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Got me a ticket today

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Yellow HID's don't stand out much. I install them in my car every now and then, and they don't even look like HID's. You're talking about the 3400K bulbs? What exactly did the cop tell you when he pulled you over? Sorry don't mean to get off track here, but I'm just curious.



Yeah 3400k.


He was driving next to me, sped up and saw my lights then slowed down and pulled me over, then he said "Your headlights are Yellow, they have to be white" Then he goes outfront and looks at them and say "Yeah, they are completely yellow" and gave me a ticket. :(


I told him i saw a law on the CA DMV website that says any light projecting out towards the front of the vehicle MUST be between the color spectrum of YELLOW and White, he said "No they have to be yellow but you can get away with light blue".....


I just double facepalmed.

Just the bulbs are yellow, the headlight itself is not painted (Besides one inner which i said was a fog light)

In his Defense i was driving down our local Cruising street on Cruise night, but i was just going home after a long day of work, even had my uniform on. :(

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damn goverment officials trying to screw with us, milking every dime that we got. i got some tickets back in 88' for doing 120mph in a 55 zone. damn cop was in an unmarked pos car. i was doing the speed limit. 53mph when out of nowhere this car comes up from behind me and starts tail gating me. so i brake check his ass. still he is on my rear, so i punch it then what ya know, red/blue lights come on. i was less than 1 mile from the california/oregon stateline on the coast. i didn't loose my license but i wracked up some fines.. extreme speeding, expired insurance card, no seat belts, exhaust to loud. was driving my dodge charger. cop said he had to do 130mph to catch up with me, gave him a good run. it was a total of $800 in fines i was lucky not loose my license or go to jail.

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17 years old with my 92 nissan maxima racing my brothers friend in a chevy 2wd pickup with a 350, along a 4 lane road with a center divide about half way down i guess we passed a cop. i never saw.... we both turned off the road and my brothers friend turns out his lights and floors it i was following him and then i saw the lights behind me @!#$%& i pulled over and cop did a felony stop and gave me a 900 dollar ticket. and let me go. judge wouldnt even talk to me unless parents were there got a public defender and got it down to a neg 2 600 dollar fine with defencive driving school. judge reamed my public defender because she filed it all and he was gonna let me off with probation DAMNIT..


i miss that car lol

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Just got my ticket for no front license plate taken care of yesterday. Seriously, WTF.


Society must be in great shape now that I have to be nit-picked, and the governmental officials have to invent new "crimes" that I'm committing just to squeeze another few dollars from me. :rolleyes:


Go punish some real criminals.. fascists..

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i've gotten pulled over 3 times and only ticketed 1 of them.


the first time i was on my way to school in tacoma on hwy 16 and the cop left someone else to pull me over for my liscence plate being in my winshield and not on the front of my truck but he let me off for some reason. then that night i was heading home from a friends and it was around midnight and i had pitched my truck around a corner and then sped up to the speed limit and the cop was sitting at the end of the stright away and pulled me over for speeding and tailgaiting the car infront of me who had slowed down without hitting the brakes cuz they saw the cop and i didn't but then a truck drove by with no light so he let me off. and the 3rd time i got pulled over for doing he said 45 i say 35 in a 25 but he only wrote the ticket for 10 over. i paid it and haven't seen it on my record yet.

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Ten years ago I had my license suspended for 3 months for getting two speeding tickets in two years. The actual offenses were more than 2 years apart but the first one took a couple months to get processed and the second one went through in a couple days. And the processing dates were a year and 11 months apart. But judges apparently don't have time to listen to stuff like that. Illinois is strict with their new drivers. Though I had friends that had gotten 3 tickets in as many months, but somehow got out of any real repercussions.

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15 North just before the 91 Good guess. No one drives the speed limit on the 15 I wasen't passing anyone just crusing with the rest of them. I think it was the tailgating that got me.


i got lots there back in the 90s but one time i got one for it was so funny i was doing about 100 but my speedo didn't work so i jumped out of my truck wearing red vans and billy bong shorts that look like a candy canes ran over to the cop yelling how fast was i going how fast was i going he said he was doing 110 to catch me he said that he would give a ticket but it for doing 70 so i could go to traffic school he said this was one of the best stops he ever had

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e Locks


53 in a 55 WTF :blink: :blink:


Last ticket I got was for 2500 pounds over weight. I had to move 35 60 pound bundles of shingles from the front of my trailer to the back to legal out my axle weights. Dam Cascade Locks scale :angry:


$165 to the state of Oregon


Here in this shit hole of a state. i believe it is $1 per pound over weight. one of my co-workers got nailed for 11K lbs over weight. the fine was $11,000.

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Easy solution.




Put your front plates on the bumper where they belong (excepting States that don't use them). The "cleaner look" isn't worth the tickets. I got pulled over for it once, the prior owner had removed and thrown away the bracket and I was trying to find a new one. No excuse, but I got a warning. Ended up zip-tying the plate to the grille.


Don't draw attention to yourself. Don't do burnouts on public streets. Ever. Even if you can't SEE cops, guess what, they can HEAR you. Don't run open exhausts. Don't run illegal lights. Blue lights are illegal anywhere on the exterior of a car unless it is an active law enforcement vehicle. That includes license plate lights. Don't put covers over the plates. Of any kind. Even though clear is usually legal, it's not always and smoked covers are always illegal. Don't obviously speed. I'm not saying I don't ever exceed the posted limit, but I also make sure I'm not the fastest guy on the road, I don't tailgate, and when I'm the ONLY guy in the road I keep it within 5 of the posted. And for God's sake don't speed in school zones. That extra 30 seconds isn't going to kill you, but the extra reaction time could save a kids life. I had a classmate hit by a car when I was in the 3rd Grade. She survived, but it wasn't pretty.


The ONLY Time I was pulled over for speeding was when I was all by my lonesome on Hwy 16 near Purdy. Sunday morning, bright, 10AM, not a soul in sight. Except the Trooper in the bushes, and I was doing 70 in a 55 at a minimum. Got a written warning, and that's all I've ever gotten.


I've been pulled over plenty of times- usually for lights out, and once was on my way to the store to get a new light. Gotten an apology once (They couldn't read the trip permit and HAD to check, they said mine was one of very few filled out properly, but the window had fogged up so they couldn't see it). No tickets. I've had BS stops- got pulled over for tossing a lit cigarette, and I don't smoke. Those are rare.


And don't argue! Get an attitude with a cop and they're GONNA find something to ticket you with.


I have no problem with fines and citations getting more expensive. I don't like it when folks who are guilty as hell for what they got caught for getting off on procedure. I do have a problem with made-up charges, but those are rare, and usually you were doing something stupid then or in the past that got you a reputation. That's not right, but once you have a rep you have to toe a line a lit narrower than everyone else. I'm amazed how many folks on here complain about always being harassed by the Police. It's not everyone.


None of these laws are new. Most have been on the book for decades. Cell Phone/Texting laws are new, but 10 years ago you didn't have folks texting and cellphones weren't that common 15 years ago. The new laws, you have to keep up on. Washington has several new ones every year. Know what the new ones are this year?

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Guest kamakazi620

Unfortunately the cops job is not to know the law but enforce it :rolleyes: The judge is the one you have to show that the cop was in the wrong and this is what the law says.



I know the automotive code in my state like the back of my hand, and well its handy to know.

You GOT THAT RIGHT!!!!! i got a ticket for "NON OP licence plate light" when i got out and looked it was FUCKING workin' I told the CRACK 'o myass county sheriffs (aka BARNEY FIFES)its workin what do i fix??? and they yelled at me and called me stupid,then i was passed by a state trooper not 5 minutes later so i flagged them down and asked them if they "saw" anything wrong with the light,they said "NO its operating" so i took down their names to use as witnesses at court,Plus i got a repair shop to check it and got paperwork+took pictures of it "working at night" I can't Wait to see that sheriff fuckers face when we go to court!

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In washington state is is perfectly legal to have headlights with a yellowish to white tint. Purple or blue are not legal.


It is also legal to have yellow fog lights as long as they are fog lights.


I see no law forbidding having your fog lights on at any time day or night regardless of the presence of fog. Sorry for Oregon... ;)


Oh, but you do have to have high beams still. So I suppose an officer could pull you over and have you show that there are working high beams and give you a ticket if they were removed. Your outside pair of lights is perfectly fine for high beams.


No earphones! http://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=46.37.480



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Easy solution.




apparently you have never run into corrupt or just pain dick police.




In my home town I will go out of my way to not break any traffic laws what so ever, I even count out my time stopped at a stop sign.


I have one ticket in my life there, failure to carry registration. thats it.





but Iv been hassled and fucked with so much my stories seem like exaggerations.


ask NismoDr. he thought so too, till they pulled him over leavin my old place.

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apparently you have never run into corrupt or just pain dick police.




Sure I have. The one who pulled me over for tossing a lit cigarette. He went on a rant even after I explained that I don't smoke. What I was very surprised with was that he didn't give me a ticket for the broken side marker light or the cracked windshield, which he apparently never saw in his rush to nail me on the cigarette. That didn't exist. Or maybe I ran over a smoldering one. Truth was he was probably looking for methhead/crackhead industrial thieves and though he had a live one.


I think a lot of it has to do with where one lives. Live somewhere that there's a lot of crime and spend time outside in the wee hours, you're going to get harassed a lot more.

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Guest kamakazi620

I think a lot of it has to do with where one lives. Live somewhere that there's a lot of crime and spend time outside in the wee hours, you're going to get harassed a lot more.

Basically The OPPOSITE! I NOW live in SE portland and Hardly get pulled over!!! Sjkib lives (use to) in BFE where the pigs got NOTHING to do!!! like me I lived in Oregon city go anywhere there at 1030 pm and EXPECT to get F'd with

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I got pulled over for running a red light, red in only the last 10 ft of the intersection. I explained to the officer that is was impossible for me to not hit the red light. That if I were to stop when I saw the yellow I would stop in the intersection and that to carry through I would be exiting like I did. Which is safer? He thought I was full of crap. The following night I video taped the intersection to measure the duration of the yellow. I sent an email to city of Hillsboro asking for the width of the intersection. Then I found a sweet braking distance calculator on oregon.gov website. Went to court. Showed that there was a 20ft section that if the light turned yellow while you were in it you would be in the intersection regardless. I simply said I was in that section (I had friends in the car behind me that the cop never knew about). I also said that in my best judgement it was safer to be exiting the intersection when the light turned red than to be stopped in it. The cop didn't know what hit him.


If anyone wants it here is that calculator: linky (excel)

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Easy solution.




Put your front plates on the bumper where they belong (excepting States that don't use them). The "cleaner look" isn't worth the tickets. I got pulled over for it once, the prior owner had removed and thrown away the bracket and I was trying to find a new one. No excuse, but I got a warning. Ended up zip-tying the plate to the grille.


Don't draw attention to yourself. Don't do burnouts on public streets. Ever. Even if you can't SEE cops, guess what, they can HEAR you. Don't run open exhausts. Don't run illegal lights. Blue lights are illegal anywhere on the exterior of a car unless it is an active law enforcement vehicle. That includes license plate lights. Don't put covers over the plates. Of any kind. Even though clear is usually legal, it's not always and smoked covers are always illegal. Don't obviously speed. I'm not saying I don't ever exceed the posted limit, but I also make sure I'm not the fastest guy on the road, I don't tailgate, and when I'm the ONLY guy in the road I keep it within 5 of the posted. And for God's sake don't speed in school zones. That extra 30 seconds isn't going to kill you, but the extra reaction time could save a kids life. I had a classmate hit by a car when I was in the 3rd Grade. She survived, but it wasn't pretty.


The ONLY Time I was pulled over for speeding was when I was all by my lonesome on Hwy 16 near Purdy. Sunday morning, bright, 10AM, not a soul in sight. Except the Trooper in the bushes, and I was doing 70 in a 55 at a minimum. Got a written warning, and that's all I've ever gotten.


I've been pulled over plenty of times- usually for lights out, and once was on my way to the store to get a new light. Gotten an apology once (They couldn't read the trip permit and HAD to check, they said mine was one of very few filled out properly, but the window had fogged up so they couldn't see it). No tickets. I've had BS stops- got pulled over for tossing a lit cigarette, and I don't smoke. Those are rare.


And don't argue! Get an attitude with a cop and they're GONNA find something to ticket you with.


I have no problem with fines and citations getting more expensive. I don't like it when folks who are guilty as hell for what they got caught for getting off on procedure. I do have a problem with made-up charges, but those are rare, and usually you were doing something stupid then or in the past that got you a reputation. That's not right, but once you have a rep you have to toe a line a lit narrower than everyone else. I'm amazed how many folks on here complain about always being harassed by the Police. It's not everyone.


None of these laws are new. Most have been on the book for decades. Cell Phone/Texting laws are new, but 10 years ago you didn't have folks texting and cellphones weren't that common 15 years ago. The new laws, you have to keep up on. Washington has several new ones every year. Know what the new ones are this year?



I've never had a ticket. Only reason I haven't had a ticket is I can read off the section and number of the law for the officer on the spot by memory.. They have to know this code to write you a ticket here, I also carry a copy in my car. I'm used to being pulled over for no reason it happens all the time though my cars fully meet the code, they just stereotype young punk in sporty car.

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Easy solution.




And don't argue! Get an attitude with a cop and they're GONNA find something to ticket you with.


I have no problem with fines and citations getting more expensive. I don't like it when folks who are guilty as hell for what they got caught for getting off on procedure. I do have a problem with made-up charges, but those are rare, and usually you were doing something stupid then or in the past that got you a reputation. That's not right, but once you have a rep you have to toe a line a lit narrower than everyone else. I'm amazed how many folks on here complain about always being harassed by the Police. It's not everyone.



i'm not denying it i got caught and paid my ticket. but the first 2 cops were just kind of being jerks i kept my cool so they wouldn't look under my truck. just amazed that the second cop didn't notice me going sideways aroudn the corner for supposedly watching me since i came around it. he tried a couple of other "reasons" before coming up with tailgaiting. cops like that i don't like. but the last one who actually caught me braking the law and didn't try to BS anything i was perfectly cool with.

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I think its perfectly fine to give cops an attitude if you've done nothing wrong. I passed a cop on.the freeway that was going 60, the speed limit is 65. As soon as I passed him he swerved behind me straddling the lanes, about a foot from my bumper. He was yelling at me through his loud speaker, but didn't have any lights on so I ignored him. I tried moving over to let him pass, and he would swerve over so I couldn't. I finally had enough and punched it and got over, which put me up to around 75. Well the fucker gets up next to me and stares me down then takes off. I pulled up the video camera on my phone and started recording. I had to go 115 to catch up to him, and tailed him going 100. I saw him looking at me in his mirror, so I threw him the bird. He didn't like that much because he flipped on his lights and pulled me over. When he came to the car he said I was threatening him by flipping him off blah blah, when I cut him off and said "guess what, I have you on video going over 100 with no lights on and for no reason". He told me my video didn't mean shit, so I told him if he was going to give me a ticket to give it to me, if not to kiss my ass and let me go. Well he let me go, but I still filed a report with the chp and sent in my video. I got a call from the captain saying the officer was put on unpaid administrative leave because there were several complaints on him for similar things. Last I heard was that he is selling insurance now.


No I have been pulled over when I was in the wrong, and I do beleive that being polite kept me out of tickets. I always have my license, insurance, and registration ready when they get to the car. But if they are in the wrong and you know it, Fuck em.

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I think its perfectly fine to give cops an attitude if you've done nothing wrong. I passed a cop on.the freeway that was going 60, the speed limit is 65. As soon as I passed him he swerved behind me straddling the lanes, about a foot from my bumper. He was yelling at me through his loud speaker, but didn't have any lights on so I ignored him. I tried moving over to let him pass, and he would swerve over so I couldn't. I finally had enough and punched it and got over, which put me up to around 75. Well the fucker gets up next to me and stares me down then takes off. I pulled up the video camera on my phone and started recording. I had to go 115 to catch up to him, and tailed him going 100. I saw him looking at me in his mirror, so I threw him the bird. He didn't like that much because he flipped on his lights and pulled me over. When he came to the car he said I was threatening him by flipping him off blah blah, when I cut him off and said "guess what, I have you on video going over 100 with no lights on and for no reason". He told me my video didn't mean shit, so I told him if he was going to give me a ticket to give it to me, if not to kiss my ass and let me go. Well he let me go, but I still filed a report with the chp and sent in my video. I got a call from the captain saying the officer was put on unpaid administrative leave because there were several complaints on him for similar things. Last I heard was that he is selling insurance now.


No I have been pulled over when I was in the wrong, and I do beleive that being polite kept me out of tickets. I always have my license, insurance, and registration ready when they get to the car. But if they are in the wrong and you know it, Fuck em.



Perfect reason I always record my driving.

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I think its perfectly fine to give cops an attitude if you've done nothing wrong. I passed a cop on.the freeway that was going 60, the speed limit is 65. As soon as I passed him he swerved behind me straddling the lanes, about a foot from my bumper. He was yelling at me through his loud speaker, but didn't have any lights on so I ignored him. I tried moving over to let him pass, and he would swerve over so I couldn't. I finally had enough and punched it and got over, which put me up to around 75. Well the fucker gets up next to me and stares me down then takes off. I pulled up the video camera on my phone and started recording. I had to go 115 to catch up to him, and tailed him going 100. I saw him looking at me in his mirror, so I threw him the bird. He didn't like that much because he flipped on his lights and pulled me over. When he came to the car he said I was threatening him by flipping him off blah blah, when I cut him off and said "guess what, I have you on video going over 100 with no lights on and for no reason". He told me my video didn't mean shit, so I told him if he was going to give me a ticket to give it to me, if not to kiss my ass and let me go. Well he let me go, but I still filed a report with the chp and sent in my video. I got a call from the captain saying the officer was put on unpaid administrative leave because there were several complaints on him for similar things. Last I heard was that he is selling insurance now.





Perfect reason I always record my driving.



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