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sorry man, i don't think i can be part of your reindeer games. -


A. kick ass

B. confront him and tell him hes a jack ass

C.walk away its just eggs


^^^^ pick one of the three and move on bro


I agree 100% with Eagle Adam... Do that... ^^^^^

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science and intro to marketing with him. he is a fag who loves European cars and owns a vw Rivera and a diesel rabbit


Hmmm.... he's going into marketing~ yet doesn't respect anyone's opinion but his own? Sounds like a success strategy to me!

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a. buy roundup weed killer

b. use to make swastika on his front lawn




not really, that idea is as dumb as giving out his phone number


Roundup won't kill grass. Don't give the kid any more ideas

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My question is what did you do to warrant the actions taken against you?




What the fuck is wrong with you?

Are you just stirring shit with the kids smaller than you?

'Cuz I really don't think you've had your ass kicked enough times.


You've posted so many issues.

Seriously, grow up. Watch your slanderous little mouth.

And stop making everyone you try to rep look bad.


Fuckin kids.


Someone swing the hammer at this fool.

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