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As a tangent, my door lock cylinders seem...loose. I can adjust to lock or unlock, but not both at once, it just doesnt have the range of motion.


any fixes besides replacing? Whats a good donor for replacements?


i have the same issue with my 620. i have to repeatedly turn the key for them to lock or unlock.

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Now that I have been driving my truck more often I want to know of ways to make it harder for thieves to steal a datsun. I know an alarm would be good. I remember reading that someone had upgraded to a lockable steering column but i dont know off of what.


I have a 720 column as part of a swap to power steering on my 620. An added bonus was finding that the steering locks too. This is way too much work on a 620 just for that.


Instead, install a kill switch as suggested. I used to have a double switch. One disabled the EI dizzy and the other connected the horn to the dome light. If someone opened the door the horn would blow. Now I have something else.

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Thanks. I will be doing a couple of kill switches.


Trick start where your headlights (or another source )have to be on to engage the ignition. Battery cutout, pull the coil trigger, cut out switch. Also manual hidden brake locks.


Regardless if they want your vehicle they are going to get it but at least if you disappoint them enough they may end up giving up


Yeah, its about making the thief give up or not even try, how does a manual brake lock work? Do you make it part of the brake hydrolics like a valve or something?


I have a 720 column as part of a swap to power steering on my 620. An added bonus was finding that the steering locks too. This is way too much work on a 620 just for that.


Instead, install a kill switch as suggested. I used to have a double switch. One disabled the EI dizzy and the other connected the horn to the dome light. If someone opened the door the horn would blow. Now I have something else.

I wanted to do the 720 steering column but if its not a straight swap I will just buy The Club Steering Wheel Lock. I like the horn being tied into the domelight wiring its sounds like a simple alarm and very inexpensive.

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Dont know the model number or anything but when In my "old" truck (02' cummins) I had a remote start/alarm/turbotimer by compustar. It had an active alarm and a passive alarm. I disabled the active alarm and just used the passive, it played some stupid little disney song really loud. The first place I moved when I came back to spokane was tweaker fucking central. One of the little bastards stuck his head in my truck before I even got all the way out of it asking if I needed a hand with anything... ummm... no... Anyways, when I closed the door the stupid little song played when it armed, he started laughing and asked what kind of gay shit is that. I told him its a turbo timer and a passive alarm. I explained to him the need for a timer so the turbo wouldnt coke up and told him I just left the alarm on passive because I couldnt stand the chirping and my insurance would cover damage from a shotgun sooner than they would cover stolen shit or broken windows. I waved at him every time I saw him after that and I NEVER saw him or any of his little buddies near my truck again.


As for the alarm I think it was only good for 200 or 250 yards... It was sensitive enough to go off in class while someone was stealing my 10K rated hitch:mad:

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I also vote kill switch, if it's placed well, a thief isn't going to spend 15 minutes searching for it....they'll move on to the next one. If you have an electric fuel pump, a switch on that is great, since there's nothing in the engine compartment for them to jumper.

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My truck came with a nasty, small-diameter, deeply-dished steering wheel. I want a larger, no-dish steering wheel, and I might even modify the distance to the dash, just so I get more leg room -- I need it, I'm over 6'2"!


I'm planning to install one of these quick-release steering wheel hubs -- when you park, you just take your wheel with you, and it makes getting in and out a ton easier.


Can't drive it off with no steering wheel!



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Had mine stolen years ago. My wife searched for it while I was at work. The police were no help as it wasn't important to them. She found it on it's side in a gravel pit. It's not a good feeling seeing that done to your property by some uncaring dick. Getting pissed off just writing about it 15 years later. Some 35 year old is walking around my town who did this... grrrrrrr.


I don't know how you would feel about your stuff but I recommend not finding out.

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