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Sorry ladies but I might news to strangle my dam wife

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I can't really see myself in that position, (thank christ) but if I was, I wouldn't go wth her. Next Christmas and every birthday, anniversary, valentines day she'd be getting pots and pans and a sandwich maker and every woman identifying cliche' thing my devious mind could come up with. All kidding asside you need better comunication wth her.

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Be sure to keep us posted on how stoked she is when you show up in Vegas with no money!! :thumbup:

Just remind her of how stoked you were when you showed up to canby with no money.


Backdoor isn't enough, at least get ass to mouth out of it :thumbup:

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Situations like this make me glad I have sara when we planned our wedding in june we where going to do it the sam week as canby. But when we found out that canby was that week she changed it to the week after.


Almost sounds like she is being spite full . Have you not been paying her the attention she need's? =)

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So... I guess this can be good and bad news, my wife spent all my car fund money on a vacation to las Vegas for a whole week. Ok I'm a little bummed because I now don't have the fucking money I saved to get my car ready for canby. At least I het a 2300$ 7 day vacation.


Oh wait, I forgot to fucking mention she booked the god Dam mother fucking trip through June 9th to June 16!!!!!!!!


So not only will my car not be ready for the legendary canby meet I have been trying to go to, but noe I won't even be fucking here to go to the meet without my fucking car god dam it!!!!! " it's just a bunch of stupid old cars" she said.


I might fucking strangle her right now, she made sure the tickets and hotel where non refundable. All that money I saved to complete my car is fucking gone. And she even had the balls to tell me in a excited tone and act like she is doing me some big fucking favor.


This is the worst day all year so far. I'm so pissed I could shit my pants and not even care.


Bummer Dude.


This is why I keep my car money in cash stashed away where no one can get to it.

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Situations like this make me glad I have sara when we planned our wedding in june we where going to do it the sam week as canby. But when we found out that canby was that week she changed it to the week after.


Almost sounds like she is being spite full . Have you not been paying her the attention she need's? =)


I really do try and make her as happy as possible, I spend time with her, buy gifts, let her go o. 4 day trips with her girlfriends, I even split half of my tax return with her even though I make all the money.


I'm probable going to just take today off work, go practice some welding at my brother in laws house all day so I can do everything on the car myself.


I'm not 100% sure she did all this on purpose, and in a way I'm glad that she wants to spend time with me on a vaca, I'll calm down and get through it. But I'm still pretty pissed off

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I really do try and make her as happy as possible, I spend time with her, buy gifts, let her go o. 4 day trips with her girlfriends, I even split half of my tax return with her even though I make all the money.




I think that may have been your problem I took $2000 or so for the truck out of this years return and she got the rest of it which was $5700 or so. wink.gif

She may not have done this on purpose but it was extremely insensitive for her not to ask if you had plans for that 2 grand. After your calm and collected You should let her now how much you think thus sucked and make sure she asks you about these things in the future. What if you had already contracted to purchase something with this money and then it was just gone. You could be sued for it. Any way I'm all for forgiveness but I like repentance too.


Wish I could help. If you need anything from New Mexico let me know

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

I am glad I am not in this situation too,If I was would not be for long :lol:

My wife is involved in all the car stuff,Has no complaints,we go on car events together.

She knew it when I met her,and never once has complained about it :cool:

We have fun with cars and our kids :cool: :D together :P

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i gotta say guys, this community we have here is freakn AWSOME!!! Rustina came to us to blow off some steam, not only did he get to do that but he is also getting support from quite a few ppl here. I have never seen a group a people come together like Ratsun does!!! :thumbup: I love this site B)

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Why she have the money in the first place?

Your supposed to have it stasched!!!!!!!Dont blame her.

Hide the Money! women and money are soon departed. But just think she'll need more money to go gamble and watch the shows& eat .


I say Man up but I seen alot of guys wuss out. But she has been o alot of vacations in 14 months. I have NOT since 2007.


Next time in bed,I would Yank my crank in front of her and say My hand alwas felt better! That should ruin her selfesteem.But really That might not matter anyways

But you got kids now. Shes in control. If she wants to leave she still got you by the balls.


Thats why Iam single. Find a Fat hoochie on the side.


Come home late and get some cheap purfume. and sprinkle it all over yourself. it will keep her guessing

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Guest DatsuNoob

DIVORCE :mellow: Dont listen to Hainz, sure it'll keep her guessing. Guessing on how else to make your life miserable. If you wanna take a chunk outta her self-esteem, then perfect! Way to treat your partner in life! :rolleyes: The truth is, nothing is more important than what a woman wants... atleast to them. ALL wives/gfs will inconvenience their men for their own gain or benefit however minimal or extreme. I see it in every couple I encounter. Whether its draggin you somewhere you dont wanna go and making you pay (EX: going shopping for curtains, or spending the ENTIRE afternoon at a shopping mall shopping for things you could give two :poop: about) Or draggin you off to her bitchy gf's house for a social gathering of DB's you wouldnt piss on if they were consumed by fire. I would not go either. If she didnt consider how important things are for you, over what she wants.... THEN SHE'S JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER CHICK OUT THERE :lol: sad fact. Mine does it too, but all I have to do is freak out and go psycho once in a while about the big stuff and she tries to avoid that next time. Shit's all about compromise. Nobody gets exactly what they want in a relationship (unless you're a controlling wife), but agreeing and compromising sure beats being lonely. Good luck dude

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Guest DatsuNoob

O ya and if you want me to weld something for ya, I'll be down that way this weekend doing a job for Skunk and Jass possibly. You're right down the street and I work for beer or Secret Aardvark Habanero Sauce with folks I have no prior arrangements with :D (I'll do your floors for 3 bottles of spicy hot goodness ;))

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The truth is, nothing is more important than what a woman wants... atleast to them. ALL wives/gfs will inconvenience their men for their own gain or benefit however minimal or extreme. I see it in every couple I encounter. Whether its draggin you somewhere you dont wanna go and making you pay (EX: going shopping for curtains, or spending the ENTIRE afternoon at a shopping mall shopping for things you could give two :poop: about) Or draggin you off to her bitchy gf's house for a social gathering of DB's you wouldnt piss on if they were consumed by fire.




sorry bud but I dont roll like that.


most recent example was last night, her friend was going to some venue for her Bday and she wanted me to come with.

now normally thats not a problem, I enjoy hanging out with the GF.

but I asked what was going down there and she says "dubstep"............




I stared at her for a few seconds and said "yeeaaaaah.... no. I fucking hate dubstep"







the last time she wanted me to come with her to hang out with a friend

it was at a lame bar with her annoying friend from out of town.


so what to do? make sure theres pool and beer there before I go

and then I called a Ratsuner up to come shoot some pool with me when I got there :lol:




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