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And LE wonders why we have an"attitude".

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Absolutely un-*&*^ing -believable.



"Hi all, I have been in the process of building my Car for the last 14 months and have approx. 400 hrs into it, with only a few weeks to go before completion. This is my dream car

About 5 months ago we were invited to a friends BBQ and my 4 year old daughter was severely bitten by a stray german shepard on her hand while she was playing in the front yard with the other kids.

The hospital was only about 1 mile away, so I got her in the car and called 911 to let them know I was on the way. A few minutes after we arrived a sheriff's dupty showed up to take a report. I had about 5 beers while at the BBQ and the deputy could smell it on my breath, after taking his report he took me outside for a sobriety test which I passed, but he wanted me to take a blood test while we were at the hospital, and I did not object...

Well my test came out at .09 and I was arrested.

My daughter ended up loosing her small finger, but could have lost 2 others if I had not gotten her there so quick, so I do not regret what I did. This is my first violation of any kind(not even a parking ticket) and I do not condone drinking at driving."

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I can see where the sheriff is coming from b/c legally your friend was driving drunk. But come on, under the circumstances if I was the sheriff I would have let him off with a warning. Its not like he was just out cruising around, it was an emergency.

Edited by jknc90
Edited to be directed towards friend of poster instead of poster.
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This was a no win situation. If it were me, I would have had someone who was not drinking at the BBQ drive me to the hospital rather than drive myself.


But untill you are in a situation like this, it is hard to say what you would do. :rolleyes:

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So he didn't stop your car? Didn't see you driving it? How does that work????


same thing happened with a room mate of mine a few years back. endo'ed his bike and was like 2 miles away, helmet in hand. they busted him for it as he was drunk off his ass. but it could have been anyone. now if he had left his helmet they would never have known.

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"Hi all, I have been in the process of building my Car for the last 14 months and have approx. 400 hrs into it, with only a few weeks to go before completion. This is my dream car. I'm not sure what that has to do with the rest of my story, but now you know!


About 5 months ago we were invited to a friends BBQ and my 4 year old daughter was severely bitten by a stray german shepard on her hand while she was playing in the front yard with the other kids.

The hospital was only about 1 mile away, so I got her in the car and called 911 to let them know I was on the way. I was a little tipsy and distracted, frantically talking to the 911 operator on my cell phone, all while trying to drive at a fast pace because of the situation of course, so I didn't see the bicyclist riding down the street until the last second. I swerved, but my slewed reaction time caught me a little short and I tagged the cyclist and sent him into a tree. Nobody saw me hit him so I kept going and got to the hospital - after all, my daughter's safety comes first and I'll be damned if some cyclist gets in my way. A few minutes after we arrived a sheriff's dupty showed up to take a report. I had about 5 beers while at the BBQ and the deputy could smell it on my breath, after taking his report he took me outside for a sobriety test which I passed, but he wanted me to take a blood test while we were at the hospital, and I did not object...

Well my test came out at .09 and I was arrested. Later I was questioned about the possibility of hitting the cyclist and I admitted I may have, but "he looked okay!"

My daughter ended up loosing her small finger, but could have lost 2 others if I had not gotten her there so quick, so I do not regret what I did. This is my first violation of any kind(not even a parking ticket) and I do not condone drinking at driving, except when it's MY family. The cyclist only had a broken pelvis, what a pansy!"



Just sayin'

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When something like that happens the adrenaline takes over, talk to the DA, you could of had a half gallon in you and been FINE TO DRIVE. Unless your a Pussy Poster maybe .... they should give your FRIEND a break. That SUCKS MAN!!

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Not at all clear just what state is involved [friend of a friend stuff] but in California YOU get to pick the sobriety test. Once the cop gave the breath test [which the driver perhaps consented to?] and the driver passed the cop would have no right to demand a further test. Get a lawyer [and it pains me to have said that].


What's the difference between a lawyer and a rat? There are some things a rat won't do.

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So he didn't stop your car? Didn't see you driving it? How does that work????

exactly! if he didnt see you/the guy driving, how will that stand up in court???

maybe a punk in drublic charge, but regardless - thats total BS!

busted in the emergency room? :fu:



What's the difference between a lawyer and a rat? There are some things a rat won't do.


what do you call a million dead lawyers?


a good start!




why dont sharks eat lawyers?


professional courtesy.

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