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You know how I bled my Clutch MC? Its not a brake MC, so just hook it up, open the slave, and pump away, you will bottom out the Clutch MC just fine. It took like 2.5 pumps til It was good for me.


I use clear vinyl hose for bleeding, hook it up, open the bleeder, pump away, check the hose for bubbles, if no bubbles I call it good. Never have had a problem with that method.

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^Will do Jacob, I was thinking that too.  I shuold be fine. I need to worry about putting it together before anything I guess.


I measured the brackets from the DQ vol 9 issue 2, but it didn't turn out so well.  One side will have to be missing a stud.  And its a PITA wrenching down the nuts now that I can't fit a wrench in the brackets anymore...  If I do this again, I will be doing it different or buying the VG30 mount.  Hopefully be done tomorrow. I am tired of fucking with this car already.  Doing stuff for fun like lowering, carb, tune up etc... Isnt bad, but constantly running into little bullshit things like this mount is wearing me rather thin...



On a good note


As I was wrenching on the wagon tonight, a stranger rolled up and started talking to me about the wagon.  Just down the street, there is a hidden 521!!  He said it was restored, then the owner got MS and shoved it behind a building, and its been sitting since.  Now what he told me about it makes me wonder how much is really true about this truck. But, its worth checking out.  Will see if I can get a peak at it.

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Measure once cut twice method. Dammit, least I own a welder so I can fix that.....  I grinded half of adams dick off, sorry buddy

first time i made two lefts....... second time i made a forward facing one on one side and not on the other ..... the third time  i mad e a set that works.....to many interuptions during the day ..... forget what i was doing then boom ... wrong mounts again ... i starred at the second ones i made for about ten minutes trying to figure out how i did that wrong again...



oh and least your clutch doesnt have four of the braided lines u  dont need....rma'd all four,  moneys back and the new ones are on there way...thanks for the help izzo ..... but stay off my face book....rofl

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first time i made two lefts....... second time i made a forward facing one on one side and not on the other ..... the third time  i mad e a set that works.....to many interuptions during the day ..... forget what i was doing then boom ... wrong mounts again ... i starred at the second ones i made for about ten minutes trying to figure out how i did that wrong again...



oh and least your clutch doesnt have four of the braided lines u  dont need....rma'd all four,  moneys back and the new ones are on there way...thanks for the help izzo ..... but stay off my face book....rofl



Man I know what you mean. I killed this set of brackets.  I believe the problem was I got to big of studs for the brackets (7/8ths when it should of been 7/16ths).  Made everything a big giant pain in the ass.  If I do this again I'll be buying carters bracket, or using smaller studs.  Tho i didn't see any smaller ones at two of the hardware stores I was at.  Maybe make my own cut to length?


It's secured, and doesn't move around.  Got everything back together.  For the clutch, I just gravity bled it. Works like it should.


I need to adjust the rod on the slave a little bit. Clutch is kinda near the top.  Doesn't grab that great either, and has nothing to do with it being near top. just not a hard grabbing clutch.  I have that centerforce clutch. maybe after canby Ill pull the motor, swap the clutch and oil pan gasket all the same time. Be good to go...


So there is a new list of shit to get done, hopefully before canby.

Car needs a good scrubbing top to bottom inside and out.

Adjust slave rod a little bit

Patch the over cut shifter hole and put a boot on it.

Far stretch, but a working E-brake would be nice

A little clean up here and there with wiring and such. 


Here she is, ten minutes after I was finished and took it for a drive.  GF helped get the exhaust pipe back on.



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facebook is the devil .... it bitch slapped me four years ago and i aint been back....miss some of those friends ....but fuck that place....i get people calling me all the time saying they miss my status updates.....jrocks life from the third person perspective...



......as someones sig says....



ratsun is my facebook....



sorry no stalking bro.......my friends chix are always in the erich zone...

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I could barely recognize her with her clothes on.





Oh, the crossmember you refer to i don`t think works with a dog leg ... And the trans crossmember dime quarterly trick doesn`t work the same with both kinds of auto crossmembers the B&W trans cross member isn`t exactly the same as the other type trans .. I can`t remember why

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I could barely recognize her with her clothes on.





Oh, the crossmember you refer to i don`t think works with a dog leg ... And the trans crossmember dime quarterly trick doesn`t work the same with both kinds of auto crossmembers the B&W trans cross member isn`t exactly the same as the other type trans .. I can`t remember why






The spacing is off.  where it bolts to the trans rubber mount, then to the trans tunnel, i believe the spacing front to back is slightly different. the body side part is fine, its the trans mount spacing you have to redo.  I install the  brackets, lifted the trans up, marked and drilled the mount side stud holes and drilled them. pretty sure I bought to big of studs.  They need to be cut down, but they are too wide in general.  had to ream out the crossmember holes a little. 

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