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ratsun members map


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by the way, if anybody has any issues with this map or needing to change or delete it or anything... contact me, cause i set it up with my email address, and i'm the only one that knows the password... mwuhahahah... unless an admin wants it then they'll have it.. ha


I don't live in Arkansas :P


Not sure why the pin for me is there

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by the way, if anybody has any issues with this map or needing to change or delete it or anything... contact me, cause i set it up with my email address, and i'm the only one that knows the password... mwuhahahah... unless an admin wants it then they'll have it.. ha


I don't want that responsibility! :D fix Redeye's location please

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Aren't you worried about somebody using the map to steal your Ratsun?

its no different than putting your city name in your profile on a forum. They would have to see me and follow me home to know where it is... and I have a garage now. Oh ya, it doesnt run either! :blink:

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i would like to be able to stick the pin wherever i want, cause i'd be funny and move people around, but it's not setup like that. all i can do is delete them. so if redeye wants me to delete him and then he can try again.. or we can all just laugh at him for being stuck out in arkansas by himself.

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yea there's obviously some flaw in their map setup... but i meant if you wanted to try another nearby town, just so your pin will be closer to where you actually live... whatever you want tho, no skin off my nose.. haha


also i just noticed that not only did it not show pete's jpg, but it put his pin in louisiana. hmm.

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