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just got layed off

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well as the title says, i just got layed off from my 4 year long job. because its a city job, there are politics involved, and they indeed screwed me. the union hopes to keep me in, but its looking not so good. at least they gave me 2 weeks before kicking me out. as it was my boss had to argue for that even, they were gonna escort me off the property. so my love of a job (police car mechanic/outfitter) is gone. sorry to share, but i had to, gotta get it off my mind somehow. anybody need to buy z parts, i need some $$$

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oh man, that blows. sorry to hear that happened to ya


That blows for sure. I just had to let one of my guys go. It sucks to lay someone off. I hate that part of my job. It's never fun. Hope you find something soon.

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

I really Know how you feel ,

So sorry to here another datto person on EI

I just went through this just under 1 Month ago,

As others said to me things do happen for a reason.

And I think that they do.

keep your chin up man,Things will get better.




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i got mostly n/a z stuff, the tranny i still need for the truck, and the afm's i got are for n/a's. my turbo afm has n/a guts in it for more n/a flow!!! the worst part of the whole deal was telling my new wife (jan 12 2008), she took it really well, i was surprized. i can get more work, it is a labour market like crazy, i found most for me are 17-22 an hour. the city is union, and they are keeping a guy with 3.5 years less senoirity than me, so that a big problem, i got the union bulldogs on it, and im not going down wothout a fight. my boss was actually crying when he told me, the hr department is what is doing it, not him, he even did a 4 page report to justify my employment. thanks for all the positive words thus far. im making sure i keep all the dattos (3) but the parts are for sale, mostly s130 stuff (i even got a black interior)

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i work in a union/corporate seperated company, and its so sad because a lot of our union guys can get away with murder and still have a job, yet people like you who are hard working and making a difference, get the boot. i really hope your representatives can pull through for you here. you pay those dues for a reason! you could also do like our union boys do when they go on strike, they booby trap their systems so that we have problems. hell, if you installed it...you can probably play tricks with it. dixie horns for sirens would get on the public's nerve after a few days! i really hope you are able to keep the job down, i could tell by your posts in the "what we do" thread, that you really enjoyed what you did. good luck!

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Sucks to hear brother. I know around here if a RIF (Reduction in Force) happens there are certain steps a department must go through to justify it. After the studies are done they have to lay off based on the jobs still needed and seniority. It may be different in the municipality you work for but it sounds to me like you and your union have a pretty good case to file an unfair labor practice due to the fact that some of the guys still employed have less senority. Unfortunately tampering witrh the equipment is a slippery slope. Although it would make you fel better you do work on public safety equipment that "has to work". Hope all goes well.

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That is not good news. I dont know how unions work in Cananda, but down here they have to give you notice, help you find another job, pay you a severence package etc. and it almost takes an act of congress to fire someone...I will say some may not like unions, but they have there moments...Teamsters botherhood Local 174

Cant you file a grevience with the Union?? If not Good luck in finding new employment. It sounds like you have mechanic skills, are jobs like that hard to come by??

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well im cupe, and my designation is aux trades. which basically means, im supposed to be temp for the first year, then they were supposed to hire me, well here i am 4 years later, and the boss' promising me a job. i just found out some of the high up pigs hate each other, and i was a pawn to get back at one of them, because i am treasured to some ppl. first the ex union pres. is gonna work some magic, he figures that will come thru, but if that doesnt work, then a grievence is filed, and i may get money, i may get the job back. ive had some job offers, one at a tranny shop, would be a good carrier, and they help educate me for my ticket too. i really like where i am now tho, its just the dang politics. work up here is plentiful, thats a good thing, i can find autowork, fabrication, painting, almost anything cars everywhere. all the labour is going into the construction feilds, leaving the others empty in my favor. that sucks to ledevil and holic, those are the kind of boss' nobody wants.

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