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ratsun members on PS3

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gaaaad, I really suck! I'm only averaging 15-18 kills per game on TDM. Since I prestiged, I had to really learn all the guns again. I'm rocking the AUG right now with the thermal scope and doing really well with it. Tried Carlos's setup but just couldn't do very well with it.


Lovin the vids skib!


My sis's boyfriend told me this weekend he averages 90 or so kills on domination and I thought he was full of shit, but after seeing/hearing you fellas's scores, I guess it's not so far fetched.

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I just go for a good KDR and the over all game win.


we always roll as a team so our main goals are just steam rolling the other team :lol:


we have a good mix of a team so theres a few guys that are heavy gunners, some dudes rush, a few snipers, ect.

makes a good set of forwards, mids, and defenders for what ever games.

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Are these online servers only accessible by a specific console or can Xbox, PS3, and maybe a PC user connect together as well?



naw, that would be nice tho.



PC's all host servers on their comps or detected servers, PS3 is hosted on the play station network servers and xbox360 is on the xbox live servers.

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Low Kills only happen in TDM because they are kill based scoring. Other game modes allow for excessive killing. My record for most kills on MW2 was 162, though my deaths were up at like 40. I shoot for high K/D and winning the game. I hate it when my team has campers. If I camp, its 3 kills, move, 3 kills, move, but usually I work a counter clockwise rotation of the map.

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ya with a full team on TDM you can only average about 20ish kills.




some games I only get like 5 kills but Ill have no deaths.


just depends on your game type and what kind of play style your using.


some maps we all take up specific points and control them to keep the map locked down in our favour.

how many kills youl get in a game like that just depends on how the other team trys to attack. controlling the map gets the win and thats what we go for.

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So what setups are are you guys running?


I just looked and it was 45-3 not 43-4. That was with a suppressed galil and a RPG for the lolz. My perks where ghost, sleight of hand and marathon.


I used to murder with the AK74u with just a grip my perks where lightweight, sleight of hand, and marathon.

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Are these online servers only accessible by a specific console or can Xbox, PS3, and maybe a PC user connect together as well?



naw, that would be nice tho.



PC's all host servers on their comps or detected servers, PS3 is hosted on the play station network servers and xbox360 is on the xbox live servers.


I wish they had a xbox360 vs. PS3 match. hahh

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yeah, I was doing well with the Galil for a while, ak47 and the commando are the best overall I think. I wish I could pick my teams, usually get stuck with a lot of campers. I'm partial to mercenery, seems like regualar TDM has a lot of parties who tend to steam roll the opposing team. Been playing a little domination lately too.


I'm pretty partial to flak jacket, and second chance pro (yeah I'm one of those) and switch between warlord pro and sleight of hand depending on which gun I'm using.

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Looks like I need to crack open Black ops.


I been addicted to the Move Sports game lately. Frisbee golf in the living room is fun. :D


Started playing a bit of GT5. I like it but it needs some work or something. Still a kick ass driving game.

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I wish I could pick my teams, usually get stuck with a lot of campers. I'm partial to mercenery, seems like regualar TDM has a lot of parties who tend to steam roll the opposing team.



lolz thats me, we almost always have a full team or more of GSO crew on :lol:

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