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April 1, the Feds will take a bunch more money on this little 'luxury'.


APPENDIX: Federal Tobacco Taxes in Detail


The following information was compiled by the Congressional Research Service in a report January 14, 2009; edited to reflect the final version of the law.



The vast majority of tobacco taxes are on cigarettes, which account for 97% of federal tobacco tax revenue. Under current law, excise taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products include the following rates:


* federal cigarette taxes: $0.39 per pack;

* small cigars: $.04 per package of 20;

* large cigars: 20.719% of sales price, not to exceed $48.75 per 1,000 units (i.e., a maximum tax of almost $.05 cents per cigar);

* chewing tobacco: $.01 per ounce;

* snuff: $.04 cents per ounce; and

* pipe and roll-your-own tobacco: $.07 cents per ounce.

* There are also taxes on cigarette paper and cigarette tubes. These taxes are imposed per pound and the rates are as follows: (1) $0.195 for chewing tobacco, (2) $0.585 for snuff, and (3) $1.0606 for pipe and roll-your-own tobacco.

* There are also taxes on large cigarettes that are essentially non-existent (although a tax is necessary for administrative reasons).


CHIPRA 2009 will increase taxes on cigarettes and tobacco-related products (effective April 1, 2009) to the following rates:



federal cigarette taxes would be increased to $1.00 and .66 cents per pack;


small cigars would have their taxes immediately increased to the same level as cigarettes: $1.0066 per pack, an increase of $.97.

(The House of Representatives passed version of January 2009 had a gradual increase of $0.25 per pack in 2009-2010, $0.50 in 2011-2012, $0.75 in 2013-2014, and $1.00 in 2015 and thereafter;


large cigars would be subject to a tax of 52.75% of sales price with a maximum of $0.4026 per cigar; [2/12/09 update]


chewing tobacco would be increased to approximately $.03 cents per ounce (and $0.50 per pound);


snuff would be increased to $.113 per can ($1.51 per pound); [2/12/09 update]


pipe tobacco would be increased to $.18 per ounce ($2.8126 per pound);


roll-your-own tobacco (RYO) would be increased to $1.53 per ounce ($24.78 per pound). The definition of roll

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Sorry, I have no tolerance or sympathy for smokers. I do realize that they are addicted and therefore they are heavily weighted toward keeping on smoking rather than quitting. No one I have ever met wants to smoke, they all would rather not.


The price goes up to offset the drain on government health expenses later when smokers are sick and or dying of smoking related diseases. Why would a smoker pay into his pensions all his life only to be in ill health and die early without reaping the benefits? And a smoker pays taxes to the government for the privilege of poor health and shorter life... how fucked is that? I intend to be around for a long time and expect fairly good health in my declining years. I want to collect things like government pensions and old age security that I worked and payed into. I want to enjoy my life and see my kids, kids, kids born.


If you feel this way about your life then make an effort to quit. Talk about it with friends and your spouse. Keep trying to quit even if you know you will fail. Never quit quitting. Keep trying. Cut down your smoking. Never stop trying. Change your life.

Edited by datzenmike
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Guest 510kamikazifreak



I smoke and (I think)Jason does too(Tho I have cut down a heck of alot since my back issue):D can go many hours without even the hint of a nic fit:cool:

I too agree with the drain(even if I smoke)

the way I see life, when the times up it is up ,regardless what you do or not do tho..

Can delay a bit but regardless but when its time ,its time..

Now if I could only get the back better,:blink:

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I started at 14ish yo and quit last may cold turkey. Honestly I feel I know both sides of the story and have to say to hell wit smoking. I know its hard to stop and all but get real, it was a week of being pissed of and a month of going for the cig after meals, waking up, fucking etc and realizing oh I don't smoke anymore. After that its gravy and you get nothing but benefits as you regain all the senses and endurance you lost. Nicotine is not the only drug I have quit either, solid year of 8balls, 5 years of Paxil as a result(hardest of anything I ever quit BY FAR), any addiction is hard to beat but it always comes down to the same shit. Either you want to quit or you don't, if you do you will if you don't you wont, very simple.


If you want to smoke and enjoy it, power to you, honestly I'm a firm believer people have the right to do w/e they like with their body Idc if its working out 3 times a day or shooting heroin. So long as you don't involve others in any way shape or form. That said though if you want to play you got to pay. So long as LEO doesn't flat out say no I could care less the plight of the smoker.


Choices come with consequences in this case both physically and monetarily and WE ALL are FORCED to deal with the fact people want to smoke i.e number one beach pollution, water quality, Fires, air quality, the effect on gov health care, insurance etc... Then cry about higher taxes? Please, I hope they make them higher. Which still wouldn't come close to offsetting the damage done.

Edited by 72240z
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[rant on]:mad:



I smoke. The taxes piss me off.. However, even if I quit...which I am trying to do, the taxes piss me off. Excessive Government, Overtaxation, Misrepresentation, Big Government.


The whole spiel violates everything We The People intended. Health Cost? Not a Government Responsibility. Its like Welfare, the Bailout and every Subsidized Socialist Program, not a Government Responsibility. And not our Duty as a People to subsidize or support it.


The State operates based on the Authority Delegated to it by the People, but its now destroying us.


Think about it. Arizona, American Spirits $8.64 a pack at Circle K. It cost at most $2.00 to make a pack of cigarettes. That comes out to a 300% increase in taxation:blink:. The Boston Tea Party was over a 2% tax increase.


So to Big Brother I say :fu::fu::fu::fu::fu:


[rant off]

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I actually agree to it not being fair JUST cigarettes are targeted where as other drugs like liqueur are not. There are a bunch of things equally as bad. I don't think that means they should lower on cigs though but raised on others so it's not so one sided. I'm a Ron Paul supporter so I hear the no big gov thing loud and clear but as I say there is a flat out cost to the governmental in many ways due to smokers. Taxes are NEEDED in that respect.


The health aspect IS the gov responsibility. All these people that cop cancer or emphysema and can't afford to keep themselves alive, but do for a decade+, who pays? The gov pays, and who pays the gov? ALL of us.


Do I agree with gov using taxation as a road plan to get people to stop smoking? No, it's wrong. The least they can do if that it their plan is to throw that money back to the smokers in the form of help(gums patches hotlines etc.) to help them quit. I know some states do, like NY, but it needs to be national.


I'm not trying to rant, preach or anything like that. I'm just a ex smoker with a COUPLE family members in the ground and a mother with emphysema so I feel a little strong on the topic. To be honest it pisses me off. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

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I don't know much or want to for that matter on the cig tax, however, I do beleive that if weed was legal and taxed there would be a lot less peaple in jail being housed and fed by us and maybe a few less drunk drivers on the road.


I used to smoke it and may again someday but I have a class A CDL and drive heavy trucks still from time to time and would be in deep sh.. if I ever got a random blood test. (I honestly think I shift a 13spd trans better with a puff or two):P


And thats what I have to say about that. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get.


I love that Forest Gump movie:)

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My father in law is a hardcore conservative and despises smoking but even he feels it is wrong that one group should pay certain taxes for everyone else. Its like the school levys. Guess who pays for those when you vote yes. Homeowners only!(around here anyways) How fair is it that someone who works hard enough to buy a home should pay for schools while the renters dont pay shit. Washington state is outrageous with this. I believe we have the highest state tobacco tax next to NY. I understand it is bad for you but honestly,if we all quit smoking the gvnmt would find another sucker to pay up. I dont believe they really care if we die from it so long as they get a cut.

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You know a lot of states are pushin pot really hard(cali nj wash ri del etc). Est few billion a year in tax money would come from it, could certainly use it. Way WAY less harmful or inebriating then liqueur. Not to mention the 1000's of good things we could all get from the country being able to commercially grow hemp once again after 60 some odd years of bullshit. Jobs, small biz, export products, taxes, less drain on the prison/court system etc... It's come to the point where even the anti drug people(who so happen to od on LEGAL drugs daily) can't even deny it anymore, the pros FAR outweigh the cons.


Honestly though I just don't see it happening, it's so drastic lol. Then again though prohibition and the like, anything is possible I guess....


The day I get stopped by a cop for minding my own business and asked "son are you high?" and I can legally say "HIGH OFF MY ASS!!!!" I can die a a happy man. :lol:

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Ya'll are missing a key point here.While i am no fan of smoking(it wiped out my family)Tobacco products are LEGAL.They either need to outlaw tobacco all together or recind any all taxes on it as it is discrimination.


Where does it stop?What legal product are they coming after next?Headers?Mags?Wide Tires?:mad:

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Ah but I didn't say driving lol. I got the long hair and what not, I get stopped just walking around sometimes.


Ya know. I got that sometimes too before I cut off my hair. I got"you just look like some we are looking for" Good luck with that I said.

Z train,I am with ya 100 percent on that. Why not a huge tax on coca cola since it rots out the teeth of many poor youth but not on candy bars.cmon

I work at a muffler shop and folks come in all the time with ricer fart cans and say they got a fix it ticket for being above noise regs while Harleys roar by at deafening levels with hardly a glance. I understand fart cans sound like absolute shit but based on the legalities it is discrimination plain and simple. Just thought that was a similar deal.

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Ya know. I got that sometimes too before I cut off my hair. I got"you just look like some we are looking for" Good luck with that I said.

Z train,I am with ya 100 percent on that. Why not a huge tax on coca cola since it rots out the teeth of many poor youth but not on candy bars.cmon

I work at a muffler shop and folks come in all the time with ricer fart cans and say they got a fix it ticket for being above noise regs while Harleys roar by at deafening levels with hardly a glance. I understand fart cans sound like absolute shit but based on the legalities it is discrimination plain and simple. Just thought that was a similar deal.



ya you know I'm so used it it's made me super careful. I'm almost appreciative lol, almost. I mean, I was much more wreckless as a kid now I realize I'm a target as act accordingly. As result I myself am much safer.


It's funny you mention the tax on coca cola because ny just tried to pass a fat tax where sugary and fatty foods/drinks would have a special tax. It's a good example of how much of a slippery slope this all is. I mean if the gov taxes to counter act the products cost to society, well then that's a necessary evil we must endure. If the gov taxes something overly because it believes it to be wrong well then that's unacceptable. It is not the governments place to do that. You let it be one thing then one day we wake up and salt is taxed because it's deemed bad for you. Pure gestapo bullshit.


That said though I don't believe that's why the government taxed tobacco so greatly. Cigarettes cost the government BILLIONS of dollars annually in a multitude of ways and so taxes must be paid for that. I mean who should pay? Non smokers already pay a good deal towards it, shouldn't smoker pay the rest and in turn greater %?


It's hard to argue the facts to a definitive end without knowing the true cost OR profit the government and tax payers endure.

Edited by 72240z
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Sorry, I have no tolerance or sympathy for smokers.

:fu: i hate smokers!

im disgusted eveytime a new pack is opened and the trash is flung to the ground. then the next 20 butts are discarded on the ground. :cursing:



i quit over 20 years ago before the price went over $1/pack (cold turkey from 2 packs/day)

actually used the ashtray in my first 510 then :eek:


[rant on]:mad:

Excessive Government, Overtaxation, Misrepresentation, Big Government.


And not our Duty as a People to subsidize or support it.

So to Big Brother I say :fu::fu::fu::fu::fu:


[rant off]

if you dont buy cigs, you arent contributing there.




I think the solution to this is obvious...


grow your own ;)




id pay taxes on 4/20 - annually

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To all smokers:


If tomorrow you could take a magical pill that allowed you to stop smoking without any withdrawal symptoms.... would you take it? Would you choose to live without an addiction that causes you to go out on rainy nights to the mini mart to buy cigs because you forgot to stock up for the weekend? Give up yellow fingers and teeth? Give up stares from non smokers? Give up going outside because you can't smoke in the house, car or where you work? Give up the craving? Give up the coughing and sense of suffocating when exerting yourself? Would you choose to give it all up if you could, without any consequences??? If you could be a non smoker with no effort on your part, would you do it???


Can any smoker give me one convincing positive reason FOR smoking?

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Well when your drunk, cigs physically feel good lol. I'm anti cig 100% but when I smoked, that was a very strong reason. Same with after eating, fucking, and waking up, its a feeling of satisfaction few things compare to. All of course trumped 10 fold by the negatives, but you asked so..... :cool:

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id like to know who was NOT influenced by friends to start in the first place.

esp if your parents smoked. mine both did.


i had to go to the emegency room at 4yo for eating butts out of the ashtray :eek:

my mom quit after that.




...its a feeling of satisfaction few things compare to.


being able to actually smell food is a compelling reason to quit. reduces sodium intake as well...


breathing easy =not hacking, after you wake up(or finished the ol in-out ;) ) is nost satisfying. :D


adding toxic smoke (arsenic for 1 of the 100's) to that breath doesnt appeal to me at all!

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id like to know who was NOT influenced by friends to start in the first place.

esp if your parents smoked. mine both did.


i had to go to the emegency room at 4yo for eating butts out of the ashtray :eek:

my mom quit after that.






being able to actually smell food is a compelling reason to quit. reduces sodium intake as well...


breathing easy =not hacking, after you wake up(or finished the ol in-out ;) ) is nost satisfying. :D


adding toxic smoke (arsenic for 1 of the 100's) to that breath doesnt appeal to me at all!


Just out of curiosity have you ever been a cig smoker and if so how long? My wild guess is never (sorry if I'm wrong). If never, you really can't speak to whats enjoyable and whats not, no? Because You make it seem worse then it ever was for me. I finished fucking I laid on my back and slowly, calmly smoked my marlboro and was VERY satisfied. When I woke up and wondered over to my pack of smokes (scratching my ass and running into shit :lol:) I was NEVER hacking, ever and it was good. I never hacked at any time for that matter. Due to physical/mental addiction and a smokers body not taking in nicotine the entire time asleep that wake up cig is bliss. ;)


I mean read my above posts. Totally anti smoking, but that doesn't change that sometimes it is enjoyable and the times I listed ARE in the top 5. Ask any real smoker, shit ask any "social smoker", if they drink and smoke once in a blue moon I bet it's while drunk or after sex or a big meal yada yada.


Like I said the negatives outweigh any positive things 10 fold(at least) but to say there is nothing enjoyable about it is silly. There are plenty.....

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