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Dream job???

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To work here:


Did you know they have an annual car show on the premises? Everything from Isettas to 1950s Maserattis to current concept cars on to VW busses.

At SIGGRAPH last year, during the keynote speech from Ed Catmull he showed some historical photos from their early days, and one of the photos showed a picnic they all attended. One of them drove their Datsun 280Z there because it was in the photo.

I think I'd fit right in.

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I want to get paid to fly around and punch morons in the face. I would specialize in internet morons (99% of myspacers, facebookers, and pretty much any poster in any comment section throughout the internet) and shitty drivers (again about 99% people on the road).

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Mine would be to be baby-seal-cluber cluber...so if I had a bad day I could take it out on someone who would take it out on defensless seals :D


No seriously I have my dream job...get to work on spacecrafts.

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I will help hold the @! WHO thinks it is cool to exert cruelty on breathing and feeling animals. My pets all love me too. We all have our loving shop dogs.


I already have my dream job...I play with Datsun parts everyday...they are in my living room, my kitchen and my shop. Plus I have three dogs and four roosters and a mule to protect my car parts. Oh yea, TWO GUNS TOO. Slimeballs welcome here, he he. Tana

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Geeez-us.. am I on PETA!?!








Eat steak, eat steak eat a big ol' steer

Eat steak, eat steak do we have one dear?

Eat beef, eat beef it's a mighty good food

It's a grade A meal when I'm in the mood.


Cowpokes'll come from a near and far

When you throw a few rib-eyes on the fire

Roberto Duran ate two before a fight

'Cause it gave a lot of mighty men a lot of mighty might


Eat steak, eat steak eat a big ol' steer

Eat steak, eat steak do we have one dear?

Eat beef, eat beef it's a mighty good food

It's a grade A meal when I'm in the mood.


Eat meat, eat meat, filet mignon

Eat meat, eat meat, ear it all day long

Eat a few T-bones till you get your fill

Eat a new york cut, hot off the grill


Eat steak, eat steak eat a big ol' steer

Eat steak, eat steak do we have one dear?

Eat beef, eat beef it's a mighty good food

It's a grade A meal when I'm in the mood.


Eat a cow, eat a cow 'cuase it's good for you

Eat a cow, eat a cow it's the thing that goes "Mooooo"


Look at all the cows in the slaughterhouse yeard

Gotta hit'em in the head, gotta hit'em real hard

First you gotta clean'em then the butcher cuts'em up

Throws it on a scale throws an eyeball in a cup


Saw a big Brahma Steer standing right over there

So I rustled up a fire cooked him medium rare

Bar-B-Q'ed his brisket, a roasted his rump

Fed my dog that ol' Brangus Steer's hump


Eat steak, eat steak eat a big ol' steer

Eat steak, eat steak do we have one dear?

Eat beef, eat beef it's a mighty good food

It's a grade A meal when I'm in the mood.

Edited by zetozeto99
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How a person treats an animal says alot about that person I think. This extends to animals intended for food too. Abusing an animal to take out your frustrations in life is both cruel and thoughtless. I prey that you are only thoughtless for posting this and will attain enlightenment. Untill then, excuse me if I don't stand too close to you.

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HOLY CHRIST! Lighten up everyone. It was a FREAKIN' joke man. A lot of freakin' sensitivity around here. I don't want to bash lil' seals in the head for a profit...


Everyone knows my dream job is to be on one of those Japanese whaling boats!


Hahahahahhahaha! :fu:

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LMAO @ "Nuke an unborn gay baby whale for Jesus"! Hahaha. No-no.. that's wrong! I must be like Ghandi.... and climb mount Everest... and do whatever enlightened people do. Now excuse me while I meditate. Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.




I Kid, I Kid!


Edit* BTW, Phizzy! I'm a big fan of the 6000 SUX too! "I'll buy that for a dollar!"



Edited by zetozeto99
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The job I have right now, but 5 years from now. Im a freelance VFX, Motion graphics, designer, animator. Hopefully in 5 years its just VFX Animator. But right now Ill take any gig in the industry. sitting at a computer making things move has got to be the most ideal job for me.

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if i could get paid to work on cars i would be happy........i spend alot of time under hoods and under cars so getting paid to do it would kick ass.......hell i finished pluming the oil lines on a RHD turbo del sol yesterday....doesn't even have to be datsun/nissan......would prefer it tho....LOL


Dude thats such an easily attainable dream lol, get on that shit!

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