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Dancing: now illegal in America

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There's been other things making the news there also, it seems as though political correctness has gone run amok because the park service will not allow any type of free expression at the memorials including someone reciting the constitution etc.

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"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." -Thomas Jefferson


"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." -Thomas Jefferson




oh the irony of them being arrested in the Jefferson memorial :rolleyes:

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Okay, hold on just a minute here. What happened BEFORE this video? Sounds like a group got together to have a mass dance at a memorial, which is governed by the U.S. Parks. Demonstrating WITHOUT A PERMIT is illegal. Had these people gotten together and filed for a permit to have a mass dance at that memorial, they would have been fine.


These guys went in and probably did their mass dance and officers responded. All the organizers had to do was show the cops a paper saying we filed a petition to dance here and it was approved. This isn't a first amendment issue, this is about morons dicking with the cops, and the cops making an example out of them after they were asked multiple times to leave or stop dancing.


I'm all about the first amendment and freedom of expression, but this is purposeful omission of the facts beforehand, ESPECIALLY since they're videotaping it.


And it's spelled "illegal", Skibby! :D

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oh they where deff there for that reason, but it just points out of fuckin ridiculous all of it is it.


from laws to the way cops go about things like that.



thats exactly why those two quotes are ironic

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It should be illegal to provoke the police.



Fuck that. Just like intrapment shouldn't be legal but pigs do it all the time.


Just like how pigs harass people who aren't doing anything wrong, or how cops use excessive force all the Dam time.


Even here in hippie Portland cops are shooting people, like a year ago when a mentally handicapped man was gunned down by the police unjustly, and that fucking pig got 3 months suspension WITH pay and full benefits.


" I don't feel like working this summer, I'll just go shoot a fucking retard an get paid time off at the tax payer's expense"


Or the cop in ortland who was caught stalking a woman and harassing her family, that went on for 7 months and the police didn't do shot to protect the civilian and her family tell over 30 complaints where filed, and even then it didn't get resolved tell the news caught onto the situation, turned out he was doing it to more than 1 girl too.


It's getting worse people, our civil rights and liberties are slowly being taken from us, pretty soon anything we do will be against the law and if it isn't they will still arrest you and create a bullshit loop hole to keep you under lock and key with out cause

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I'm sure they didn't want to get choked and arrested, it's call I non violent assembly, and still the pigs couldn't provide a real charge to arrest them for "dancing in public is not a law by any means" and what that pig said the the camera man at the end proves he didn't have any regard for the eel law or justice.

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