom and kid walk safely across the road.


This guy isn't honestly worth even wasting the typing time over, but this thread made me remember this

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"people who don't, won't, or can't drive safe" Does that include people that think that "most traffic laws can kiss my ass"?


You're right, I should have said most speed laws. There is absolutely zero reason why, on a clear day with great visibility and no other traffic on a quality high way that I shouldn't be able to open her up a bit and cruise at 80 or 90 so long as my vehicle is safely capable of it.


Things happen faster at high speeds, slowing takes longer. You can be the safest most experienced driver in the world and still be taken out by another unpredictable idiot. Being a safe driver merely tilts the odds in your favor and isn't a guarantee.


That's why I can't tolerate city street racers. Dip shits who fly through traffic endangering others obviously have a problem with understand what is required to drive and thus shouldn't be. I think you and I got off on the wrong foot because I mistakenly stated traffic laws are shit. I meant speed laws, and even then, primarily just on high ways. What got my rant started was your absurd repercussion scale. Impoundment of a vehicle for 1 mph/km over? Considering the money cities and police districts make off impound fees, this is terrifying.


Sounds like you have been repeatedly rapped because you couldn't obey the law and can't get over it. "a mechanism to generate more revenue for bloated bureaucracies by taxing drivers" "politically-motivated " "bias cops" " it allows them to rape drivers" Sorry, not seeing it, but hearing lots of ax grinding.


31 years old, two speeding tickets in all that time. I don't have a problem obeying speed laws when they're rational. 25 or less in a school zone, agreed. 55 on an eight lane freeway with no traffic, piss off. People should be penalized for driving unsafe and endangering others, not because they're making some politician unhappy.





How coy of you sir.


Give the police some credit for screening applicants will you?


Canada and the States have significantly different screening processes.


What has auto shop to do with driving the speed limit or obeying the driving laws? This sounds like a swipe at rich Sandra types with their BMWs and Mercedes to me. You sure don't need to know how a car works to be a safe driver.


You don't need to know how it works to drive, but the more connected you are with something, the more you respect it. My "rich gripe" has more to do with the fact that someone who is simply given something and doesn't have to some how earn it is far more likely to not respect it. Much for this reason you see kids who have to earn their own money for their cars tending to be much more defensive/smarter in their driving choices than someone who gets a car given to them.


Again another swipe at the affluent. 100 hp is still enough to exceed the speed limit and more than enough to wrap a car around a tree. Rather than auto shop and a 100 hp limit, new drivers would be better served if they were required to pass a defensive driving and accident avoidance course. Perhaps some time on a skid pan to demonstrate their new skills. Perhaps a competency test every few years when your license is renewed instead of rubber stamping it.


Because, and it might be stereotyping, kids who drive the more expensive cars often are not purchasing them themselves. So yes, it was a swipe at the affluent. Yes, plenty of kids driving POSs had them given to them as well, but a significantly larger number of that category had to work for their own rides and they, on average (at least when I was in high school), had far more respect for something they had to put in the effort to obtain.


Crashing a plane in a flight simulator is nothing compared to the real thing. You know it's just a ride you walk away from. Better to have them ride with a cop to a real fatal traffic accident. Now that, is a fucking eye opener!!!!


The idea of the crash simulator would be to give them an idea of what it can be like to fuck up. But yes, I do like you idea of having to have kids experience a crash scene. The logistics of that is difficult, so maybe a no-bullshit, intense video would be a good start. I know when I went through DE in high school, we were shown all sorts of pictures of horrific crash scenes. It was a really sobering day. They stopped that practice a couple years after I graduated because parents were bitching it was scaring their children.



How fucked is that???? No wonder.

You're Canandian; your police acadamy is more like, though I may be wrong, a college program with, as you said earlier, at least a couple years of training. That sort of required dedication from the start tends to weed out a lot of the filth. Sadly, this is not something that occurs in the typical US city.



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look, the police department can't fix where parents and genetics have failed. when you have a bunch of worthless kids that have everything handed to them, call their parents by their first name, and have rarely been told the word "no", you can't expect a law enforcement agency to have the ability to fix the problem.


The problem is too far out of hand, too many laws would have to be re-written, and society would have to change dramatically. The problem will have to get much worse before it gets better, because as far as respect is concerned, each generation is worse than the last. Eventually people will become so brutal or lawless martial law will be enforced. It will stay this way until people actually get beyond a selfish mindset and look for something better than instant gratification.


Respect has to be earned...and when no one has it for themselves, you can't expect them to know the definition of the word or be capable of earning it or giving it to anyone else.

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look, the police department can't fix where parents and genetics have failed. when you have a bunch of worthless kids that have everything handed to them, call their parents by their first name, and have rarely been told the word "no", you can't expect a law enforcement agency to have the ability to fix the problem.


The problem is too far out of hand, too many laws would have to be re-written, and society would have to change dramatically. The problem will have to get much worse before it gets better, because as far as respect is concerned, each generation is worse than the last. Eventually people will become so brutal or lawless martial law will be enforced. It will stay this way until people actually get beyond a selfish mindset and look for something better than instant gratification.


Respect has to be earned...and when no one has it for themselves, you can't expect them to know the definition of the word or be capable of earning it or giving it to anyone else.


That's one of the reasons I love Japan. Respect is paramount in that culture and it is, in some cases, beaten into their kids. My cousin described it like this "Up until about age 5, the kids get the run of the place, then on their birthday it's suddenly like *WHAM! NO MORE BULLSHIT!*. They also don't have an assload of "child protection" laws preventing parents from parenting."


We're losing our sense of community. There's no more solid example of this then schools. If a kid used to get out of line, the parents would make damn sure it didn't happen again. Now and days, if the school scolds a brat, the parents go ape shit.


Here's a great blog about being a Japanese school teacher. It's pure comedy gold:



Start at the bottom(oldest).

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I believe when star fleet is formed and we have the intergalactic league of planets, give up material posessions and focus our race towards space travel and folllow the prime directive, only then will it all be ok.


can I still drink and smoke?

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"people who don't, won't, or can't drive safe" Does that include people that think that "most traffic laws can kiss my ass"?


You're right, I should have said most speed laws. There is absolutely zero reason why, on a clear day with great visibility and no other traffic on a quality high way that I shouldn't be able to open her up a bit and cruise at 80 or 90 so long as my vehicle is safely capable of it.


Things happen faster at high speeds, slowing takes longer. You can be the safest most experienced driver in the world and still be taken out by another unpredictable idiot. Being a safe driver merely tilts the odds in your favor and isn't a guarantee.


That's why I can't tolerate city street racers. Dip shits who fly through traffic endangering others obviously have a problem with understand what is required to drive and thus shouldn't be. I think you and I got off on the wrong foot because I mistakenly stated traffic laws are shit. I meant speed laws, and even then, primarily just on high ways. What got my rant started was your absurd repercussion scale. Impoundment of a vehicle for 1 mph/km over? Considering the money cities and police districts make off impound fees, this is terrifying.


Sounds like you have been repeatedly rapped because you couldn't obey the law and can't get over it. "a mechanism to generate more revenue for bloated bureaucracies by taxing drivers" "politically-motivated " "bias cops" " it allows them to rape drivers" Sorry, not seeing it, but hearing lots of ax grinding.


31 years old, two speeding tickets in all that time. I don't have a problem obeying speed laws when they're rational. 25 or less in a school zone, agreed. 55 on an eight lane freeway with no traffic, piss off. People should be penalized for driving unsafe and endangering others, not because they're making some politician unhappy.





How coy of you sir.


Give the police some credit for screening applicants will you?


Canada and the States have significantly different screening processes.


What has auto shop to do with driving the speed limit or obeying the driving laws? This sounds like a swipe at rich Sandra types with their BMWs and Mercedes to me. You sure don't need to know how a car works to be a safe driver.


You don't need to know how it works to drive, but the more connected you are with something, the more you respect it. My "rich gripe" has more to do with the fact that someone who is simply given something and doesn't have to some how earn it is far more likely to not respect it. Much for this reason you see kids who have to earn their own money for their cars tending to be much more defensive/smarter in their driving choices than someone who gets a car given to them.


Again another swipe at the affluent. 100 hp is still enough to exceed the speed limit and more than enough to wrap a car around a tree. Rather than auto shop and a 100 hp limit, new drivers would be better served if they were required to pass a defensive driving and accident avoidance course. Perhaps some time on a skid pan to demonstrate their new skills. Perhaps a competency test every few years when your license is renewed instead of rubber stamping it.


Because, and it might be stereotyping, kids who drive the more expensive cars often are not purchasing them themselves. So yes, it was a swipe at the affluent. Yes, plenty of kids driving POSs had them given to them as well, but a significantly larger number of that category had to work for their own rides and they, on average (at least when I was in high school), had far more respect for something they had to put in the effort to obtain.


Crashing a plane in a flight simulator is nothing compared to the real thing. You know it's just a ride you walk away from. Better to have them ride with a cop to a real fatal traffic accident. Now that, is a fucking eye opener!!!!


The idea of the crash simulator would be to give them an idea of what it can be like to fuck up. But yes, I do like you idea of having to have kids experience a crash scene. The logistics of that is difficult, so maybe a no-bullshit, intense video would be a good start. I know when I went through DE in high school, we were shown all sorts of pictures of horrific crash scenes. It was a really sobering day. They stopped that practice a couple years after I graduated because parents were bitching it was scaring their children.


I almost agree with everything you've said. Let's call that a win win situation. :lol: Any minor differences can be seen as a differing opinion and that's fine.


Yes 8 lane highway with limited access, good weather and visibility there should be a lane or two with a higher speed limit. (not going to argue over the amount though) The slower public would have to have regular sineage telling them to keep in right side lanes and warnings of severe fines for driving under a certain speed in the left lanes. Yeah in this case I could see it your way.




Every time someone squeezes in front of me without the courtesy of signaling I feel slighted somehow. I'm pissed that they think so little of me or that they think they are entitled, special, privileged. Or worse they don't even think. Everyone else must be exposed to this in varying degrees too. It leads to disrespect.




My OP wasn't a serious carved in stone "this should be done this way" but a comment on "what if" we were forced to obey the highway laws and how respect could be brought back to the driving experience and how this change for the good might trickle down into other areas of our lives.

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Yes, and we can all have kickass holodeck fantasies.....although I'm not sure how good smoke will be from a replicator.


Who's going to clean the walls on the holodeck when I'm finished with the Asian chicks?

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my old local PD (thank god I dont live there anyomre) hired one guy that was fired for brutality (beat the shit out of 3 people) one guy that was fired for harassment and another that was fired for excessive force.


the one officer they ever "fired" decided to resign :rolleyes: instead of getting fired for sexual harassment.



first person that wants to give me shit for my distrust of the police because Im young...

...or I must have done something to warrant their attention ect. can eat a dick.

I distrust police because they have earned it, and they continue too.


Iv met some good honest cops. but sadly they are a minority in the American police force.


We had a clack county sheriff as our campus security guy at Rex Putnam high when I was there. He ended up putting my friend in a pretty nasty headlock when my friend didn't allow the cop to bully him around (this was in the middle of lunch break in the hall btw). When I graduated that same guy was arrested for armed robbery of a pharmacy. Apparently he was a pill popping addict.

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I almost agree with everything you've said. Let's call that a win win situation. :lol: Any minor differences can be seen as a differing opinion and that's fine.

This few posts between us makes me think of this bash quote:

#23396 +(35057)- [X]




<Eurakarte> RETORT
















Who's going to clean the walls on the holodeck when I'm finished with the Asian chicks?



Mmmm Asian maid chicks.




Busty Asians: Proof that God is a loving entity.



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Wow, just wow, look at how far this thread has derailed! :P Mike, I think you need to come down and drive to work with me for a week. Hehehe. You might need some extra clean undies. :D If you think it's bad on the island, holy shit, wait until you see Spokane drivers.

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That's one of the reasons I love Japan. Respect is paramount in that culture and it is, in some cases, beaten into their kids. My cousin described it like this "Up until about age 5, the kids get the run of the place, then on their birthday it's suddenly like *WHAM! NO MORE BULLSHIT!*. They also don't have an assload of "child protection" laws preventing parents from parenting."


We're losing our sense of community. There's no more solid example of this then schools. If a kid used to get out of line, the parents would make damn sure it didn't happen again. Now and days, if the school scolds a brat, the parents go ape shit.


Here's a great blog about being a Japanese school teacher. It's pure comedy gold:



Start at the bottom(oldest).


I started reading that..............fucking hilarious TY for the entertainment.

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