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Everything posted by comply

  1. My Sister's Husband's Sister's Husband is named Guy and he named his son....Guyson. My sister went to school with Dream Weaver. There's also two kids up the street from me named Seven and Tuesday. And an old friend of mine named his kid ______ Pancake _______ McFarlane. I can't remember his first and other middle name, but his initials came out to be SPAM. /facepalm. People these days.
  2. Gogo Ford! Sue the only people that buy your cars! That's how to build a customer base! Ford threatens to sue Ford enthusiast sites
  3. Q. F. T. I vote we put "In Allah We Trust" on coins, or "In Buddha We Trust", or "In Flying Spaghetti Monster We Trust". Not everyone shares your religion, people. Don't cry about something as pathetic as this(Even though they DO say "In God We Trust")
  4. Can you make them with proper rising sun colors(white with red rays)?
  5. I don't know if you could tap one with a 510 without just running the tube over.
  6. Substitute teacher work never makes sense. Whatever takes up a lot of time.
  7. Win. I completely agree with you though. There's a general dumbing down of our culture and it makes me weep. Here's a few examples. My sister occasionally substitute teaches an ASL(American Sign Language) class at the High School. One day she has them watch a video on cochlear implants and then write a 2 page essay on it. One girl wrote what my Sister described as "The worlds longest text message" using terms such as "lol" and "idk" and other text acronyms....In a WRITTEN essay. Not even typed. Another kid, remember these are High School kids(17+) started his essay with "I think death people should get the Cochlear Implant because...." Death? really? I also graduated with a kid that couldn't read. He wasn't mentally challenged or anything. He just didn't want to learn so the school provided him with someone to read for him. I feel sorry for the next generation, and more so for the people who have to deal with them. The beginning of Idiocracy was spot on. For those who haven't seen it: NSWF(swearing)
  8. comply

    510 and R35

    Doesn't everyone? :lol: Mine sits in the back seat of my 510.
  9. comply

    510 and R35

    You need to fill the hole in your driver's side-skirt with a side-exit exhaust :D:D Edit: P.s. I love the look of your 510
  10. Alright, so I went to pick it up and checked my oil when I got there. It's got too much oil in it(oops). So I'm going to drain some out tomorrow since it's too dark to do anything tonight, and I'll see if Auto Zone will let me use a compression tester. The rest of the tools I'm pretty sure I have somewhere. Thanks for all the help guys :) I'll let you know how it all goes. And thanks for the in-depth explanation Phlebmaster, that's just what I needed. I can now visualize what to do annnnd will do that tomorrow after I drain the oil.
  11. I don't know what 'ok' looks like as I've never been able to watch someone tear it down and ask questions about it and such. I'll watch the video again though. :)
  12. Doh. I'll have to bring it into a shop to check all of that stuff.
  13. I appreciate the help Hainz, but I have no idea what any of that means lol lash pad? and where's the pvc valve? I'm going to have to tear my engine down to figure this stuff out, huh?
  14. My car died yesterday. It started making a ticking/clanking noise then lost power. When I opened the hood there was quite a bit of smoke coming from the valve cover and out of the breather filter on it. I had checked the oil the previous night and topped it off and also checked it when this incident occurred. My temp was running high-ish but always does. My dad seems to think it's a valve problem. I have no idea.
  15. How hard is it to change from electronic distributor to a setup like that?
  16. These two are win, and so true :lol::lol: "I need this part" 'whats the year and model of the car?' "Well it's a 1971 Datsun 510, but the front suspension is off a 280zx" 'we need more info than that' ":("
  17. Don't have any more info than its an SR5?
  18. Pretty much stock setup :( I just drove to my roommates parents house last night. 70 miles, half a tank of gas. :| something's wrong
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