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You Can Thank Me Later

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While Facebook may be the most addicting site on the interwebs, Ratsun is a very close second. And while the strong arm of Ratsun may be gripping you to a chair, couch, smart(ass)phone or front seat of your non-running datsun, I urge you to break that arm and move to your running mode of transportation, turn that ignition key and move your kiester to the nearest International House Of Pancakes, known to most as IHOP. Once you are in the building with the blue roof, you will be seated by a hostess, you will order your drink and then I command you to order a stack of Cinna-stack Pancakes.


Your server will deliver this delight to you hot and fresh, prepared by the finest chef's known in the short order society (in fact, most of the cooks at my local IHOP wear these incredible location honing bracelets on their ankles...they are that good!) You will stuff this confection into your gullet with joy and glee until your plate is empty. You will use your fork to desperately scrape the last remaining bits of this delight from the dish in anguish. This is where you give up.


Sit back, realize the greatness of what you have just done, leave your server a fat tip and be proud that you have had this experience while you pay your tab. I will warn you that it will be hard to drive home, or yet live another day after eating this dish because Cinna-Stack Pancakes are CULINARY PERFECTION. You are welcome for these instructions

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sorry but this is the facebook for datsun people. status updates and all... :D


obviously Ratsun is better but it is pretty much the same



yes but...... my Mom will never want to "friend me" on Ratsun:o


That is why Ratsun rocks...:thumbup:

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Fuck f/b fuck twitter fuck my space fuck texting and fuck cell phones.Totally alright if you like em'. Like pancakes a lot but with weeks in between eating them and with this on them...




Yes that's a dead lion but those aren't flies but bees.

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Fuck f/b fuck twitter fuck my space fuck texting and fuck cell phones.Totally alright if you like em'. Like pancakes a lot but with weeks in between eating them and with this on them...




Yes that's a dead lion but those aren't flies but bees.


thats freakin twisted! a dead lion with bees??



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ok...so we hate facebook and we are going to eat thai and chinese...but has anybody else tried this culinary delight that has opened my mind up to an entire new world of loveliness? Nevermind if you hate pancakes...this really isn't a pancake. It is more like the softest, gooeyest, sweetest and most satisfiying cinnamon roll that you could ever possibly imagine.

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