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I think i just got ripped off!!!!!

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He's been having surgery on his hands I think and I don't know how far he's gotten with that yet. He has had a fair number of guys buy his stuff and they seem OK with him so far. Have you got a telephone number for him? I remember him saying he wasn't going to be able to type for awhile because of the surgery ....


I know what it is to go through a hand surgery, very tough chit.

There's a phone number, have you tried reaching him ? 1-404-374-5498


Good enough reason for me.... and a phone number. Truly, shit does happen and who knows what's going on in his life. To the lynch mob I say...



http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q251/datzenmike/nondatsun/loosen-your-anus.gif[/img]"]loosen-your-anus.gif :D

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easy for you to say when you are not the one with missing $$ or parts. the phone number is nothing when he doesn't answer or returns messages :D


Easy to say when logic is applied. Sellers don't spend months to year building rep with people to fuck one schmo out of a measly few bucks. When you deal with home brew parts sometimes you have to wait, thats all there is to it. The cost and or quality difference usually more then makes up for it.


The communication is frustrating I know. Sometimes when you know you owe people and there are 50 monkeys on your back you avoid it so you can wade through. Doesn't make it right but it is what it is.

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Easy to say when logic is applied. Sellers don't spend months to year building rep with people to fuck one schmo out of a measly few bucks. When you deal with home brew parts sometimes you have to wait, thats all there is to it. The cost and or quality difference usually more then makes up for it.


The communication is frustrating I know. Sometimes when you know you owe people and there are 50 monkeys on your back you avoid it so you can wade through. Doesn't make it right but it is what it is.

People that advertise stuff and fail to deliver in a timely manner are practically as bad as people who don't deliver at all. A good deal is no longer a good deal when it takes excessively long to get to you. Time is money or something like that. The injury/surgery excuse is no excuse for lack of communication, especially if the issue is known ahead of time and isn't disclosed to the buyer.
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Datsunfreak? Wow...I know I have been on this forum and JNC for a short while...but it seems to me Datsunfreak will not rip no one off. This has to be solved. Lex..any luck contacting him by phone?


he custom makes the parts and gets a lot of orders but i'm surprised he doesn't respond to phone calls. He told me when I was over there lots of times people ask about their order but don't specify exactly what item they are asking about and it's confusing as he sends out so many parts. If you send him a msg of sorts specify the date of payment and exact item when asking the status that might help

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People that advertise stuff and fail to deliver in a timely manner are practically as bad as people who don't deliver at all. A good deal is no longer a good deal when it takes excessively long to get to you. Time is money or something like that. The injury/surgery excuse is no excuse for lack of communication, especially if the issue is known ahead of time and isn't disclosed to the buyer.



Thats fair to say you know I have been on the waiting end many times. My point though is when your buying home brew parts off some guy who's fabing shit in his basement in spare time you shouldn't expect the same business practices if you were paying retail at a rape you store. Its been a month, big whoop, you know on ebay between filing with ebay then paypal and waiting for a refund it can run into 2 months? So I still say people need to chill. Especially since he has sold to so many people for so long without problems, obviously it's a fluke.


I didn't defend the communication either just tried to explain it. Honestly regardless of the seller a short convo with the buyer puts them at ease 99% of the time.

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People that advertise stuff and fail to deliver in a timely manner are practically as bad as people who don't deliver at all. A good deal is no longer a good deal when it takes excessively long to get to you. Time is money or something like that. The injury/surgery excuse is no excuse for lack of communication, especially if the issue is known ahead of time and isn't disclosed to the buyer.



Thats fair to say you know I have been on the waiting end many times. My point though is when your buying home brew parts off some guy who's fabing shit in his basement in spare time you shouldn't expect the same business practices if you were paying retail at a rape you store. Its been a month, big whoop, you know on ebay between filing with ebay then paypal and waiting for a refund it can run into 2 months? So I still say people need to chill. Especially since he has sold to so many people for so long without problems, obviously it's a fluke. Doesn't good credit buy a guy who just had surgery at least a few weeks before the mob starts bash threads?


I didn't defend the communication either just tried to explain it. Honestly regardless of the seller a short convo with the buyer puts them at ease 99% of the time.

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Doesn't good credit buy a guy who just had surgery at least a few weeks before the mob starts bash threads? .



...and I agree. That's all I wanted to get across too. I've seen people loose their computer, get thrown out, accident, illness and generally have problems where other things in life are far more important and need to be tended to first. I don't know this guy well but have talked with him on the Realm. He seems well informed and a contributing member in good standing. I also get the feeling he will make this right ASA(he is)P. A little compassion here will go a long way...

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As I have learned from selling and buying parts, as soon as I get a payment for anything I am selling I ship the part NLT 2 days later. I hope that when I buy from someone they have the same mentality. Of course, it is not always the case.

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Hey Docsis I'm wondering if you got word from the seller. He signed on the 18th to the realm again and I sent him a PM on the 15. Don't know if he saw it but I didn't get an answer.


72240z: he won't fuck his rep up for a "few bucks" I know that, but it wasn't only a few bucks for me I actually didn't pay my tuition because I sent him that money yes being a student sucks atm. And as far as making the parts on his spare time and having to wait because he makes them in his basement one off custom shit, that is BS!. He specifically says hell ship them 3 days after payment is cleared (look at his FS posts), he specifically told me he would make mine the night of the 22 of last month (15 days after I sent him the $$) and send them the next day and contact me.. well Im still waiting for both. I know a little compassion will go along way and I really hope the guy is alright, Im almost sure I will get my parts, I just wish that he would let me know what is going on with my stuff specially if I send him messages and pms and emails and I get no answer yet his account is active on the realm :fu:

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ok....in my opinion, if you don't receive your parts in 15 days and the seller does not respond to your e-mail, pms, phone calls whatever, he "got you". I did not want to jump the gun, but I know if I was in the shoes of the buyer waiting for my part, I would be super Pi$$e@!!!!!

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Im almost sure I will get my parts, I just wish that he would let me know what is going on with my stuff specially if I send him messages and pms and emails and I get no answer yet his account is active on the realm :fu:


if your REALM outbox shows a msg, it means he hasnt opened it.

if its 0 then he has seen it. THEN id be pissed if there was no reply.

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if your REALM outbox shows a msg, it means he hasnt opened it.

if its 0 then he has seen it. THEN id be pissed if there was no reply.

thanks for letting me know... "View messages: Outbox


Folder is 0% full (0 from 50 messages stored)

Compose message




No messages" so that means he or whoever uses his account has read my message and there was not an answer

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And as far as making the parts on his spare time and having to wait because he makes them in his basement one off custom shit, that is BS!. He specifically says hell ship them 3 days after payment is cleared (look at his FS posts), he specifically told me he would make mine the night of the 22 of last month (15 days after I sent him the $$) and send them the next day and contact me.. well Im still waiting for both.
Furthermore, and maybe it's just me, but the longer someone takes to send the product, the more picky and critical I am when receiving it. It just adds insult to injury when someone takes their sweet ol' time and then sends shoddy stuff.
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Don't worry about losing the money, someone said they knew his address. Nothin ' a bottle a whiskey and a baseball bat won't fix :fu:

Which of the classical 3 varieties of whiskey [to use the generic not Scots spelling] do you mean? Fighting whiskey, sipping whiskey or courting whiskey?

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Good luck getting your stuff from Datsunfreak. It took a buddy of mine almost 2 years and threat of mail fraud to get a set of carbs and intake. The worst part is that he tells you what he thinks you want to hear then never follows through. Con artists if you ask me.:mad: Got no use for people like that. Pissed me off just hearing about it and seeing a fellow datsun nut get jerked around so hard.

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well, if its gonna end up in court...


Fighting whiskey - moonshine so raw you get really nasty just being near it. You might not live to see if you have a handover.

Sipping whiskey - good stuff, you want to savor it, not chug-a-lug. Not too bad a hangover.

Courting whiskey - what you bring your girl friend's father when you ask him permision to marry her. Old fashioned custom, but it's got a lot to say for it! Some of our readers might not understand the concept of "marry', so go look it up.

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ok so heres what happened since last time i posted. i send him some pm's and finally got a response on 7/15/09. heres what he said.


Delete messageQuote messageRe: ka tranny mount

Sent: Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:07 pm

From: NasaRacing510

To: docsis510


sorry if you did not get my email.. Might have sent it to the wrong guy..


I ran out of 1/4" plate and didnot want to weld scrap tpgather and grind down to make new pc. I waited till yesterday on my supplier to get me my 1/4" and they did not ( they sell me 1/2 pc and 1/4 pc instead of full 4x10 sheets.. )


I ordered a 1/2 sheet cut up this morning from a diffrent company. They will have it ready tomorrow am. I will get it when they open tomorrow and come back and finish my 9 orders.

I already have the tubing and the angle cut and notched.. I just have to cut and notch and weld on the 2 side 1/4" plates and coat them before shipping. If this is an issue please let me know.






so i send him another pm on 7/19/09 asking him how was the trany mount going. so far no response. the money was sent 7/7/09. its been 12 days and nothing. i went to paypal and submitted a claim despute but im not shure what to do after that. :( sucks thats the last part i need to get my project going. :( :( :( :(

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Good luck getting your stuff from Datsunfreak. It took a buddy of mine almost 2 years and threat of mail fraud to get a set of carbs and intake. The worst part is that he tells you what he thinks you want to hear then never follows through. Con artists if you ask me.:mad: Got no use for people like that. Pissed me off just hearing about it and seeing a fellow datsun nut get jerked around so hard.


wow , that's not good. He finally replied and he did sound like he would make good but maybe he's just telling me what I want to hear. and he's a mod.

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Now you wait a min of 20 days. That is to give the seller a chance to respond and or come through or you 2 to resolve the prob. Usually a lazy seller being kicked in the ass by notification of a paypal dispute is what they need to get in gear. If you still don't come to a conclusion after 20 days you can file a claim which will be reviewed and resolved by them.


I think everyone who uses paypal should be required when signing up to read all this so they know. The whole idea of paypal is your protected, if you don't take advantage of that your risking internet transactions and paying fees for no reason.


That's not meant to be personal to anyone I'm saying because it pertinent to the thread.

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Guest DatsuNoob

Buyers beware of falsely listed ebay items. Some guy listed an "AEM" fpr for a nissan. I probably should have confirmed it's authenticity prior to winning the auction, but before paying I asked him if it was the real deal, since it looked nothing like the others listed under the same name. He told me he listed it as it was listed by another seller after he bought it and resold it. I told him that's not what I asked. I wanted to know if I was getting a brand name part or a cheap Chinese knock-off. He accused me of jerking him around and was reluctant to give me a straight answer after 3 messages. So, fuck that guy. I'm not paying $100 for a $10 part originating from some 3rd world communist shithole. I'll sooner take a neg feedback than watch my hard earned dollars fall into the hands of some jerk-off scammer.

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